Saturday, August 22, 2015

Three US Places Marked for Massive Earthquake Judgment Speedily Bro. Sad...


Sadhu's Testimony about the US and GOD's REVELATION, August 17, 2015

  • SADHU: Ten years ago, Sadhu saw Jesus with [in the spirit] the council of  elders and they said that that the destiny of the US would be decided soon. So, for ten years, US prophets cried out to the nation about the judgement, calamities to come. But the people did not heed the call of the prophets.

  • In the 911 event, as a sample, when the Lord lifted His hand of protection slightly from the US, the twin towers were brought down by terrorists. The whole nation was in mourning for two months. People prayed for two to three months, churches were flooded with people and they seemed to turn to GOD. but it did not last long.
  • From year 2001 to present, the nation has gone down, the climax of it all was the Supreme Court verdict on June 26. On this the day, the nation totally turned her back to God.
  • Before the above-mentioned date, on June 19, Sadhu was visited by the Lord and said that California will be torn in two, “because she will tear My land [Israel], she will tear My covenant with My own people”.
  • If an earthquake of magnitude 10.5 and above will hit America, it will break the continent into two.
  • The saints [righteous people] will be warned and protected just like how Lot was protected.
  • Angels were dispatched to mark out the places for destruction.
  • June 20, an angel appeared to Sadhu with a scroll: three places were shown that were marked for massive destruction. [there are 3 major earthquake faults in the US: San Andreas, California; the other is in the middle of the US and the last is somewhere else]
  • Reason for destruction: the people are wicked, obstinate, worse than Nineveh and Sodom and Gomorrah.
  • Only prayer and repentance can save, if it can be saved
  • Los Angeles will be destroyed by a great earthquake
  • Houston will be destroyed by a massive flood
  • Two days after the message of an angel, the news that same-sex marriage is passed into law. By the passing of the law by the judges, they put a curse on the country and opened a floodgate. And the King [President Obama], as soon as the bill was passed, he went on air to announce the reason  for the passing of the bill. He lighted the White House in rainbow col0rs of the LGBT.
  • 2013-an angel announced to Sadhu that America WOULD BE SPLIT INTO TWO
  • Prayers of the people will save them, but the judgment has been decreed and will come speedily.
  • Sadhu appealed to the Lord. Nineveh fasted and repented, so it was spared.
  • Jesus: Nineveh fasted and repented from the King down to the babies.
          Sadhu: I rest my case
  • Advice of Sadhu to be saved: Fast, consecrate yourselves, renew your vows, renew your covenant and dedication. You and your family will be saved. The angels will come to tell you to flee the region.
     Please watch the video