Friday, October 28, 2011

No Toil, no Sweat in Heaven, but Joyful Employment

Whatever work you do on earth, whether agriculturist, teacher, mechanic,etc, you will enjoy  similar work in heaven for the benefit of all!

He continued, "Man has been created in the likeness and image of the Triune God.  In his creation he was lower than the angels, but in his redemption and glorification he is their equal and in some respects their superior.  All these great hosts of the redeemed are the bride of our Lord and He is complete only in them; which is His fulness and very precious to Him.  Have you not noticed how completely in His image we are?"

"Indeed," I replied, "and who could have believed when we were children playing in the dirt and dusk of the earth, that all this exaltation and glory was in store for us.  We were taught about heaven, but how little we conceived of its glory and grandeur."

"Sure enough," said the elder, "you have seen but little of our Father’s house and the many mansions it contains.  Tell me where you have been.  Maybe I can help you still further in the unfoldings and knowledge of this great kingdom of God."

"Well," said Daniel, "you have only seen the threshold of your inheritance when compared to the vastness and greatness of the provisions for you.  But as to what is before you, eternity is short enough to show it all.  But be assured that your enlarging cup of enjoyment will always be full.  You have noticed how completely free you are from unrest and without aches or pains of any kind and that no distress or trouble burdens or haunts you here, such as we all experienced so much while in the earth, but these things are all passed away, and your appreciation of heaven is greatly increased by the bitter cups of your earthly life."

"You will have such needed employment here as will make life the most real.  The government and business of your earthly life was but a preparation for and a little reflex of heaven.  There is no toil here, like the sweat of our brow of which we used to know so much, but a joyful employment of all the powers of the soul to further the interest of all about us."

"Whatever you were most accustomed to do on earth will aid in your busy life in heaven.  Were you in the agricultural departments of the earth, then you will often enjoy your visits to the plains, valleys, hills and mountains of paradise.  These with their abounding fruitfulness and scenery will be of great delight to you and with the increasing multitudes gathering here from the earth, enlarged provisions are constantly being made for them in which you will delight to share."

"Have you been a teacher, then you will greatly relish the service of instructing those who have just come from terrestrial shores to this eternal kingdom...
more at Chap 34, Last Visit with Daniel