Sunday, February 15, 2015

Prophecy by Sadhu Sundar Selvaraj for 2015

image credit Binfind

Our Father's revelations for 2015 through Sadhu. Read the details on: bomb blasts in many places, "flood" is coming, persecutions, Syria, the mark of the beast, Palestine and child bombers, "love jihad, devastation in the world, the present POPE, turbulence in the east and west ocean, powers of heaven will be shaken, changes in the animal kingdom, angels will be more apparent in churches, people will hear angels blowing the trumpet, Russia will conquer another city, Russia will make a new record in space program, another earthquake coming for Japan.

In all the above cases, pray as a group, (Matthew 18:19 "Again, truly I tell you that if two of you on earth agree about anything they ask for, it will be done for them by my Father in heaven. Bible Hub)

Sadhu said that the year 2014 was a year filled with pain, tears, lamentation and helplessness. There were disasters like earthquake, hurricane in America and typhoon in various parts of the world, persecutions among the people of the world and the children of God. 

In the Philippines there were great destruction in some places.
In Malaysia, three air crashes happened.
Terrorist groups, Boko Haram from Nigeria, ISIS from Syria, grew.Their purpose is to have a Caliphate (Muslim Empire) in the Middle East, Turkey to Saudi Arabia which the Lord promised to Abraham.

They behead pastors, believers, children, women.  In India, there is a campaign to covert Christians back to Hinduism. Done in peace, but will  there peace  in the future?
Questions are asked. Where is God?
The Lord will give you comfort. Joy, gladness, and thanksgiving will be found in you. Though it will appear to be wilderness.

The year 2015:

1.There will be many bomb blasts and shouts of cry from many places; peace will be removed from many places, horrible incidents, disasters, persecutions to happen.

2.If a flood is coming, build a dam now (spiritually) So raise the level of holiness. Intimacy with the Lord should be increased. Conduct should be holy, just and righteous. (Gen 17:1 Walk with me with a perfect heart.,)Then you will be saved from the evil that will come.

3, Few will die as martyrs, the rest need not suffer persecution.

4. Build a fortress around our  youngsters. Analyze our spirituality. Have we fulfilled our covenant with the Lord? Is there an oath not fulfilled? Or have you disobeyed the Lord. Have you corrected them? If so, you will stay safe with the Lord. Our calling should be to become  His son and daughter. Only then are we called a believer. If the relationship is broken, it has to be  mended. We should not kneel down in prayer or read the Bible only as a duty. The Bible is the heart of our Father. We should know His nature.
If naughty things are not corrected, it will pass from generation to generation.

5. Syria 
Children in Syria are beheaded and slaughtered.
The souls of the martyrs stretch their hands toward the Lord. asking for judgment and vengeance against those on earth. The Lord is aware of the destruction caused by ISIS.

6. Guard your soul from wicked corruptions. There will be a deception in faith. Faith will be denied because of fear of death.,for survival.No matter what, stand firm for the Lord. If you have no faith, you are a coward and will accept the mark. Deny the mark at all cost. Not to live but to die for the Lord. So be ready for the testing of fire!

7. Palestine
Children become suicide bombers, explosives carried on the stomach of  teens 13 to 17 years old. These teens control the remote control to detonate the bomb. Their courage come from their religion, to die for Allah! The mother indoctrinates the child while nursing him, teaching him that Israelites are dogs to be killed for Allah. Said teaching is given in their mosque and commit their lives. For what? TO GO TO HELL!

We yield ourselves to world pleasures where there is pride, jealousy, evil eye. We put our hearts on riches, properties, fame! We have to change, be ready to receive our God.

If the churches are united, we can overcome the black dragon. Unity will win.

8. Love Jihad
Young Muslim men target young Hindu and Christian women to fall for them and marry them but be converted to Islam.

9. Devastation in the world

10. The present pope (as revealed by the Lord)
 Beware of the pope. He is a hypocrite. He is a tiger clothed as a lamb. If you look at what he did, his doctrine and speech, were never spoken by previous popes.Roman Catholic churches never accepted homosexuals. But after he came he legalized it. He said this recently: "Lord Yeshua is not the only way to heaven. There are many ways and beliefs and according to each one's belief and hope, one is assured of heaven."
He has taken great efforts to unite all religions and to make a common religion.

The Bible says that a false prophet  would come in the last days. the false prophet will unite all the religions and head all the religions. His actions reveal all that.

11. Turbulence in the east and west ocean. The waves will roar, taking many lives.

12. Powers of heaven will be shaken - Meteors will blast and there will be meteor shower in many parts of the world.,

13. Changes in the animal kingdom - They become more angry and furious and will start to take vengeance on human lives.

In many cities around the world, the wild animals crossed their territory from forest went into the cities and places where humans reside.

The Lord promises 14 blessings if the Isralites obey, but 28 curses if they disobey. And one of them is the animals will devour you.

14. People will hear the angel's blowing of the trumpet here, there and in many places.

15. The day when the evil one will be revealed is not far away. We can see the works of the evil one right now.

16. The presence of angels in churches would be more apparent.They will start the process of sanctification among the believers.  When you are listening to the teaching in the church, when you are in the worship sessions, these angels would stir up your heart to become holy and remove all the unholy things.They will give you thoughts and advice to turn your way towards holiness. There will be revival among the children. They will rise up as warriors. Their prophecies will increase. Horses and horses with chariots will also be seen. These are the means of transport for the army of the Lord.

17 Another earthquake for Japan. pray for Japan.We have received blessings through the tech of Japan.

18. Russia will conquer another city like how it conquered two cities of Ukraine.

19. Russia to make a new record in space research thereby establishing its strength among nations.

20. The Lord gives us  revelation so we could stand up against evil and pray. We should assume responsibility.LET US CONSECRATE THE WHOLE YEAR TO GOD!