November 20, 2016
S: ...exactly right. And if there are organs that
were already suffering from a demon associated with an illness, this
toxic blood, it's fertile soil for that other demon to flourish, so
problems get worse. And many folks, I'm realizing, don't know how
much worse - because we've not been told until fairly recently, that
this BITTERNESS is really an issue. And it's getting worse. He has
said, "Please, please My children, I implore you. Clean them
at least twice a day. I implore you." There's things that He
doesn't want to happen, I think by spiritual laws He must give in to
happen when bitterness is allowed to persist.
There's only so much He can do with healing of
other organs, you know - it takes longer. They get sicker. He says,
"Please - I'm giving you the root, clean out those seeds, it'll
be much better." So, this is what He does and then everything is
closed up. Then I sit for a minute, and I guess I can say I feel a
difference. Even when other things are going on, I just - I feel Holy
Spirit tingles all over my body, just kind of like a caress that lets
Him know I'm on the right track, I did well.
And He'll often say to you, "Well done. Well
done, My daughter. Well done, My son." And you may hear that, or
you may not. You may just feel it. Sometimes, I'll just smile out of
the blue, I just start smiling like crazy and I know that's not me.
Like right now, I'm just smiling like crazy! But that's what He wants
us to do. And, of course, you know in the beginning if you're
uncertain after you do this, someone who speaks in tongues can
certainly check. Someone who speaks and understands tongues can
definitely check, so that you can find out if your method is
I guess...I'll have to ask what to do about that,
'cause I don't know how many have the gift of understanding or the
gift of tongues. But tongues in general will do it, you just are
uncertain of what part is what. It's just - in the end, it's done.
C: Let me ask you this. The thing is, repentance. You
S: Yes. In the beginning, He wants you to envision
this process while you're praying. All your repenting for what you
did, at least you know about, and I ask Holy Spirit, "Tell me
what I don't know about." For what you did. And many of these
things, I can look back and say, "I know, I was irritated. I
behaved well, much better than I was - but it was still there."
We all know - it's all or nothing with the Lord. Little bit of
irritation? That's it. He doesn't want us to feel that way.
C: If we can have a genuine heart of thanksgiving,
24/7, these things can't happen. Period. They just can't happen.
S: Yes. Funny you should say that, that's just what I
was doing. Yeah - He's really been pointing it out to me, when
things are not good, and I have to say, "Well, then - thank You
that they're NOT GOOD, Lord! Thank You that they're not good. I can
offer it all back to You. I wouldn't have had an offering, but now I
have an offering! Thank You!" And when I do that, I actually
start to feel thankful. I told you, when I got cursed - I actually
got cursed in the middle of prayer, I feel the curse landing - only a
couple of pings - and I started saying, "Thank you!" to the
person who cursed me. "Thank you, you bring me closer to my
Lord. Thank you, you've done a wonderful job, I can't believe you
work for Lucifer. You've so deepened my relationship with my Lord.
Thank you - I bless you!" Then I tell them about, please repent,
we love you... But I genuinely mean it when I start speaking, He
changes my heart so that I truly believe this. I don't want to lie!
C: right - or putting up a front. Yeah, it's not a
play-acting thing, you're serious.
S: And you're absolutely right - if we have a heart
of thanksgiving all the time, it literally changes the soil. They
can't land. My problem is, as a human, is gonna be a second I don't
have one (truly grateful heart). In that 24 hours, the mind's gonna
slip and that one second is all its gonna take. If I get a little...
it still feels planned - a little distraction, a little irritation,
and the Lord will permit, because again, it's an offering and He
wants to teach us how to avoid these things.
And you're absolutely right - a true, pure heart
of gratitude and thanksgiving absolutely ruins it, in fact it stopped
the curse completely - it could not alight. It got a couple of pings,
it just died. It couldn't stay. It was wonderful! I just - the first
time I ever experienced that. And it was only because I got cursed
when I was praying and happened to hear, "curse landing"
and I just said, "Thank you so much! This brings me so close to
Him." And it does. It brings me close, because I just spent a
lot of time with Him getting rid of the curses. It's absolute
You spoke about that 100% right.
C: yeah…
S: He wants us to follow it. He doesn't want this
time for many of us - some of us will still travail. But for
others, who are having difficulty, not because He wants us to, but
because the seeds are permitting other things to happen and by
spiritual law, He can't protect you from that. You can ask Him to
remove it all, but He's taking it as an offering and saying, "Please,
please - My children. Please, I'm telling you, clean these seeds at
least twice a day." And if you get irritated a lot more, do it
right when you do it, as much as you can when you're irritated.
Repent and say, "Please remove this." And usually it's a
cough, a burb, a sneeze - that's it. They're nothing.
C: And I noticed that I tend to be quick, just - get
it done. That kind of attitude. And I noticed that I felt like that
wasn't going to work, and it was probably Holy Spirit letting me know
that. And I was on my knees and I waited, probably waited a good ten
minutes until I started to feel compunction for what I had done.
S: During that time, how did you feel?
C: Oh, yeah. Well, when I was done, yes. I finally
came to realize, you know, He finally convicted me. It took a while
for Him to convict me, because I tend to be...gloss things over, I
move fast, you know. And it took a while. I had to force myself.
You're like me that way, I had to force myself to be still and quiet
and to wait on the Lord, because I knew there was things - but I
didn't know precisely. Some of them I knew, some of them I didn't
know. But I was waiting for conviction, and when the conviction came
I was able to really repent and say that I was sorry for having
offended the Lord. Because being sorry because you got a seed doesn't
cut it. You know, you have to be…
S: Right, being sorry that you are now bittered up
His house
C: Yeah, yeah. That doesn't cut it. What cuts it is
that you hurt Him, you offended Him. You know. And His heart - I
mean, He's God. His heart is delicate, it's not like…
S: It's so pure, we can't understand it.
C: Right, right. So, one little bit of irritation,
He's looking at it in the sense, I get the feeling sometimes, He's
saying, "All of this I've given you, and all these things are
going well for you in your life - and you complain over a little
frustration over a phone call? And you can't offer that up to Me
without getting upset? That's an offense to Him! It's an ungrateful
heart. That's the source of it. Ingratitude.
S: Yep.
C: And I think a real true saint doesn't become
perturbed, you know. Like the saints that - you know, some of the
saints, whose writings we have read - they - I don't think they. They
got to the point where nothing bothered them any more. Everything -
because they were in such a state of gratitude and love for the Lord.
Those things just didn't bother them, they just flew off of them.
S: Well, the one thing that you mentioned the other
day, about loving the Lord and being IN love with the Lord, turns out
to be, I think, the crux of - it's certainly all my efforts, and all
my existence. What it boils down to is - and I never thought I'd say
this - but (before He came for me). But it comes down to I'm so in
love with Him, I don't want Him to suffer because I erred.
I don't want Him to feel ungratefulness from me,
because He's done so much for me. Including absolute miracles. I
don't want to return that to Him. I feel terrible! I'm truly
repentant that I did that - I start crying, a lot. I don't want
self-pity. Self-pity is NOT, that's pride. True repentance, you know.
And I ask Him to get rid of the self-pity, so I just truly repent
with my heart. And He does - I cough it out, and I hear "self-pity,
self-pity, self-pity".
C: Well, and you know we're gonna have to ask the
Lord to show us our self-pity because a lot of people don't know the
difference between self-pity and true contrition. Show us the
difference between feeling sorry for ourselves and feeling sorry for
offending God. Those are two different ball parks altogether.
But I wanted to mention that, when I had knelt for a
while and allowed Holy Spirit to work in my heart and bring
conviction - that I did end up burping. Well, I sighed, there were a
few sighs, you know and there were a few burps. And then last night
something happened that I got upset and I brought it to the Lord, and
immediately repented - and I was burping for the next 15 minutes.
Just out of nowhere, it was like - Wow! That's a lot of seeds!
S: He sometimes, also - He gives you gifts. He'll
take other things that, for example, if you - you've mentioned your
Fibromyalgia. He may lessen that a little. It's just a present for,
yes, for "following My will, listening to My will." He's
been hammering (on me) I actually texted someone else right now about
a message, and He's saying that - you know. "Please, it's My
will not thine. Don't worry about what you have planned, 'cause
I'M the one you need to worry about and I will make sure it works out
okay." And the one thing He pointed out was, man - if I get
something that I did that He didn't want me to have, that is NOT
gonna end well. So...