Friday, January 29, 2016

Loving Lions in Heaven & (Your Hearts Desires)


The Lord is so close to us, Heartdwellers, and so solicitous for our care and taking care of us and preparing our hearts.

 Most people don't realize what the enemy is doing when they have a real fascination and affection for something, be it a hobby, animals, people, whatever. It brings them comfort to engage themselves with it. But there comes a time when it is no longer healthy but an escape from reality.

"This is why I have warned you all that temptations are being prepared for you. If the enemy can get you off what is important, then opportunities I give you for souls will go by without you taking advantage of them and bringing them to the Me, giving them comfort, and a word that could turn their hearts towards Me."

You know, guys, just as an aside. I remember now. I've been one of these people ... You know? Probably everyone has a side like this, where I'd get fascinated with something and I'd just dive into it, whole hog, headfirst. And REALLY get off on a tangent. I'd just take it and go and RUN with it! Then I'd get tired of it, and I'd wonder, 'What in the world was I so taken up with about that??' And I'd realize, wow. That was a sidetrack, that was pulling me away from something else I should have been doing. For a while I thought music was going to be something like that, so I was very, very careful, along with Ezekiel, to discern whether I was supposed to be sitting and writing music. Because I didn't want it to be another thing that just drew me off and I was sidetracked direction, wasted time. So, I can see what the Lord is saying, you know. There's a tendency to find comfort in things outside of the Lord.

The Lord continued and He said, "Suffice it to say, My Bride, if you deny yourself now, I promise that in Heaven, soon enough, you will have all you ever dreamt of or wanted. Instantaneously! And it will never be taken from you. I know you have seen your Collie in Heaven and she is waiting for you, in fact, very impatiently!"

Yes, I had seen her behind Jesus and to His right barking and jumping from right to left. Obviously excited to see me!

He continued, "Oh, the wonders of My Creation...they abound like nothing you've ever experienced and they are yours to enjoy forever. So, My Brides, if you deny yourself just a little bit longer, you will all have your dreams come true when I bring you to the place I've prepared very individually, very especially, just for each of you.

"Is it too much to ask for you to wait just a little while? Oh, that sacrifice is so pleasing to Me. I'm not saying there will be no more comfort from creatures. I'm just advising you not to allow the enemy to use compulsion to distract you away from each of your missions.

"I have marvellous heart-warming surprises laid up for all of you...and they are just as eager to see you as you are to see them."

And after the Lord said that, a Scripture was quickened to me:

Romans 8:22-23 We know that the whole creation has been groaning as in the pains of childbirth right up to the present time. Not only so, but we ourselves, who have the first-fruits of the Spirit, groan inwardly as we wait eagerly for our adoption to sonship, the redemption of our bodies.

The Lord bless you all. We truly have some wonderful things to look forward to!

Please read more

Source: Heartdwellers