Thursday, May 7, 2015

We Are On The Verge of War and We Must Forgive

Excerpt of the message of our Lord Jesus

Clare: I began to sense that I had some unfinished issue that needed to be looked out. The Lord let us know immediately that our attitude about a domestic situation was not pleasing to Him. We soon realized that we were under correction because of an elderly homeless widow with four little dogs who we have put up in the front house of our property we care take. She's a very charming lady but has problem keeping up with house cleaning and many times we've helped her but for afterwards, we're always sick. Just too strenuous for us. The owners of the property said they wanted to do something with how she's in they haven't gotten back to us and has mentioned probably a month ago,  so may be  they changed their mind so I kind of hit the panic button without getting a real answer from the Lord when I asked Him what we should do. And I realized sometimes He doesn't give a clear direction on what to do because He wants to see where our hearts at so He watches us to see what we'll do. But I tend to be compulsive about cleaning and the situation in the front house needed to be addressed or so I thought. But over those four years, I have built up resentment and anger that I have never dealt with until this came up. So I asked the Lord, I'd like  to forgive her Lord and made an act of will but I feel hatred in my heart. I don't want it, but I could  sure feel it. What will I do?

Jesus: Just understand that you can't have bitterness or unforgiveness in your heart and expect to hear Me clearly at the same time and do pass that on.

There are those on your channel who have not forgiven themselves or others and I deliberately had you to do forgiveness meditation for them so they would be free and clear to hear from Me. But some have not done this.
I'm calling My brides to be clean before Me. You cannot be cleaned before Me unless you've truly forgiven those who have sinned against you. That includes sins against yourself.So you see there's a very good reason I allowed  you to be hung up on what you did on  the message. Look at her as one in dire need of love and respect, not what she deserves but for Me. I have no one else to love and care for her, Clare.  Can she make an exception in your heart?

Clare: I went for a little bread reading in my little custom card file and receive..

Jesus: If you hold on unforgiveness in your heart, you have drunk chalice of poison and the other person will not be the one to die.

Clare: So, after a lot of prayer with Exequiel, I got to the point where I got to  the  point where I could forgive her and leave her alone, but I'm still waiting for the Lord's wisdom as to what to do.

Jesus: Thank you, Clare. That's the right thing to do. You will see the wisdom in letting it go. I have covered for you, and I will continue to cover for you. Thank you My bride. I know you're hurting. I know you're frustrated but what is the price tag on a soul. At the right time, this situation will turn around. And then I can step in with love and forgiveness, she may very well give her heart to Me. At least you've done all I asked you to do. I couldn't ask for more.

Clare: Hey, again went to my holy card file and pull this card. Forgive anyone against which you have a grievance. Great, with the Lord is definitely confirming it.
God, help me, I have  this feeling mastered now, but when the devil shove it into my face again, will I be strong enough? Lord, please help me.

Jesus: I always do. Is there anything else Clare? Don't you thing it's quite enough?

Clare: Truthfully no. I want to hear all about why you're wearing navy blue.

Jesus: You're on the brink of war. I came to you tonight in military attire because that's where I am right now.

Clare: Tonight He was wearing navy blue. and as the night wore on we were dancing. I saw that He was wearing military outfit with all all kinds of bars and colors and I heard the word commander. You did seem rather solemn Lord?

Jesus: Yes, I have  a lot on My mind. This is  a place of extreme pain for Me. It was nice to be comforted by you though. I know things are growing more tense and intense around you. I need you all to hold on and continue to pray for the world.and offer  the sufferings you are enduring as a fast offering, to bring more souls before the situation becomes impossible. That is, before the unrepentant souls die in the war. This cold war is coming to a head. The parts are all scripted, one by one will come into play. The players are appointed by destiny. Obama, the man of sin, stands in the central position. Scripting for him was done and to go. Each player has their role and their orders. All  that remains now is the commencement. And at the proper time, the signal will be given. How lucrative this war will be for Satan. This is why I been hoping to hold it off, but time has reached this fullness  and will begin any day now. Never in the history of mankind has such atrocity  been planned and executed. Never in the history of the world will it ever occur again. This is the appointed time for the cleansing of the earth from all filth, disease, brought to its fullness  by the demo0nic powers that be with the full cooperation of man and his greed. What will transpire is the decimation of millions of souls. For some there is nowhere to go but hell. For others who will be saved is going to through fire. My bride will not see any of this. She'll be brought to a place of sensitivity because of her union with Me that precludes her that will expose to such horrors that will come upon mankind.

Clare: But Lord, will she not be here for the nuclear strike?

Jesus: My love, this is only the beginning of those, only the beginning. Wave upon wave of disaster will befall the earth. Nuclear annihilation is but one in the  series of scores of catastrophes and judgements. I want you to be well  aware of what is about to transpire in coming  days. "Eyes has not seen and ears has not heard but the wickedness of man has brought upon himself.

Clare: I would really like to understand Lord, but this knowledge is not for me. So be it.
I was really curious of the events and so on.

Jesus: My little one, My very, very, very little one. It is not essential for the salvation of souls. I would rather you focus on the hearts of the flock I have brought into this fold. They are My bride, Clare, and how they yearned for Me. It brings tears to My eyes when I read their comment which is only the tip of the iceberg of their sorrow, of their longing for Me. As I have told you before, this is a factor in our timing to see her gut wrenching tears is almost too much for Me. I wish to visit each and every one of them but they must go to the process of preparation.

Clare: Oh Lord, can you just do one visit,  visit them in a way they'll never forget. They look at me and long for what you've given me which has been for their benefit that they might press in.

Jesus My child I can and I will at the appropriate time for each of them.  But I desire them to obey  what they know is being asked of them first. It is very simple Clare. I'm not asking a lot. Am I?

Clare: No Lord you're not.

Jesus: Those who love Me, obey Me, and those who seek Me with their whole heart will surely find Me.

 photo credit, Judy Douglass