Monday, May 4, 2015

The Day the Bombs Fall, Jesus Speaks On What Is To Come, Part 8


photo credit, dreamstime

If you are prepared spiritually, you should not be scared of what is coming.

Excerpt of Jesus' message to His brides:

"There's going to be a limited nuclear exchange, enough to throw the world into a panic and set the stage for Obama to take the reigns of peace and be declared as the hero. Your country will be in pandemonium and communications will be knocked out temporarily. But in order to enforce martial law, communications will be necessary. After all how can the victor enjoy his victory without broadcasting it all over the world.

Your country will recover from this devastation more quickly than anyone would expect because everything is in place with full knowledge of what is coming. Your country will no longer be a world power. She'll have massive issues of reconstruction and contamination to deal with. Make no mistake,  those underground cities will contain the important people while everyone else struggles on the surface. Law and order will be out of control. Criminals will take full  advantage to rape and pillage. Life will be a mess but the very day that the bombs fall, that's the day  that I'm coming for you. Lift up your heads and watch the sky, I'm coming for you that same day.

Let Me repeat Myself, lift up your heads I'm coming for you that very day. Do not fall into despair, do not panic. I have warned you over and over again. Your redemption draws nigh. This is the moment of eternity you've been waiting for.

It is coming, as surely as I am coming. Do not give in to fear. Stand  your grounds, raise your eyes to the heavens. I am coming. I already placed My angels to help you. You will not stumble or fall. All is in place. You see, I want to confirm this to you, but I have to wait until you are more  secure in your  communication. It's a lot to take in, but I prepared you well   and you passed with flying colors."