Saturday, May 2, 2015

Troubled Waters, Jesus Speaks On What Is To Come, Part 10

 photo credit, I want covers

Message of JESUS

Troubled waters, your country's entering troubled waters (USA). Arrangements are already in place for the actions to take place. After an assault on your lands, appointments have already been made. Trainees are waiting in the wings to be called upon. And what is ahead is very well orchestrated. A set of events that will bring this nation to its knees. Many have not wanted to listen to any bad news. Many are going to be caught off guard and blindsided. Many have no idea just how corrupt the leadership is. And they consider those who blame 911 on our own government to be crooks and conspiracy mongers. They will be among the most confused, blindsided because their life revolve around comforts, maintaining the status quo. Never in a million years would they believe what is actually being done to them while their attention is totally off what is really moving forward at an alarming phase. There will be mass confusion and mass panic as the bombs fall. The disappearance of so many family members will cause some of them fatal heart attacks and suicides. However, there will be remnants that will finally get off the fence and stand up to defend their rights. Too late their rights have already  been taken away. What needs to be done now is to secure their future in heaven, their salvation, their repentance and their total reliance on me. Those who take up arms with a mind to do it on their own without my help will fail. Only those men and women who knew all along and belong to Me are called be Me in this country to defend what is right, only they will succeed against all odds. So if you're thinking of going it alone, you're sadly mistaken. Come under its authority and work with those who have been prepared.

Claire: Lord, if those who have been chosen to defend this country, you say they're yours, why wouldn't  they rapture.

Jesus: Do you understand the character of my bride?

Claire: I think I do.

Jesus: Is she warlike?

Claire: Not at all. She's like a priest in the movie The Mission who walk straight to the mercenaries that were firing rain killing everyone in sight and they were mowed down.

Jesus: Those were my brides coming to meet me. That is the character of my bride. She is a lover, not a warrior. The only war she makes is on her own sins.

Claire: But in an earlier message, you talked about those who are chosen to fight.

Jesus: My love, that is the character of their soul. Were that soul that is a fighter to become a lover. Here she would be raptured as well, but some souls are very very strong and a warrior instinct and they too have a part to play and a place in My kingdom. In the end they will understand the way of love. My angels understand well the ways of love. But they have  necessity, have  reason to defend My honor and My kingdom. And when this is all over, and I mean all, they shall cease to fight, for there will  no longer anything to defend, but that time is long way off.

So back to the nefarious plan of the one skilled in  intrigue and selfishness. Their conscience seared shut and holy eaten up with corruption and greed. What they fear should come upon them, in no way will they escape the conflagration of what is yet to come in their ignorance and self sufficiency. They believe the scenario will play out as planned. They have no concept of how far off they are from the truth. They have no idea what awaits them as plan after plan backfires and bring so dire consequences of their near-sighted greed and atrocities against humanity against them. Sad will be the day mostly my love I want to warn those left behind that to act on their own, to take up arms and strike out on their  own will not have good consequences on them and their families. But for now I want to say that this will be a time of bonding together, praying together, encouraging one another in the face of al that is to come. It is a time of bonding together in hope of love and security and yet there will be traitors and only by the Spirit will souls be known to one another. The flesh lies and deceives, but the Spirit bears witness to the truth. That is it is of absolute importance for them to pray and have s relationship with Me. Do nothing without first consulting Me. Except no one without consulting Me for I will expose what is hidden, the hearts of men and their evil agenda.

To sum this message up: bond together, put prayer in its foremost place for without it you will be groping in the dark. Do not rely on human wisdom, lean on Me and My Spirit will instruct you.Not a mighty wind, but  still  small voice, gently prodding you in the right direction. Remember, it is not important if you lose your body. That is but a temporary and fleeting event, but you soul determines your eternity whether you will see your children or parents or animals or innocent ones ever again, whether you will be tortured in the fires of torment I created not for you but for the rebellious angels or whether settle in the land of milk and honey,; promise of joy for all eternity. Be not mistaken for what you have lived in honors compared to what you will live for in eternity.. Nothing, absolutely nothing is worth the loss of your soul to eternal damnation.

Claire: Put into action the Lord's message. GOD bless you all.