Sunday, June 9, 2013

The Timeline Reveals…

"Many wish to tag all apostles as male only, but this is a mistake. My apostles are those, who forsake all and pick up My cross. They have a heavy responsibility, and all listen to Me and do My work. Many are forging new terrain where there are neither boundaries nor limits. Frequently, they go alone, as they have been chosen for a solitary work. They are not fed from groups or masses, but have great inner strength, which comes from a deep service to Me. "
- Jesus

More on chapter 30
The Timeline Reveals…

Precious Child, I, Master Jesus, have brought you once more to the heights of My Mountain; and you have eaten from the Seventh Level of The Tree. As you sit at The Timeline, you know that times is running out for The USA. Your scandal-ridden president, who feeds off sexual perversions, and embraces dark secrets, lies and deceit, shall fall flat on his face. Along with him, the USA will also fall. I warned you, Child, in1992 of the dangers of this man and the fate of The USA, if he were elected.
You flex your military might and raise the ire of the red giants; and you will find yourself alone against many. You are the fool; you create one calamity to hide the other. How deceitful! You can hide neither the sun nor the Son with your hands; for, I shall push your enemies to lay you low.
Child, stay away from many, who are called to prophecy. They have been called, and they think they know it all; but remember that they are my ears and mouthpieces as long as they are humble. I do not raise up prophets to sit in judgement over others. I raise them up to go in humility. Yes, Child, even the apostles go in humility, or they are no longer apostles.
Child, you have seen my cross upon your shoulder as you carry my burden. Yea, the burden of the world is heavy, but my burden is light. You ask again whether you are an apostle as I have told you this recently. Yes, Child, I have called you as an apostle. You are just as much an apostle as anyone, who forsakes all to serve Me. You pick up My cross and you follow Me. Many wish to tag all apostles as male only, but this is a mistake. My apostles are those, who forsake all and pick up My cross. They have a heavy responsibility, and all listen to Me and do My work. Many are forging new terrain where there are neither boundaries nor limits. Frequently, they go alone, as they have been chosen for a solitary work. They are not fed from groups or masses, but have great inner strength, which comes from a deep service to Me. Child, worry not about the burden of My cross, which you have just seen. It has been with you for some time.
I have chosen you to carry these messages as a prophet and apostle, as your soul is ready; and I shall bring along others to help in these works. I have brought the prophet, Doug. He is faithful, Child; and I have more for him. He shall be strengthened in many areas.
Child, as you sit at My Timeline, observe and write."
"My Lord, I see the date, ‘October 1998’ and many soldiers. They have black their faces etched with black; and I believe they are marines. Some are crouched here and there in foxholes, with machine guns. Suddenly, the word, ‘Iraq’ flashes across the timeline in big, bold red letters; and a large cargo helicopter comes into view and hovers above the soldiers in one of the holes. A rope ladder falls from the helicopter and dangles, as a soldier grabs hold it and climbs out of the hole. Inside the helicopter is Clinton is grinning from ear to ear, saying, ‘Never again! We are through with Iraq!’
Below, I hear a small group of German soldiers whispering, ‘We shall take him by night, lest he suspect our attack; and he shall never know, as he is sleeping.’
Back home, I see Clinton’s popularity rise, as people cheer in the streets. I see that there has been a slump in a graph or chart, as the chart hit rock bottom. The numbers were very low, but because of the war the numbers on the chart began to rise. At the top of the chart are the letters, ‘NYSE.’ Throughout the streets of New York City bells ring and people rejoice. Clinton is praised, ‘You stopped him,’ they shout! ‘You stopped Iraq!’ But, all is not as they believe. There is a round-table discussion going on in the desert with President Arafat, the leader of Egypt, the leaders of Iran, Saudi Arabia and others. In all, there are seven countries represented. ‘We shall put a stop to him,’ they say.
Then, I see a military truck with a German red cross on its rear; and it is travelling over a bumpy, desert road. The truck is loaded with munitions and atop the munitions is a pair of eyes. As I question ‘who is behind this’, up come these words: ‘Iran is behind this.’ The truck stops at the gates of ‘The Mid-east Delegation’ and unloads; and when I look in the distance behind this truck, I see a line of military trucks, as far as I can see.
In the next vision, I see an Iranian on the telephone with Yeltsin. Yeltsin says, ‘We are with you!’ Then, the Russian calls the Chinese dictator, who says, ‘You have our cooperation.’
A picture of a Swiss bank then appears, and in it is much gold. Gold is being poured from one very large container into another. A skeleton key called, ‘I steal from you’ is inserted into a lock on gate; and as the gate swings open, container of gold is ushered behind it and into a locked vault. On the gold bars are the words, ‘Stolen from the USA.’ I do not know who is behind this, but as I look on the huge container with wheels, I see ‘United Nations.’"
"My Lord, what a mess!"
"Child, it is. But, all must come to an end in a government, which is corrupt to the core. I am Jesus. I am Jehovah, Most High God of Earth."

As witnessed, dictated and recorded this 13th day of February, 1998,
Linda Newkirk

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