Friday, May 29, 2015

I Have Gone To Prepare a Place for You,The Last Leg of Your Journey

April 26, 2015

Knowing what to expect in heaven: effortless work, no pain, no sorrow, supernatural communication by thoughts, we can can fly about, beautiful, glorious surroundings with animals as our companions waiting for us, and more. Who wouldn't want to be right with our brothers and GOD? Let's do it, right now.

An excerpt and a transcription of the Lord's message:

Jesus:  To those I have given the key to My heart, I will nurture and protect them in all their ways.
After the Rapture

In heaven I've prepared a wonderful abode for each of My precious brides. I have discriminating taste, you know.

Clare: Yes, I've noticed Lord.

Jesus: Each palace is perfect for each one of you. I have made  notes of all your tastes, colors, textures, animals, architecture, favorite flowers and gardens in natural surroundings. Some of you prefer apartment-type dwellings and what I have prepared for you, you will love. Some of you love the dessert waiting to you  see the cactus plants I have grown for you blooming continuously with your favorite colored flowers, waterfalls in canyons, water bluer than the sky, with shades of green and aqua dancing. You will love your palace.

Some of you love the beach for you have chosen  favorite shells, sizes and colors, iridescence and  even sparkles, giant ferns and broad-leaf jungle plants, stately palm trees and fresh coconuts. You'll never get over the lavishness of your dwelling. And for those who love the mountain forest, well, you'll have to talk to Clare about that or read their book.

You will be utterly amazed: heart shaped lakes, colorful fish that love to be patted, turtles that will ride you around exploring the underwater, crystals in caves, forest animals you'll love gingerly walking alongside  you; those with their fawns elk, bear, cougar. All your favorite animals waiting for you.

Oh how they are waiting too. Believe it or not, they are filled with expectation waiting for their human companions.

Clare: And he quickened  the scripture to me at that point: 
Romans 8:19   For the creation waits in eager expectation for the children of God to be revealed, for the creation was subjected to frustration not by its own choice but by the will of the one who subjected it in hope that creation itself will be liberated from its bondage to decay and brought into the freedom and glory of the children of God.

Jesus: They know your name, who you are. They will communicate with you  their feelings and desires to create an atmosphere  of pure bliss, and oneness with all of creation. Just as it written, everything has been filled to overflowing with love and therefore everything overflows with love.

What I have waiting for you, My brides will bowl you over in its entirety. You will indeed be dazed for days although time is perceived differently, but you will be bowled over as you discover every little detail I have created for you.

Butterflies of your favorite color, birds with elaborate plumage, bees that sing and share their honey generously even flying about in a heart shape just to tell you they are filled with My love. Those creatures man has used as symbols of evil will be revealed in their former innocence as I created them to console you and be a part of the ecosystem such as owls, snowy owls, falcons.

In heaven there is no death or dying, but there is birth,  in a mystery I will not enfold to you as  yet. I would like to save some surprises for you.

I have created food for you in heaven that will replace everything you love on earth but has its source outside of animal flesh. There's no killing of animals in heaven, not fish, bird or mammal. As you might have guessed, heaven is enormous. There are planes, within planes, within planes, dimensions within dimensions. There are vehicles in heaven as well as horses and giant birds. Although you'll be able to move about in the air freely, you will not be burdened even when you walk. Everything will be totally without effort or pain.  For some of you this will be a revelation as life is so painful to you now on earth.

The instruments you will have in heaven are light as a feather but do an enormous  amount of work much like what you have now. But you will also be assigned with angels with instruments. Any sound you desire, they will be able to reproduce very spontaneously, I might add. They will hear what's in your mind and execute it flawlessly. communication will be supernatural, totally supernatural. Truly, everything in heaven is effortless.

There is so much exchange of gifts, communication, songs and movies.

Clare: There's movie making in heaven?

Jesus: Yes, there's story telling and creative outlets for sharing that will totally surpass anything on earth. And the easiest part is that they will permanently recorded on the tapes in heaven, a vehicle for recording permanence just  we have books and a library.

We have recordings both audio and visual. However, there will be many live performances by the angels who will serve as characters and helpers in the whole process.

You can't even begin to imagine what I have in store for you Clare.
You will absolutely love the worship and being a part of that. It will be next to impossible to pry you away from worship.

Just strengthen  them for the last leg of their journey. You will consider that your present sufferings  are not worth comparing with the glory that will be revealed in you. Truly the scripture will be fulfilled. Well hopefully you will all drinking My Words and gaze upon the heaven that awaits you. Tell them about our prayer time tonight.

Clare:  That's when I share  with  you about the swing, about the swing in the gardens of heaven, its exquisite colors and textures and fragrances; really, really beautiful and so peaceful and so joyful.  It's almost as if those flowers were singing. It was such a sweet, sweet environment. The only thing that was lacking was the presence of my You Tube family. I really, really long to share that with you.

Jesus: Someday that vision will include  them and we will rejoice together, but for now My sweet brides, men and women all, take comfort that I have gone to prepare a place for you so that we may live the true fullness of life in one another's company.  Be strengthened and encouraged. I Am coming soon. 

Worship, How Great Thou Art