"Yea, I have chosen many for special walks in Me and My ways. For, these are the latter days, and My angel stands ready, with the trumpet to his lips."- Jesus
More from chapter 32
Words of Encouragement
"Precious Child, it is I,
Master Jesus. You have prayed long and hard, and I have poured out My Spirit
into you and around you in great measure. I have brought you to My Holy
Mountain and back to Tree of Life, where I have fed you. Now, Child, you sit at
My desk in My appointed Room; and remember: I love you dearly; for, I have
called you and chosen you; and I have nurtured and groomed you.
Yea, I have chosen many for
special walks in Me and My ways. For, these are the latter days, and My angel
stands ready, with the trumpet to his lips.
Child, worry not about the
criticism, rejection or aloofness you receive from others. I am at the helm of
your ship. Depend on no one for spiritual strength; for all will desert you at
some time; yea, if for only a short season. But, I, being in charge, will
provide you with what you need at any given time. You feel bewildered that
others have rejected the notion that there are women apostles. Worry not about
this. Look before you at the writing, which appears on the Timeline. Read and
record the same."
"My Lord, this is what
is written: ‘Among you are women apostles and to disregard them is wrong; for,
I call whom I will.’"
"Child, you have seen
and written as I have shown. Now, be comforted in this; and lift up your eyes,
for I am before you on My Holy Mountain and I bring you peace, beauty and
"My Precious Lord, I
see You above me and Your brilliant radiance illumines all. How grateful I am
to behold Your glory; I love You with all my heart."
"Yea, Child, I have
given you the Crown of Life. Let some be jealous if they will; but this crown
is for all, who persevere in My works amidst great hardships. Yea, Child, I will
give this crown to all, who put Me first and make Me their life. If some reject
this crown; or, are jealous about this, so be it. For, few have given of their
time and life to Me as intently as you have; and I honor your love and
obedience. Go your way, Child, and get the second book finished. I am sending
you help with the publication of these works. I am Jesus. I am Jehovah, Most
High God of Earth."
As witnessed, dictated and
recorded this 27th
day of February, 1998,
Linda Newkirk
Linda Newkirk
go to: prophecies