Thursday, October 6, 2011

The Transfiguration as Described by Moses

Moses described the Transfiguration of the Lord  at Mt. Sinai 1600 years ago to Pastor E. Scott:

Moses continued and said; "Only a short distance from us was a bright cloud suspended a little way above, but really it was settling down upon the mount.  It reminded me very much of the cloud that went before us in the wilderness and led the hosts of Israel in their journeys.  We quickly left the chariot and the angels standing by its side, and proceeded to the place over which the cloud hung.  As we came near we had the first glimpse of Him who was both God and man.  He had clothed Himself in the livery of heaven for the occasion.  We found Him on His knees in prayer and somewhat hidden behind some low shrubbery.  The three disciples were kneeling near Him, but were so overcome with the glory that they seemed asleep.  He arose and met us with a most cordial greeting, and the place was so resplendent with glory that it seemed we might have been still about the throne itself.  It did seem passing strange to think we were upon the earth again.  We knew the time had arrived when He should become the great sacrifice for the world’s redemption.  I had foreshadowed Him by the manifold shadows of the law.  Indeed, I saw something of His majesty and the glory of His kingdom when in a figure God made my face to shine like the sun on Mount Sinai, with which, no doubt, you are familiar, for it was faithfully written." (Exodus 34:29)
"Oh!  I remember it quite well," I replied, "and have often made reference to it as typifying the beauty of moral character."
"Very true," said Moses, "but it also foreshadowed the transfiguration scene and the future period yet to come, and which, we are informed, is near at hand, when the millennial glory of Christ is to appear upon the earth and all the saints shall share in the glory, a glimpse of which was seen on the Holy Mount....more at "Chap 13, The Transfiguration