Friday, October 21, 2011

No Language Barrier in Spiritual Realm

You will read thoughts and understand it as it is spoken.Moreover, there is no language barrier in heaven.

It seemed most wonderful to me upon finding that I could converse with perfect ease and freedom with anyone I met, although we had been accustomed to different languages and tongues while on earth, and often had to speak through interpreters; but now I found, since I had laid aside the material for the spiritual, I could easily understand the thoughts of anyone.  As rapidly as he could think I could read his thoughts.  Matters of detailed explanation were not needed or required as I had been accustomed to while in the flesh, for if a subject was plain to any one with whom I was conversing, it seemed that at once it was just as clear to my own mind, so I was quite surprised to find how rapidly I could take in a knowledge of the spiritual realm, and yet a second surprise constantly met me: that of the great depth of divine truth.

For instance, many things I had learned from the Holy Scriptures, while in my flesh, were now opened with a depth of meaning I had never seen before.  I could compare it to nothing better than to great layer after layer and strata upon strata of precious mineral rock, so that the deeper down and the further on one went, the more precious became the ore and the finer the metal.  I said to the elder by my side, "How is this?" He quickly and smilingly replied, "God never gives the best He has to give; you will find later on, that truth is unfathomable." I now felt myself like a little fish just launching out from the mouth of a great river into a great and boundless ocean without a shore to be seen or depth that could be sounded.