Saturday, May 30, 2015

My Presence in Your Marriage, Jesus Speaks on Marriage

                                      May 28, 2015

My children I did not make you for more than one mate. I made you to be united to the one of My choosing all the days of your life and to find joy in one another's arms and company. 
An excerpt and a transcription of the Lord Jesus' message on marriage:

Jesus:  I want to talk about the marriage bed, by marriage bed I mean the relationships  you're in right now, your marriages. Some of you have defiled your marriage bed  by thinking of other people rather than your spouse when you're having relations. This is a very common sin that eventually leads to adultery and of course the scripture says that is adultery. My children I did not make you for more than one mate. I made you to be united to the one of My choosing all the days of your life and to find joy in one another's arms and company. But you tend to grow weary and bored with your beloved whom I have chosen and you become lax in your relationship and do not show the marks of affection or do the things that please Me, to draw closer to one another. Sometimes I call you to set aside your work as I did tonight with Exequiel and Clare to spend time together just being there for one another and ensuring what I have done in your lives: your children, your animals, your homes and the simple things.

Clare: Now we're very sweet tonight. We came home and walked the cats and the dogs the second time and set out in the field with them and while they played in sagebrush just watch this, sky dimming and turning into the evening. It was very calming and refreshing.

Jesus: Even your special time with Me is to draw one another into your espousal relationship which rather than vying against your spouse. I bring you closer to your spouse.
If you have a serious problem in your marriage that is not being resolved in you're spending more time with Me to escape the boredom, you're not balanced. I want you to have fun with your mate. And I'm not talking about marital relations but marital relationships. I'm present through your spouse. How I hunger for the love between souls to grow. I inhabit the space, it brings me joy. Can you not feel My presence in one another? I am there,truly there in the celebration of your love. Too many use work in spirituality as an escape from the less satisfying marriage. The tender feelings you have for your spouse originate in My heart and I have My way of lavishing love on them as well. You need this outpouring of love and concern for one another. It is healing and sanctifying for both of you. I fill you with the very real intention of seeing you lavish it  on other souls especially your husbands and wives when healing is needed. Sometimes healing is administered through showing that you care enough to go out and eat together, watching  movie together or play with your animals or one another. This brings balance and makes for a well rounded life. A well rounded life is able to carry others. It is when you become lopsided and escape through your work, the damage is done to yourselves and to one another. So, I am asking you make this a week of being devoted to your spouse when you have the urge to work or clean or do other time-consuming activities. Exercise special control and do something together to show how much you care. Let them express what they want to and follow their lead. Too often couples are selfish with one another and exert their preferences on their partner. Rather than do that, deny yourself and engage in what pleases them and I will bless you both. Regardless of the shortness of time, still there is an  example to be made on your children on how to love sacrificially while totally enjoying yourself. This they will hold in remembrance and will give them a good foundation on how to yield to one another and have a healthy marriage.

I want to bless you now with the desire for selfless love for the soul I have entrusted to you in matrimony.

Ask yourself, what would Jesus do, how would He yield and care for the one He has given His heart to. Just as Paul exhorted you:husbands love your wives just as Christ also loves the church and gave Himself up for her so that He might sanctify her having cleansed her by the washing of  water with the Word. It is so little understood that marriage is preparation in heaven. Love is so very intense  and all consuming in the bonding stages of marriage, in order that when trials come. you will both cleave to one another and show the respect due to one another.
In your culture so many are looking for illicit sexual pleasure. That is not love, it is simply lust and the desire for more stimulation. That is not  what I created marriage to be. It grows deeper and deeper and farther and farther away from the flesh as the years pass. It transcends physical pleasure and blossoms into spiritual sanctity whereby both parties become ready for heaven. 
So take this week to honor Me. Remember the purpose I brought you together with your spouse for. And that I have called you into a sacred trust to love and prepare one another for My coming. 

For those who have unconverted spouses, the very best thing you can do for your mate is to leave behind the fragrance of My love.

The Prayer

Friday, May 29, 2015

Heaven: Jesus shares about worship, recreation and food in Heaven

                                            May 26, 2015

How beautiful to be in heaven: no decay, no bacteria, growth is not beyond maturity, trees are singing, no human waste, never to relieve yourself.
An excerpt and a transcription of the Lord's message

Jesus: Oh My sweet sweet dove, how eagerly  I look forward to your parting with earth. That means that forever more I shall have your attention and be able to keep it too.

Clare: I can't imagine having an attention span like that as much as I tend to drift off in the la-la land.

Jesus: You won't be drifting anymore, you will be in la-la land.

Clare: And I won't to drink cappuccinos to keep my focus, right?

Jesus: No, but you'll have them anyway, made from the choicest beans from the mountains of heaven and oh the ice cream is out of this world.

Clare: I don't doubt that.

Jesus: No, I'm serious ice cream you've never, never had on earth. I promise there's nothing in your experience like it.

Clare: I liked that rose favorite ice cream we had once in the Middle Easter restaurant.

Jesus:  Oh you have your fill of that

Clare: How does that work, Lord?

Jesus: Do you really want to now?

Clare: Only if You want to tell me.

Jesus: Sure. In heaven your body is ethereal and real. There's no such thing as human waste. No water closets, no toilets in heaven. You never have to relieve yourself.

Because you are in another dimension where there is no decay or growth beyond maturity, there are no dead cells, no bacteria nothing  of that sort. Food in a manner of speaking is eaten and enjoyed, it travels to your body as if inhaled. It has very little bearing on your body's composition or state. Good news, you won't get fat from sweets. You will be slender and perfect as I made you to be. There are no hormonal abnormalities, no environmental stress on the body, mind or senses. It's pure harmonious bliss.

Everything in heaven is run on thought and desire. All desires are pure and godly.  Even a desire to enjoy food is godly. No, I better put it this way for you gourmets. It is very godly to enjoy food. Why, because My being derives pleasure from seeing your pleasure, because My heart is so in love with those who have given Me their all that I want to give them My all and when they returned thanks it's praise and   form of worship.  Allow Me to explain. You see when you appreciate, truly appreciate from the heart knowing the source is Me, when you appreciate anything, you are in fact worshipping Me. On earth I ask you to abstain many times because your flesh  in carnal nature and the environment is so full of demons that can very easily get out of hand and contaminate your desire with  carnality but not in heaven. They are delight to seeing you patting you lion , sipping capuccino and delighting in the trees that sing to you.

Clare:  The trees singing to us?

Jesus: Oh, yes, they love to sing to you. Don't you know all creation sings? You just haven't tuned to their frequency. but in heaven you'll have access to all frequencies.

Jesus:  I delight giving you glimpses.
What is there to say, there are those employed in the preparation of food because they love to work with the flavors and sanctified senses that are stimulated by food. But in heaven food never becomes the focus. The glory of the Father is always the focus, always.
You heard from Jesse Duplantis, we're constantly coming in  and going forth from one another and the love exchange resounds in heaven with even the tiniest of creatures up later grasps response and worshipful sounds and even no eating is worshipful. The soul is so drawn back to the Father that the longing to be in His presence worshipping soon overtakes the enjoyment of food, You see it's circular, everything returns to the Father and to us. We created the milieu.[ when He says the milieu, He's talking about the atmosphere in heaven] so your desires are instantly realized in appreciation and recognition of the source. Then you return thanks to us and so there's a constant atmosphere of worship but nothing compares to the pure essence of pure worship and so everyone wants to be in the throne room.

Clare: How does it work, I mean how does everyone fit in the throne room?

Jesus:  This goes beyond your understanding of dimensions. There are dimensions upon dimensions, upon dimensions and there's always room for one more. But remember that  in heaven everyone is serving in different capacities so worship and its timing for each individual is very orderly although it never  does a soul has to wait for comfort. Comfort is always there when it is needed.

Clare: But I thought in heaven no one ever suffers?

Jesus:  There is continuous joy but there's also the awareness that things are not completed. There's work to be done, and on the way to completion there's empathy and in empathy there is pain and pain needs comfort,

Clare: Lord, does this happen a lot?

Jesus:  Unfortunately until the end of the millennium it will occur far more than we would like it to but it's part of what keep everyone serving but it's not the kind of pain on earth where things are dark, foreboding, depressive, oppressive. No, in heaven there's hope and remedy on the way. There are needs and all are constantly serving  many needs on earth. Prayers are being offered, healings are happening, music is being imparted straight from heaven. There are no needs for the citizens of heaven. All needs are met abundantly but those on earth and in transition to coming here that the angels and saints see to. That is something I will not go into details at this time. Suffice it to say that all are very alive and focused on the work entailed in ministering salvation to souls, the salvation I accomplished on the cross.

There are times when the windows of heaven are closed and there is in the manner of speaking retreat time, a time of rest from the awareness of   the needs of earth.  This is something the Father determines. It is usually a time of extreme joy and celebration without aware of things outside of heaven.

Clare: Lord, I thought no one got tired in heaven.

Jesus: Oh no, that's a misconception, There's always comfort and refreshment in heaven, but laboring for souls can take a heavy toll especially when spiritual warfare is in progress. In your terms everything is very electrical even as I have shown you how lightning is a sign of warfare in the first heaven. That's our atmosphere.

There are exchanges of energy that are damaging but in heaven repairs
is always happening. And yes there are beds in heaven just for reclining and refreshment. There are energy dynamics that on earth most  are not familiar with. Why do you suppose I made this as a hammock in the forest. Oh yes, there are time of refreshment and recreation many such time. Clare, it is not to be imagined on this earth to delights I've prepared especially and exclusively for each soul. Really I want to see them overwhelmed with wonder in My love for for them.

Now My bride I have  given you a glimpse of  the joy that lays ahead. Do not grow apprehensive as clouds appear on the horizon rather delight yourself in My promises to you. The darker it gets, the sooner My arrival. I impart to you this night the capacity for unending joy even in trial for My hand has formed you dear ones and to each I am part and quickened what their souls need. Eyes has not seen, but now that I have told you lock it securely away in your hearts and ponder it often.


What can I say, 
here in Your presence
I owe my life
here in Your presence
You are mine
I am Yours
You are gone
I am yours

Lord, who am I
Here in Your presence
I vow my life
here in Your presence

You are gone
I am Yours 2x
I am Yours 3x

Repeat 3

I Have Gone To Prepare a Place for You,The Last Leg of Your Journey

April 26, 2015

Knowing what to expect in heaven: effortless work, no pain, no sorrow, supernatural communication by thoughts, we can can fly about, beautiful, glorious surroundings with animals as our companions waiting for us, and more. Who wouldn't want to be right with our brothers and GOD? Let's do it, right now.

An excerpt and a transcription of the Lord's message:

Jesus:  To those I have given the key to My heart, I will nurture and protect them in all their ways.
After the Rapture

In heaven I've prepared a wonderful abode for each of My precious brides. I have discriminating taste, you know.

Clare: Yes, I've noticed Lord.

Jesus: Each palace is perfect for each one of you. I have made  notes of all your tastes, colors, textures, animals, architecture, favorite flowers and gardens in natural surroundings. Some of you prefer apartment-type dwellings and what I have prepared for you, you will love. Some of you love the dessert waiting to you  see the cactus plants I have grown for you blooming continuously with your favorite colored flowers, waterfalls in canyons, water bluer than the sky, with shades of green and aqua dancing. You will love your palace.

Some of you love the beach for you have chosen  favorite shells, sizes and colors, iridescence and  even sparkles, giant ferns and broad-leaf jungle plants, stately palm trees and fresh coconuts. You'll never get over the lavishness of your dwelling. And for those who love the mountain forest, well, you'll have to talk to Clare about that or read their book.

You will be utterly amazed: heart shaped lakes, colorful fish that love to be patted, turtles that will ride you around exploring the underwater, crystals in caves, forest animals you'll love gingerly walking alongside  you; those with their fawns elk, bear, cougar. All your favorite animals waiting for you.

Oh how they are waiting too. Believe it or not, they are filled with expectation waiting for their human companions.

Clare: And he quickened  the scripture to me at that point: 
Romans 8:19   For the creation waits in eager expectation for the children of God to be revealed, for the creation was subjected to frustration not by its own choice but by the will of the one who subjected it in hope that creation itself will be liberated from its bondage to decay and brought into the freedom and glory of the children of God.

Jesus: They know your name, who you are. They will communicate with you  their feelings and desires to create an atmosphere  of pure bliss, and oneness with all of creation. Just as it written, everything has been filled to overflowing with love and therefore everything overflows with love.

What I have waiting for you, My brides will bowl you over in its entirety. You will indeed be dazed for days although time is perceived differently, but you will be bowled over as you discover every little detail I have created for you.

Butterflies of your favorite color, birds with elaborate plumage, bees that sing and share their honey generously even flying about in a heart shape just to tell you they are filled with My love. Those creatures man has used as symbols of evil will be revealed in their former innocence as I created them to console you and be a part of the ecosystem such as owls, snowy owls, falcons.

In heaven there is no death or dying, but there is birth,  in a mystery I will not enfold to you as  yet. I would like to save some surprises for you.

I have created food for you in heaven that will replace everything you love on earth but has its source outside of animal flesh. There's no killing of animals in heaven, not fish, bird or mammal. As you might have guessed, heaven is enormous. There are planes, within planes, within planes, dimensions within dimensions. There are vehicles in heaven as well as horses and giant birds. Although you'll be able to move about in the air freely, you will not be burdened even when you walk. Everything will be totally without effort or pain.  For some of you this will be a revelation as life is so painful to you now on earth.

The instruments you will have in heaven are light as a feather but do an enormous  amount of work much like what you have now. But you will also be assigned with angels with instruments. Any sound you desire, they will be able to reproduce very spontaneously, I might add. They will hear what's in your mind and execute it flawlessly. communication will be supernatural, totally supernatural. Truly, everything in heaven is effortless.

There is so much exchange of gifts, communication, songs and movies.

Clare: There's movie making in heaven?

Jesus: Yes, there's story telling and creative outlets for sharing that will totally surpass anything on earth. And the easiest part is that they will permanently recorded on the tapes in heaven, a vehicle for recording permanence just  we have books and a library.

We have recordings both audio and visual. However, there will be many live performances by the angels who will serve as characters and helpers in the whole process.

You can't even begin to imagine what I have in store for you Clare.
You will absolutely love the worship and being a part of that. It will be next to impossible to pry you away from worship.

Just strengthen  them for the last leg of their journey. You will consider that your present sufferings  are not worth comparing with the glory that will be revealed in you. Truly the scripture will be fulfilled. Well hopefully you will all drinking My Words and gaze upon the heaven that awaits you. Tell them about our prayer time tonight.

Clare:  That's when I share  with  you about the swing, about the swing in the gardens of heaven, its exquisite colors and textures and fragrances; really, really beautiful and so peaceful and so joyful.  It's almost as if those flowers were singing. It was such a sweet, sweet environment. The only thing that was lacking was the presence of my You Tube family. I really, really long to share that with you.

Jesus: Someday that vision will include  them and we will rejoice together, but for now My sweet brides, men and women all, take comfort that I have gone to prepare a place for you so that we may live the true fullness of life in one another's company.  Be strengthened and encouraged. I Am coming soon. 

Worship, How Great Thou Art

Tuesday, May 26, 2015

Confusion is Coming To This Land, Could we be June Brides?

                                       May 24. 2015

An excerpt and transcription of the Lord's message:

Clare: I have a strong presentiment  that we're gonna be June brides.

Moving on to what is going on, the Lord has been more grieved than  I have ever seen Him. Today, he came to me  weeping and sobbing for what He must shortly do. Oh, dear brides keep dear Jesus sweet company.Wipe those tears away and let the fragrance of your love completely enfold Him. He needs us now more than ever.

Carol has pointed out to me that many things are coming to a head in June. I am concerned about the disruption of communication which we are already seeing on You Tube. And other people are reporting problems with password set, suddenly have been changed and worked just fine for weeks and all of a sudden now they don't work. And it seems strange to me that memorial day was brought forward by a week. What's up with that? Well everything that is to transpire in this country has been scripted and something is definitely moving along and in the works. And as I was thinking  these things, the Lord began to speak to me.

Jesus:  There will be confusion, increasing confusion in communication. A landline is a good idea. However,  Clare, you are not their god. They must start looking to Me not you. I know that's what you want as well, and yes they need each other too but ultimately faith is a very intimate and private thing and  that moment when it's most needed, no one can replace it.

Clare:  I'll take a moment here and say guys this is really important that you're going to have to start really finding your own answers and communicating between one another because we're getting such a landslide of communications that we can't keep up with it at all. It's impossible, nobody could keep up with it. You know when you've got 90  emails in your box and you won't take the time with everyone, forget it. So, it's really gotten to a proportion of being an emergency for us, and it's beginning to affect our health. So we have some remedies for that that were gonna share with you at the end here. But anyway, the Lord definitely  wants all of you to look to Him more and less to each other and except for maybe networking in prayer. That's something that we can always do together, if we can communicate that is.
As these things unfold, the Lord continued.

Jesus: Great faith will be needed to believe that I am coming for you. I am, I am, oh yes, with all my heart I tell you I am coming. You are My bride and I am coming.
I was weeping for all that will be lost as things commends. Oh, how I dreaded this day. This time [Clare: at that point He just cried and sobbed, and sobbed, and sobbed] oh My people get straight with Me, clean up your lives. Don't be caught in this moment unprepared. I'm coming and I'm taking My bride with Me and I am am leaving those who are not ready. Weep and wail oh people, you will be left behind if you have not repented of your sins and made it right with your brother and your God. I'm not speaking to those of you I've chosen for this mission. I am speaking to My lukewarm churches, those who'd lived for themselves and not sought Me out above all other things in their lives.

The coming confusion of staged events  unfolding one after another are to bring the public to their knees and dependence upon the government. When things get rough, don't turn to the government turn to God. Repent for it's soon upon you. Whatever  you've been holding on to, let it go. Whatever you you've been doing, repent, that I might have mercy on you. It will not be long you'll see troops in every of your country and not all of them will be yours. Yes, foreigners who hate Americans will be used to bring order and conformity. This is not an easy message Clare. But people must be prepared for it's soon to descend upon them and I'm using your calm and gentle voice to warn them. 

All of these things have been planned to unfold in tight order that you might be overwhelmed and insecure. This will set off riots and food crisis in places that have never known this kind of disorder. There will those who are specially trained to set off riots, planted in different areas to stir trouble and disorder so martial law can be declared.

Clare:  Right after He said that, I got distracted over the problems we're having in communication and taking care of everybody.

Jesus: Concerning this big problem you're dealing with right now overwhelm. I just you to do your best with what you have  right now.

Clare: He basically instructed us that we're not going to have time for everyone, so got to have to put a stop to it somehow.

Jesus: Yet I don't you completely cut off from the people. Just disable comments for every other video, that will help.

Clare:  So that's what we're gonna do, every other video we will disable the comments and if we can't  keep up with that then we'll have to go every third video. We'll just try that and see if things will slow down a little bit.
At this point, please if you see someone that's rude or crude or whatever, disruptive, please take the time to gently and lovingly correct them and let Carol know right away that there's a problem so she can deal with that.

We're definitely keeping comments in some form on the videos because we want you to be able to communicate with each other as well.

Jesus: Tell your people to network with each other using all forms of communication: mail, phone, Internet, and landlines are very useful when nothing else works.

Clare: Just to clarify: a landline is a normal telephone that you get from your local telephone company where they hardwire right into your house and wire goes straight to your phone, there's no electronic digital communication on a landline. It's  just strictly an ordinary old fashioned telephone in case anyone is wondering what a landline was. And the other consideration  about a landline is that it be a normal phone, not a digital phone or an electronic remote phone, just an ordinary phone with a cord on it. That way when  electricity is down, you'll still be able to communicate with folks.

Jesus  Remember that I am your God and I have your answers. Seek Me until you find Me. 

Clare: And then He gave me a moment to share with you, I just want to say,dear family, I can't possibly communicate with all of you at this point. It is simply humanly impossible. So I am offering you another plan to help you find the answers you need, but not from me. I'll be able to communicate with a few people and try to spread it out in a fair way when I see comments you know they really need attention. Please begin by finding people on You Tube that you really trust, especially on our channel. Find the people on our channel that you're drawn to and that you see some holiness in their life and begin a relationship with them as a prayer partner, whatever. That will give you someone else to communicate with, maybe pick two or three people like that. That's what we've done, we reached out to several people to spread the load a little bit, it's been wonderful.  Network  with those on our channel that you can really relate to by cellphones and landline telephones for those who have them as well as physical addresses  to stay in touch when they put the system down. I know the Lord said He would not permit complete end to the Internet but there will be interruptions at very key times and communicating by telephone landlines will keep your sense of community somewhat intact.
Clare: And then He gave me a moment to share with you, I just want to say,dear family, I can't possibly communicate with all of you at this point. It is simply humanly impossible. So I am offering you another plan to help you find the answers you need, but not from me. I'll be able to communicate with a few people and try to spread it out in a fair way when I see comments you know they really need attention. Please begin by finding people on You Tube that you really trust, especially on our channel. Find the people on our channel that you're drawn to and that you see some holiness in their life and begin a relationship with them as a prayer partner, whatever. That will give you someone else to communicate with, maybe pick two or three people like that. That's what we've done, we reached out to several people to spread the load a little bit, it's been wonderful.  Network  with those on our channel that you can really relate to by cellphones and landline telephones for those who have them as well as physical addresses  to stay in touch when they put the system down. I know the Lord said He would not permit complete end to the Internet but there would be interruptions at very key times and communicating by telephone landlines will keep your sense of community somewhat intact.

 Next, use our playlist to find your answers to your questions. I would say that 99.8 of my emails are asking me questions that could have been answered  if they had known about and gone to the playlist and look to the video on each playlist, they would have found the answer. I'd like to share to anyone that asked me a question so I'll take my time to answer them. The answer that I give people is personal and sweet to be in communication with each of you, but it's the same thing that I put on the video. So, if you're finding the video that addresses your question, you're gonna get the answer quickly too, much quicker than when  I get back to you. You will find the description box below the video, you're going to find a link to our playlist and you can click on the playlist and it says show the video on the playlist, you click on that instead of the playlist itself and it will show all the videos and you go through them and decide which one you'll listen to and also the instruction for how to download and save things. And some of you have asked about getting MP3 of these teachings, it's so easy. All you have to do is go to Clip Crop, it's a free program on the Internet then download Clip Crop then get the address on the video which is in your address bar when you watch the video, you paste that in it gives you the option mp3 or mp4 so either music or movie you can download and then get this video, get this clip, now download it for you right on your computer. You can have it in either format, a video or mp3. It's just that easy and those instructions by the way are in the instruction box under every video to help you and the address of our blog and the address of our website. Everything you need to know is right there in the description box underneath each video. I put it there every single time. The other thing we wanted to tell you is we've been having one heck of a time with our mail through our website, but I think we got the kinks worked out. So if you had nothing but trouble with a website, webmail, I think that problem is solved. If you have a problem with it, please let me know. I think  we got it ironed it out but we don't, we'll  still work on it. Okay, use our playlist because if we can't answer personal communications is causing health problems for Exequiel and I and Carol and she can't keep up either and Lisa has a full time job. The Lord wants you to find your own answers and pray it through giving you all the tools I've had so look for them on our videos, playlist. And everyday I'm gonna be putting out a new work, God willing. So. I've just turned upside down and done double backflips to tell you how worthless and useless I am and you still think I got something to give you. Well, all I have is from God and He's wanting to give it to you as well. You just need to work a little harder to get it. Please don't be angry at me for this message. I really have to straighten this out with you. I will still try to help where I can but you're going to see me less. Otherwise, if I don't cut back, I won't be able to do any more videos so I have to withdraw. A little bit of distance to keep my sanity. So just to keep my health up and my sanity, you know this is what we have to do. Remember guys, He's in love with you, and He has your answers right there in His hands. He's living in your heart, He's standing at your right hand and He's carrying you all at once. What more could you want. I'm not your answer, He is. Jesus is your answer.

Remember our website and use it if You Tube goes down. We're going to start putting all our videos on our website totally independent of You Tube and that's a little bit of processing. If we don't get it completed, well at least for sure we'll have current video independent of You Tube if things should get really difficult.
That's about it. Then, I asked the Lord if there's anything else that you want to say?

Jesus:  My brides, I'm coming for you. Stand your ground, do not grow weary in well doing. In fact now, double your efforts to do good to others. Prayers and acts of kindness, more personal prayer time in cutting out the world more and more everyday. Please, please I'm in love with you. Do not withdraw in times of failure. Come running to My arms, I will receive you and pour clean water on you and tend to your wounds. Do not let the enemy steal our love away. Persevere and hide these things in your heart. I am forever with you.

I am parting the anointing to you now : clear thinking and tenacity and what you know is right, greater faith under trial and steadfast assurance.  I have spoken to your hearts and I will fulfil all I have told you. These words are faithful and true.

Worship, Still

Monday, May 25, 2015

Abba Father's Grief, call to prayer for the Middle East

May 20,  2015

An excerpt and transcription of Clare's [ Still Small Voice] musing.

Clare:   I believe  all or most of us have suffered terribly at the hands of our children who do not understand their dedication to God. Some of us have marriages that were not brought together by God. Some of us  married before we were Christians and as a result  were unequally yoked.

When the Lord brought us  into His kingdom, the dynamics in the family changed and they even discovered genetically that there's certain portions of their brain that are more disposed to God and if the Lord brings  you together with really a godly man and you are a godly woman, then I would imagine that those parts of your anatomy are fairly well matched and suited and  there's a pretty good chance that your offspring will be just like you but when you're brought in to a marriage or you step in to a marriage or relationship where there's not an equal yoke of spiritual mindedness,  you can anticipate all kinds of grief in the future.

As a result of those kinds of marriages , our  children are divided on the faith. As they observe one of the parents in disagreement with the other, and to make matters worse, the whole world is on the side of the ones who are not really interested in God. There's just tremendous opposition with every faith in raising your children. When we are in a marriage where we're not equally yoked, this is a situation for me. I did not marry according to God's will. I married according to the flesh and have four children. I got one that is holy, one that's an atheist and one that 's too busy for God and one that doesn't really care one way or the  other. So, it's an interesting mix. I get some solace from one that loves God, but the other ones  really don't understand me and think I'm nuts. As many people who listen to our channel also think I'm nuts. And to them I would say, I am a fool for Jesus. Who are you fool for? I don't mind being a fool or crazy as long as I am right with God. So, sticks and stones will break my bones, but names will never hurt me.

As this insight was given to me this morning by the Lord Jesus into His Father's heart, I realized the Lord has been doing such a skillful job of laying the groundwork for us to be able to see how terribly wounded and hurting He and Abba are about the outcome of the lives of these children they give birth to and send into the world to live out their own lives. Because the message previous to this one about the situation in Ramadi where beheadings are going on of Christians and of  Muslims  not of same sect as these Muslims. Oh, it's such a tragic situation, so tragic. Just checking the news on, Exequiel and I turned to absolute jello in reading what's been going on we could hardly walk. It was so terrifying and so sad. I see God our Father looking towards the horizon. Tears running down His cheeks, really children lost to the world. Day after day He looks for some signs of their return, but they only get deeper and deeper into the world. At Christmas, He looks for some life some kind of birthday card. But  nothing, it's stone cold. Father's day, nothing, not even a prayer,  just dead silence, it's a life of a child clings more and more to the world's way of celebrating holidays. I know what it feels like, and I think all of you as parents who have children in the world  not the least bit interested in God. I know what it feels like. So in my own children, it's just like this, not a sign of love or desire to have a relationship. I raised them to be Godly. I made mistakes  like all of us do, even some bad mistakes which I beat myself for every time I think of them. Until finally the Lord has come to me and told me, "it's not you that's the problem, they're in love with the world and the way the world does things and for that reason they're alienated from you". But I keep  praying and hoping for their return, I try not to connect with that profound well of grief in my heart for these poor children. I try to avoid it all cost and just let it go, but I can't totally get rid of it. It's a deep wound that will never heal until my children come back to God and I'm grateful that I taught them the most important thing  they needed to know about God in life and that was the thing that no one else would teach what to do: to pray, to trust God, to love Him and live a pure Godly life and in that profound grief I understand how the Father feels. He tenderly endowed  and gifted each of us for our own journey in life. We're coming from His very own substance. He dotes over us just like any other parent would. He finds profound joy by gazing upon our  precious little faces and watching us giggle and play joyfully while we discover the world He created for us. His hopes are so high for His children, but ultimately  the time comes when  he has to let go and let them fly to the destination of their own choosing. Still not for one moment does He take His watchful eyes off of them, not for one moment is He distracted away from the complete awareness of them and every circumstance they get themselves into. Know He's there when they make those deadly choices, He's there when they ignore their conscience, and get into bed with someone who is bound to break their hearts, He's there when they overdose on drugs and hang between life and death, He's there when when they wait and choose the mate that He prepared for them and celebrate with them with the births of their babies. With their hard-won accomplishments, He shares in even the tiniest details of their lives, bumps and bruises,  the pains of old age, smiles exchanged during a walk in the woods and beautiful autumn leaves fluttering down in the winds they take joy in, and spring flowers pressing up from the forest floor. From the littlest to greatest events, He's with us dreaming, dreaming His dreams for us, hoping His hopes for us, arranging details to help us choose the right thing. I imagine even if it were possible, hold His breath when we are about to make a decision, but of course He already knows where that decision will take us.

So to bring this around to full circle, here we are watching the slaughter of men, women, children; some guilty, some innocent, some dying as martyrs for Christ, some dying having never known Christ and going to eternal perdition where Father God, Abba, will never see them happy and thriving again. Oh, how terrible for Him. It's as if we lost a child who we knew we'd never see again, here or in the afterlife. The sweet innocent memories of his childhood lingering in photo albums and memories, but that one is no more. He's lost forever in eternal suffering. This is a tragedy that we're witnessing  in Abba's grieving heart right now. The other tragedy just like Rachel mourned  for her children for they were no more. Yet even Rachel had a hope of seeing them again in the life hereafter. So may go against the grain of  your humanity  to pray for Jihadists who've been raise with only one reality and these victims of senseless brutality. Father God Abba needs prayer for them and their family. He needs prayers so He can turn the tide and convert these thoroughly these indoctrinated souls before they're lost forever.

Let's have pity and pray for them. It goes against the grain to pray for enemies and those who are so brutal and senseless murdering. Just so brutal, it goes against the grain of our flesh, but we have to pray for them because these are souls that God created. He grieves deeply over what they're doing and how they'll be lost for eternity.

Just in closing, I want to remind you of a couple scriptures:

You shall love your neighbor and hate your enemy. But I say to you love your enemies and pray for those who persecute you so that you may be sons of your Father who is in heaven. And if you love those who love, what credit is that to you. Even sinners love those who love them, and if you do good to those who are good to you, what credit is that to you. Even sinners  do that, so love your enemies. Do good to them then your reward will be great and you'll be children of the most high because He is kind to the ungrateful and wicked. Be merciful just as your Father is merciful.

The Lord bless you all family, Just remember to lift them all up  in prayer.

Here I am to Worship

Friday, May 22, 2015

Ramadi ISIS, Jesus is Calling For Prayer: Carry them in Your Heart

                                              May 19, 2015

 ISIS flag, photo credit - pri

Jesus' message about Ramadi ISIS, a transcription.

Jesus:  I'm so deeply grieved for the slaughter of innocent men, women and children, little children, the heartless cruelty of these people is animalistic and not in doubt in men rather demonic in nature. My heart is just aching with grief for the souls that have been lost. Not just the Christians who are here with Me but those who did not believe and are at  this moment burning in hell. The loss of life is staggering, senseless and an act of  Satan. How I mourn for those I will  never see again who did not have a chance to repent, who were raised in complete ignorance and lies.

Clare:  Lord, isn't there a way to reach them even in moment of death?

Jesus: They are so entrenched in these lies, Even when I give them a chance they spit on Me. They are truly ruined from birth. They are taught to hold guns from ages three and four and applauded for hating and wanting to kill. They are encouraged day and night to be ruthless and full of hatred for  the infidels, Children no matter, they will grow up to be infidels, kill them before they can do any harm. It's a culture of death and the deepest pits of hatred right down to the foundations of hell. It is only by a miracle  that they can  be converted and come out of the stronghold of lies. Many, many many times I have visited certain ones, planted seed in their conscience but so few respond. Their conscience has been hardened over with hatred perceived as being valiant and honorable. There is so little headway in the communities that reinforces vicious hatred.

Clare: I remember of the vision you gave me of the mosque. You took me through a market, typical Mid Eastern market place down and up  through that stairs at the mosque. And I thought I'm a woman I can't go in there, whatever.

Jesus: They can't see you

Clare: And He took me into the mosque. As we were standing in the large room, there is no service going on we,  we were standing  in the large room, we saw cobras slithering in from the part behind, from the public part of the back room slithering out and out of the world. And then He lifted me up. I was in the room with all these people, long slender room, with people seated opposite each other, men seated opposite each other and they were talking in a strange talk, this cobras were coming forth from them and crawling up the wall in this mosque and going out the window into the streets  and anyone who is bitten by them died. They are cobras of violent and vicious hatred for Jews and Christians.

Jesus: These are parts of the forces of hell and carnage. They are overtaken by poisonous venom  until there's nothing left in their souls. And they are the Walking Dead motivated by rage, hatred, violence in the quest for glory. Rarely on this earth has the lack been seen. And as you see in the vision, it goes out from the mosque to the world. Portals to hell,  the breeding ground of Satan's seething hatred for Me and those who believe in Me.

Clare: Just as an aside, there's another vision  He gave  me when I was lifted up above the earth. There were these flames coming up from different places around the world especially in England, and what they were, it was mosque. It was night time and these flames were just pouring out of these mosques.

Jesus: Those are portals to hell, the breeding ground of Satan's hatred for those who believe in Me. It breaks My heart to see  little four-year-olds wielding guns, so proud to be part of this vast army. They have no understanding at all, no understanding in what they are doing. They are hopelessly indoctrinated in evil. Twisted in understanding of evil. That which is good is evil, and that which is evil is good. And yet there are some who who will be redeemed who will pay heed to their conscience and will find a way out.  Pray for those who are given a chance that will rise inside and reject this. So now you've seen a source of My grief. I want you  to carry these innocent victims in your hearts. Offer prayers for them continuously so that I may work miracles and turn this violent nation to Me. Any inconveniences, pain, sicknesses that relieved offer them to Me, along with your prayers. Oh how effective that will be.

Clare:  I thought it's going to get worse and spread throughout the world and this is a scourge you're allowing.

Jesus: No, My love, none of this is My doing,this is Satan' blood-thirsty scheme to destroy the nations and the people.  Because when he is done using them, he will turn them against each other and it would be to his liking when that one human being formed in My image were left alive in dessert. He wants to completely destroy mankind off the face of the earth, yet he still hasn't learned that this in not possible. And men are so wrapped up in their own beliefs and agendas. They don't for a minute imagine that they're being used to destroy themselves. They think they are fighting for honorable cause, but in truth Satan had  never been honorable. They're merely puppets and when he is done with them, they'll be given over to pestilence until not one left, not one man standing. Men are blinded by pride and ego. They are so easy to manipulate, so easy; especially those who tend to be passionate in nature. When they become Christians, they are wonderful Christians. There are people who tend to go all the way in everything they do.

So I'm pleading with you My brides. Pray  for those who are ruthlessly murdered for what they believe. This is indeed a dark burden. And I wish to turn the tide and your prayers are needed. Go forward now and straight knowing your prayers are highly effective in combating this evil.

Thursday, May 21, 2015

Come To Me through Worship, through Your Expectations I Am Removing Stains

May 11, 2015

photo credit, wallmu

Jesus: I have so much love and compassion for you, My dear bride.

Clare: Oh Jesus I long to be with you. This world is such an imperfect  place and me being in it doesn't make it any more perfect.

Jesus:  I know how you feel and you're exercising great patience.

Clare:  I long for you Lord.

Jesus:  I long for you as well. You have no idea neither can you comprehend the torture I go through everyday. Having My bride apart from Me, we are both suffering from this separation. But at least we  have these times of refreshing between us that truly helps.

Clare: Well, it comforts Me that too, just to know that you care enough to want to be with me substantially. All I want  more of you and less of the other things. But I don't want to be unresponsive to those who write to us.

Jesus: Don't you know that we're together when you're writing to them? Don't you know that I fill your head with My thoughts so you can counsel them for Me?

Clare: At that point I just got real teary-eyed and got an ocean of emotion.
Lord, I don't want to be here. I really want to be with You.

Jesus:  Soon, My beloved.

Clare:  Why am I feeling this way?

Jesus:  Because we're getting closer to the time. I'm allowing you to see a little into your heart how you are  longing for Me and if I revealed the whole truth to you, you will die on the spot.

Clare:  But that wouldn't be such a bad thing, would it?

Jesus:  Not for you or I, but for others it would.

Clare: Oh Jesus I'm feeling heartsick again.[ and I wanna take it aside here before I go to the next part of our conversation  to explain something to You in response to the comments from my last video , last night about making more time for the Lord in preparing your heart for the wedding, I have shared with many that the Lord is bringing this  into perfection in levels as we realize that the rapture is almost upon us. All are getting more serious about overcoming your flesh.

There have been three  serious warnings in the past 12 months and the feeling of expectation was just overwhelming. The direction was upon us, but we're still here. Is the Lord misleading us?]

Jesus: No, never.  God does not lie. However, He is leading us into a clear understanding about  in us  that still needs to be overcome. Every time we brace ourselves for the  rapture, we go into our prayer  closet to get closer to the Lord to purify our hearts, to separate ourselves from the world, and the tackler of flesh along with the Holy Spirit's help. Every single time, our wedding dress loses more of its stains and becomes purer and more brilliant.

Clare:  These are almost drills in preparation for the final day which the Lord says will come. One of these days, it will not be a drill, but the real thing.

Jesus:  You are right in what you've been telling people. That is exactly what I'm doing because every level brings another set of stains out of their wedding dress for those who are truly willing. Others just tag along for the journey but do not really apply themselves to the messages. This is what separates the brides from the believers. I love them both, but the brides pursue Me with their hearts and I reward them with My presence.

Clare:  So I was thinking, okay, so...

Jesus: When am I coming? Any minute, one of these times, it won't be a drill it will be the real thing. I want to see  exactly how obedient each of My lovers is, and in the process they're getting many many stains out of their garments. May be not altogether but because they are coming to the surface and I may be able to forgive them and lift them away. In this process I'm not asking for perfection only for a firm purpose of amendment and effort because My bride wants to be perfect, wants to be washed and cleaned, wants to be delivered of her faults and sins.I'm imputing it to her  as a righteousness and although she may not be truly perfect when I come for her, her commitment stands in her stead and her garment becomes a spotless garment. Do you understand? I am doing this for her. I am doing the doing as she corresponds to Me in obedience. I lift the stain, it is part of the mystery of sanctification. Oh Clare I love her so. I want for her to be with Me. And there are different levels. Some are given 20 talents, some only one, so I judge them to what was done to what was given. That is why some why some seemingly unlikely candidates because they worked so hard with their little one talent. They are seen as equally successful as others who were given many more talents and used them properly.

Oh, how I love My bride and long to have her with Me. Your song was very touching, very touching. Many hearts came to Me through that song. Thank you beloved,  thank you for the beautiful song. It brings glory and honor to Me. and brings My bride just have much closer to perfection. As she immerses herself in worship, the fire of her love purifies her heart. And up and out comes the dross. The more  she remains  in worship, the more dross that comes to the surface, the more she recognizes her insufficiency and yields herself to Me. That is why I prefer the souls come to Me through worship. I will enter your gates through thanksgiving in My heart. I will enter your courts with praise. It is clarifying worship. The essence of her soul reaches out to Me and we become one in a divine moment of union. The entire purpose of life is to know Me, to serve Me, and to love Me and in no other place  is that mandate  realized as in worship. Here she is giving herself to Me and I reach out and embrace her with My love. It is the premier wait intimacy with Me. So I want you to continue to teach her that this is the way to come to My heart. So many have no appreciation for what I do for them, and I'm not talking about  those who don't know Me. I'm talking about My believers, disciples and brides. Thanksgiving is sadly lacking in all. And that is why I withhold major blessings because the minor ones have not been acknowledged and appreciated. This is another oak to My heart. I delight to hear My bride rejoicing in the gifts I have given her. Complaining is the very opposite. If I have allowed sickness that has not yielded to anointed prayer and I am asking of her closest friend that she carry a bit of My cross for those are yet unsaved. It is indeed valuable as a fast offering. That is why I rarely ask you to fast anymore. You carry much pain on a daily basis. When you were younger you fasted as much as a week. But now you're carrying your cross and a bit of mine in a different way. It saddens Me that so few understand this dynamic. Oh how much comfort they would receive if only they knew how valuable their sufferings are to Me.

Many will be shocked when they arrive in heaven at the great reception they will get from those who benefited from their sufferings in this life.

Clare: we're not carrying the cross of salvation but what we're carrying is the cross of sanctification and opening the hearts of people and turn to the Lord for the salvation offered to them. It's fast offering the same thing you would fast for food when you carry the cross without complaining,I'm trying not to complain. I am not free of complaining, anyway, it has great merit. I also want to mention that our Book Chronicles of the  bride has a chapter devoted to souls that were saved because others rejected the grace God intended for them and the chapter is called Grace is Dispensed on your Behalf March 9, 2007, on page 65 and I'll leave this in the description box along with the video and  link to the book and our website and new blog site as well. Much has progress reports from people who have been having real gains in prayer.

Jesus: My last word to you tonight is to stand strong. Hold the ground you have gained by looking into My mirror  by confronting your faults in your flesh. Hang on to that ground it is valuable. Don't slide back drinking and carousing because your groom is delayed rather protect what remains and continue to advance in the fight against your flesh. I shall give you the victory. I bless you now with the perseverance to stand expectantly waiting for My call at any moment, and do not grow weary in well doing when you get to have a  wish to help much more the others. And please My brides as you take time with Me this week recognize more and more how the world has gotten into your thinking in your lives.


Worship Song

I Surrender All

Wednesday, May 20, 2015

The Honeymoon, in Heaven with Jesus

                                     May , 15, 2015

photo credit, driver layer

Knowing what to expect in heaven as a bride [applies to man or woman who do God's will], makes one strive to be one of the brides: cleansed of impurities by heartfelt repentance.

Listen/read Jesus' revelation about some of heaven's mysteries, from beginning to end.

"You will express creativity and everything you put your hands to. Parts of you that were suppressed on earth will come into full bloom and spread their fragrance throughout the courts in heaven. Truly the god-like nature given you at your creation will bloom and put out the most fragrant flowers and luscious fruits. Your gift will heal others as the anointing flows freely for the first time in your life. It will flow so freely it will reach to the farthest corners of heaven to heal and enhance all who are touched." - Jesus

An excerpt and transcription of the Lord's message:

Jesus: All My brides, I have a wonderful escape to paradise planned for you all, you have no idea, eye has not seen and ear has not heard the wonders I have prepared for all of you in heaven. After the wedding supper, we will disappear into paradise and spend our days joyfully exploring: the oceans, and mountains, and forest and streams of living water in heaven. Each of you has a very particular place that is in your dreams, a wonderful place that you've always dreamt of. Understand I know all of about that place. I've been there and seen the things you love as well as reading your mind as to what else you would love to see there , and  I have down to the last detail, prepared many places for you  that we will frequent during our honeymoon. You will even meet people there who are longing to see you, as well as your favorite animals and My wedding presents to you. Everything on earth you ever dreamt of doing, we shall do together in heaven and these places shall be ours to return to.

Time and time again,  day each is tailored exactly to your taste. There are longings in each of your heart to visit places you have seen in passing in heaven. Those place are  real just for you. What joy would be yours as I answer all the questions you could ever have about creation and you're able to observe its beauty microscopically just by desire. You'll be even to walk into tiny worlds and  explore their patterns and composition from inside. nothing, absolutely nothing will be impossible to you. Our honeymoon will be a whole year long as you and I experience one another together in an innocent and pure relationship. There will not be a care in the world for the entire time. It should be nothing but a paradise and seemingly unending vacation. All this is necessary to adjust you to heaven and its joys. You'll never exhaust all of them, but you'll certainly will have an entirely  new reality and outlook on life. No more pain, no more fatigue, no more bills. Oh yes, you're going to love it. Everything necessary will be provided free of charge. Every discipline you've ever wanted to master will be given into your hands with barely an effort, and your scars will be healed and you will be released to a new freedom; unlike anything you've ever known. Beloveds, on this earth you have scars, wounds, broken, and empty places;  and you are truly war-torn but in heaven  all of you will be restored.

You will express creativity and everything you put your hands to. Parts of you that were suppressed on earth will come into full bloom and spread their fragrance throughout the courts in heaven. Truly the god-like nature given you at your creation will bloom and put out the most fragrant flowers and luscious fruits. Your gift will heal others as the anointing flows freely for the first time in your life. It will flow so freely it will reach to the farthest corners of heaven to heal and enhance all who are touched.

Clare: Could there be possibly be anything more wonderful?

Jesus:  I say to you, no, heaven is beyond wonderful. Heaven is all you've ever dreamt of and wanted in your short life on earth.

As you go through life, you think to yourself: I wish this were this way, and I wish that way were that way. And do you know your angels recording all those things that really mean to Me. Ah yes, the angels serve in that capacity.It is My delight to see them involved in bringing you joy and they themselves  live to bring happiness to others, that too is  their joy.

So you when visit one of these marvellous places I've created for you, the things you  thought about for decades, little fleetings thoughts of what you liked. All of that will be condensed into where you are at the time. For instance if you saw a purple butterfly and marvelled at its beauty, but thought for a moment it should have eyes on its wings, that thought has been recorded. And when you see that butterfly , it will have beautiful  eyes on its wings.

If you love red rocks in deep canyons with waterfalls and ferns, everything will be as if you painted it. But with all kinds of surprises: like clusters of wild asparagus, watercress, exotic flowers, playful others frolicking in the water, doves nesting in a stones throw away, a dove and her fawn feeding on vibrant green grass. Above her on the ledge, a mountain lion lazily licking  his paws and rolling over  on its back taking in the beautiful life of heaven. You will see the transformations that love permeating everything has made. The lion and the fawn will lay down next to one another, he will tenderly embrace the fawn as they nap. The others will surface on the water with beautiful shell and drop them at your feet begging to be petted. The bees will ascend in the shape of a heart and invite you to partake of their honey. The sand beneath you will gently accommodate your shape  wanting to make you comfortable. The canyon walls will have foot holes and handles making climbing effortless. And on your way up, there will be surprises like little caverns lying with  gentle quality indigo, asherite crystals . Eagles will invite you to sit  on their nest and fondle their chicks, the leaves on the tree will rustle joyfully as you pass by and the grass will tinkle like chimes greeting you in love like sparkling prisms of light glinting off of it and dancing canyon lows . Oh the wonders of heaven never cease and all shall be yours, because on earth you live for Me. So now I will spend our eternity delighting you with things you never thought of, but an extension of what I told you on earth. I could go on and on all night, Clare, but even now your eyelids are heavy. In heaven it will not happen unless you want to.

Clare: I don't think I'll ever want to  fight that feeling Lord.

Jesus:  Well I wanted to share some of the  wonders of heaven with all My brides but I should also mention that there will be quaint villages such as the ones you admire in Greece. Cafes and even artwork will abound on the walls of little bistros. People who love to live in  apartment will find such joys in their own  specially designed homes with terraces and landscaping with the most colorful flowers and fountains of living water. They will live in canyon-like groupings so they can sit on their terraces and visit with one another. There are meandering canals planted with gardens and accented with quaint bridges winding cobblestone streets, hidden gardens with white lilies clustered around intimate  waterfalls  and an innate and comfortable benches and swings. Oh, I what I have planned for the city dwellers will be something out of this world.

Clare: Lord,  You don't do anything halfway. You're the most extravagant lover. No one could ever love us as  You do.

Jesus:  My bride hasn't the faintest idea of the wonders in heaven. She cannot conceive in her mind the extent I have gone to in preparing the ideal place just for her to bring her endless joy. So I want you all to cherish this thoughts, My brides. I have gone to prepare a place for you, truly prepare a place for you that where I am you shall be as well.  I promise it's not just any place. It's wonderland and work of art created only for you. Take these dreams with you now and prepare your hearts I am coming for you soon. Hold fast to these things, treasure them in your heart. They will renew you with joy as you revisit them for heart spare no detail to bring wonder and delight to your soul.

I bless you now as My love and My promise that soon we will be together for eternity.


Tuesday, May 19, 2015

Buy of Me Fire-Tried Gold

May 6, 2015
photo credit, winanews
“ There is so much for people to do but they have encased themselves in their comfort zones. They live where they feel drawn to live. They choose everything to their liking. And this is why so many are lost,and  lonely, lukewarm,  walking down the road with no real destination  other than  the status quo living for the pleasures of the flesh. The enemy uses the flesh to encase a soul, and their likes and dislikes: where to live, what work to do, how to dress, how to eat, how to be secure; but I say you must live like a sparrow to be free, live for the Spirit and follow My will for your life. You have only  look around you to see the frustration and unhappiness of those who live to the comfort of their bodies.
Something is dead inside, the spark of life is gone, Buried under layer after layer of likes and dislikes according to the flesh. Life is an adventure, full of new experiences when  one lives it for Me.” - Jesus

“ There is so much for people to do but they have encased themselves in their comfort zones. They live where they feel drawn to live. They choose everything to their liking. And this is why so many are lost,and  lonely, lukewarm,  walking down the road with no real destination  other than  the status quo living for the pleasures of the flesh. The enemy uses the flesh to encase a soul, and their likes and dislikes: where to live, what work to do, how to dress, how to eat, how to be secure; but I say you must live like a sparrow to be free, live for the Spirit and follow My will for your life. You have only  look around you to see the frustration and unhappiness of those who live to the comfort of their bodies.
Something is dead inside, the spark of life is gone, Buried under layer after layer of likes and dislikes according to the flesh. Life is an adventure, full of new experiences when  one lives it for Me.” - Jesus

An excerpt and a transcription of the Lord's message on Dying to yourself
Jesus:   Dying to yourself, this is a concept that is not much sought of these days, and yet did I not say that unless a grain of wheat  falls to the earth and dies, it remains alone. But if it dies it bears much fruit. He who loves his life loses it, and he who hates his life in this world will keep it to life eternal. (John 12)

 There is so much for people to do but they have encased themselves in their comfort zones. They live where they feel drawn to live. They choose everything to their liking. And this is why so many are lost,and  lonely, lukewarm,  walking down the road with no real destination  other than  the status quo living for the pleasures of the flesh. The enemy uses the flesh to encase a soul, and their likes and dislikes: where to live, what work to do, how to dress, how to eat, how to be secure; but I say you must live like the sparrow to be free, live for the Spirit and follow My will for your life. You have only  look around you to see the frustration and unhappiness of those who live to the comfort of their bodies.

Something is dead inside, the spark of life is gone, Buried under layer after layer of likes and dislikes according to the flesh. Life is an adventure, full of new experiences when  one lives it for Me.

Clare: Gee, Lord it sounds like you're getting new movers.

Jesus: No, not yet. You know the move I have in mind  for you.

Clare: Yes, and I know the struggles I have day after day.And again especially today after that very event.

Jesus: Yes,you are living through Me, Clare. You did not choose where you live, I did and you obeyed. You've been offered other alternatives, and each time you've chosen one I wanted. This is why you're alive inside. Had you lived for yourself, well you don't want to know.

Clare: Nursing home?

Jesus: Perhaps, but most definitely, you would feel lost.

My children, when you live to yourself, you frustrate My plan for your life. You limit what I wanted to do with you. The place you live in is extremely important to My agenda for your life. You have no way at all of knowing what a certain move will bring. You  only look at the shallow externals: the climate, the job opportunities, your relatives, the culture, the appearance of the place. But I look at it to see if it's fit for you spiritually. Is it a place you need to be in to grow, to reach out to others, to have opportunities, to grow spiritually, to touch lives, a place that truly fits My plan for your life.

Clare: Lord, I know I'm always shocked when people say they're going to live somewhere because they like the climate. I used to do that and I was so lost but somehow you brought good out of it.

Jesus: Yes, and I can use every circumstance and opportunity to grow. But I prefer to put you where I know  you'll mature and advance the quickest. For this to happen, I need you to be detached from your own likes and dislikes.

Clare:I want to share with you all, me, when on a tour bus with our four children, the Lord had us in Iowa in the dead winter, the absolute dead of winter, 15 below in the middle of Iowa and then when He moved us on, it was Florida, in the worst heat of the summer, you surely put our plight to the test. 

Jesus: This is what I need in My vessel to honor, flexibility and a willingness to go where I lead when I lead. There's so much richness in a life that's lived in a Spirit and so much sediment in life lived for the flesh. 

My children, I have such wonderful things for you to do. But your obstinacy in choosing your location ties My hands. There are connections waiting to be made, a broadening of your horizons at deepening of your understanding. If only you would come under the yoke of obedience. There's no reason why a person has to be tied to a house, a piece of land, a city, a country. The world is an exciting place with many opportunities, for those who are willing to live for the Spirit alone and go where I send them.

Clare: Lord, I know I failed you out of fear of a new endeavor, and still to this day regret not going to use with the mission in Holland.

Jesus: Yes, but it came around again, didn't it. I did work around with your life, and  you  are where I want you to be  present, but so many derail the plans I have for their lives, by holding on to the past and what is familiar and comfortable (Clare: And I thought of the scripture, Jeremiah 29:11 "For  I know the plans that  I have for you, declares the Lord, plans for welfare not for calamity to give you a future and a hope.]

 But will you trust Me. Will you acknowledge that I am God and there is none other. My plans are far superior to your plans, will you acknowledge that nothing is impossible for Me, that you can trust Me with your life.You must come to terms with these issues if you were to live to fullness of the life I have called you to.

Clare: Gee Lord, it sounds like we're gonna be around for a long time.

Jesus: This is for those who will come after you Clare, and for  those who are listening now and feel a tug in their hearts to do something totally different with their lives.

I have sat here  from My perspective in heaven and seen the possibilities for My children on earth. I have seen all the places that would have suited them so perfectly, but these places never even entered their mind, nor did they seek Me to find out  where I wanted them. I have given you life, straight and a purpose, hope and a drive to move onward. Please do not ignore Me. Make it your top priority to seek Me until you find Me and know for sure where I want you. Hold in abeyance all your plans and dreams and seek Me until you find Me and know without a doubt where I'm calling you to go. You will never regret It. Pay attention to that restlessness that doesn't quite feel right with this plan or that plan, that's My Spirit intervening and holding you back because I have something better for you with better timing.

You see when you come to serve Me, your life is no longer your own. Most people however try to run their new life with Me on two tracks, what they want and what I want within the context  of what they really want. Rather than totally abandoning their will and their way to Me, they compromise and then expect to be happy and fulfilled, but it will never happen until they totally abandon their agenda. Some are still catering  to their earthly parents' expectations, some have their eyes on their career goal and prosperity and within that context they choose what they think is My will. But they are so far from the truth, that they would be shocked if I revealed it to them. Yet I know the course  they are holding on to for dear life will lead them into mediocrity and unhappiness. I can only wait until they discover, that's not what they wanted after all. And sadly by then, more than half of their life is spent and sickness has found its way into their bodies. I am just saying this for your own good children. Choose Me and My will with uncompromising faith and clarity. Seek Me and wait on Me, lay down your agendas, let your earthly parents lead their own lives but you follow Me. Many are confused about what it means to honor and obey your mother and father. It does not mean to let them take My place in your life and let them dictate what your life should be. Honor  them in their old age. Help as you can, celebrate their birthdays with them, treat them with respect and reverence in all your dealings, but never give them the helm. This is meant for Me and Me alone. Is it not written anyone who loves their father and mother more than ME is not worthy of Me.

Clare: And the Lord quickened to church, the Laodicean, to me, this was the lukewarm church. And I believe the church who live by their comforts, and the status quo until the interior fire in their soul just fizzled out. So I quoted that scripture, and the Lord picked up afterwards. But the scripture says: “You say I am rich and I become  wealthy and need of nothing and you do not know that you are wretched and miserable and poor and blind and naked. I advise you to buy from Me. Gold refined by the fire so that you may  become rich in white garment so that you may clothe yourself and that the shame of your nakedness will not be revealed and I  anoint your eyes so that you may see those whom I love I reprove and discipline. Therefore, be zealous and live your life for Me and Me alone.

I bless you now with the courage to deny yourself, pick up your cross and follow Me.