Sunday, June 5, 2011

23 Minutes in Hell

Bill Wiese experienced 23 minutes in hell.

"I knew that Hell's location is in the center of the earth. That's where it's at, in the center of the earth. I understood that I was about 3700 miles deep in the earth. We know that the earth's diameter is 8000 miles. Half way would be about 4000. I was about 3700 miles down. In Ephesians 4:9 it says that Jesus descended into the lower parts of the earth. "

"So if there's anyone here who doesn't know the Lord, anyone here who really has never asked Jesus to be Lord and Savior of your life. You never really came to that point where you really had to voice it out your own mouth and ask Him to come into your life, would you stand up? If there's anybody here would you stand up now, for Jesus? Don't let the devil, that creature laugh at you. Stand up now, when you have the chance, cause you don't know how much time we have. You don't know that you might die tomorrow, and end up in that place.

Let me tell you, that place, just the heat alone would be horrible to endure. Those people that we saw jump out of the New York towers. They held hands and jumped. How horrible that must have been. You know if you've ever been up high and looked down, to jump would be unthinkable. But they had to face that heat. And that was only for about five seconds, it would have incinerated them and that was about two thousand degrees. Scientists say that in the center of the earth is about twelve thousand degrees. So you have to endure that for eternity. If you're willing to go through that, that would be awfully foolish. Now is the time."

Read more,go to this link