Friday, August 7, 2015

A Testimony on Experiencing the Holy Blazing Pre Baptism

photo credit, Jerald Finney
Testimony of Pastor Chae, Eun Kyu from the Church of Everdin, USA.

an excerpt from Book 5 of Baptized by Blazing Fire

Before I give my testimony, I would first like to remind everyone that will read the testimonies that our criteria in spiritual faith are the Word of God and Jesus Christ as our center. If we place our experimental faith before Christ, we will then rely on experimentalism and our faith will be distorted. I would like to make a statement. Whoever falls away from Christ will eventually become a cult or corrupt. As a result, their gifts, experiences, and any other special holdings or thoughts will become tatter. Therefore, I would like to make it very clear that these testimonies can not be placed above the bible or Christ. It is only a tool to prove true the whole Word of God.

* Go to the city of Kwang Ju
My mother suddenly told me to go to the city of Kwang Ju. It was February 20th, 2007, 5:30 AM. As a Korean church in America, we usually began our early Morning Prayer meeting at 6 AM.

After leading my Sunday service in church, I drove to Tacoma to visit my mother. My sisters and I spent the night at my mother's. It was a Tuesday; I woke up early in the morning to prepare for early morning service which was located near my mother's home. My mother sleeps in living room so I had to tip toe as not to wake her up. I had to walk through the living room to get to the outside. As I quietly walked across, my mother suddenly rose up with her upper body straight up. With her eyes closed, she spoke, "Go to Kwang Ju!" My mother has a hard time hearing well and I know she did not hear me tip toe across the living room. But as she spoke those words, I was right besides her as I walked by. I was greatly startled.

"Mother, what do you mean?"

"I don't know, somebody spoke those words in my ears and I did not even realize what I was shouting when my lips moved."

As I arrived at the Tacoma Korean Central Presbyterian Church led by Pastor Lee, Hyung Suk, I attempted to calm myself from the early morning experience. Even as I sang hymns, prayed, and listened to the sermon, my mind was on one thing. 'Go to Kwang Ju.' I did not have any room for any other thoughts. Nevertheless, during that time, I was deeply concerned with my ministry. My current ministry was stagnant and not going anywhere. Moreover, I was in agony from experiencing repeating dreams. My current place or situation was me constantly asking God what His will was for my life.

On the same day I attended the church, my sister Grace gave me series of the three books, 'Baptize by Blazing Fire.' I read all of them in one breath. I thought to myself, 'If this is real, there is no other way for a breakthrough in my ministry. My ministry was experiencing difficulties and a crisis. The breakthrough had to come through prayer. Who is this pastor that can possibly pray every single day in length? This prayer that continues all throughout the night. This powerful prayer that engages and battles with evil spirits. Such fierce prayer?

From that day forth, I began using my early morning quiet time to pray at church. My early morning time was 2 AM. I desperately had to know clearly if going to Kwang Ju was from God. I asked God, "Father God, where do I go? Father God, what would you like me to do?" I desperately need to receive the answer. I had prayed for these two questions for about a month. While I was in prayer, I also had to fight the evil spirits during my prayer time. The evil spirits would harass me by choking my neck. Then on March 12th, my sister gave me Fire book 4.

I read all books within a week. I spent most of my nights reading the books and then reread them over and over. I had three questions. First question. 'What kind of person is this Pastor Kim?' Second question, 'Is the power of the Holy Spirit described in these books valid and does it really exist?' Last question, 'If this is all true, how should I apply it to my ministry and myself?'

Let me answer the questions ahead of my testimony. Pastor Kim is God's faithful and sincere servant. All the power of the Holy Spirit that was described in the books are valid. I am personally validating through my experience and what I have witnessed when visiting the Lord's Church.

Reading the books, I am not envious about their gifts or experiences. What I am most envy of is the fact that Pastor Kim and the members of the Lord's Church have a intimate fellowship with the Lord on a daily basis through prayer.


I thought to myself, 'If I am so envious about their fellowship with God, why don't I go to witness and learn?' I had possessed a strong desire to meet Pastor Kim. I was envy of him for having such an intimate relationship with God. I also needed my prayers clearly answered. I had to go because of my mother's statement and I needed to validate the contents of the books. On March 27th, I arrived at a travel agency and booked my ticket. I made a decision based on a strong impression I was receiving from inside me.

"Is this Pastor Kim? I am Pastor Chae, Eun Kyu from Everdin Korean Church in Washington, USA. If you allow me, I would like to visit your church and have an intense spiritual training. Please grant me permission."

Pastor Kim replied, "There is no need for permission. Please visit our church. We welcome you!" This was our first conversation we had over the phone.

I arrived in Korea on April 11th and flew into Incheon International Airport. I arrived at the Lord's Church around 10:30 AM. As soon as I entered the church, I felt the strong energy of the Holy Spirit. The size of the church was only about 711 square feet. A member of the church quickly came to me and took my bags as he led me in.

I sat at the end on the left side. Someone then approached me and handed me three hymn books. On the altar, I saw the small eyed Pastor Kim, Yong Doo dancing as he sang the hymns. It was a fast paced tempo beat. In front of the pastor danced six youths. The pastor led worship using an electrical piano. There was a drummer drumming in tune. The worship was very different from any other worship service I had experienced. But strangely, I became instantly acquainted with this unique worship. After a short moment, I was fervently clapping my hands and following their way of worship. I was able to see myself adapting to their spiritual training.

About an hour and half had passed since I began participating the worship service. I think we sang roughly 25 to 30 songs. The hymns had a quick and fast tempo; I did not even have a chance to catch my breath. The hymns were about the blood of Jesus, repentance, thanksgiving, worshipping, desiring the Holy Spirit, our commission, and etc. Two hours had now passed and we were passing midnight.

At around 12:15 AM, the pastor finally began to preach. He opened his sermon by reading scripture. The sermon lasted about an hour and half. The content of his sermon was faith needing to be backed up with action. As he powerfully preached, he would sometimes make unexpected humorous and unique gestures and the congregation would all laugh together. I saw myself assimilated with the others as I laughed with them.

After the sermon, we finished with the Lord's prayer. We then took a break for about 15 minutes. During break time, I had introduced myself to the other members. There were more people visiting beside me. There were visitors from the city of Pusan, Gunsan, Kwan Ju, Los Angeles, and etc. After the introduction, Pastor Kim and his wife was at the altar. Pastor Kim prayed over his wife and then she walked back to the rear. She then gathered the new visiting people and had us form a circle. She then instructed us to raise both our hands high facing both our palms together up toward the ceiling. She then extended her arms out and began walking around us as she instructed us to shout, "Holy Spirit! Please move my hands!" She then said that if we continued to pray, the prayer would be answered and we will be able to perform the Holy dance.

Sure enough some people's hands moved after a short time. Before this shocking and interesting scene, I was concentrating my mind to the Holy Spirit. Within a moment, I felt a sensation, a refreshing wind. It felt as though my hand was in a river and I could feel the cold water rushing against my hand and up to my elbow. The flow of the refreshing wind was accompanied by a tingling sensation. I did not understand or know how to express what I was experiencing. I had never experienced this before. I was very curios and decided to ask a question.


Mrs. Kang, Hyun ja explained that the gift was granted by the Holy Spirit. The operations of the gift is felt different for each person. My pinky fingers then began to move. Eventually, all my fingers slowly began to move. The process repeated and then it movement sped up quickly. My fingers were basically dancing. My fingers began moving so rapidly I could not follow the pattern of the movement. My fingers folded back and forth and my hands were shaking in a circular fashion. The rhythm of the motions of my hands and fingers were orderly and structural. I stopped my prayer and looked at my hands and fingers as they moved. I was not able to explain with my words what was happening. My thoughts and feelings were strange and mysterious. The time was 2 AM. The people who were around me envied my finger dance. However, I was more envious with their Holy dances.

The pastor then led us in individual prayers. We cried out in our prayers. I fiercely devoted myself with tongue prayer. With my left hand raised into the air and my right hand on my chest, I prayed rigorously.

My first night quickly passed. At around 3 Am, Pastor Kim from the pulpit screamed in a sharp tone and groaned in pain. The pastor's wife instantly stopped her prayer and grabbed several floor cushions and placed them around the pastor. The cushions were placed under and around Pastor Kim to soften his impacts as he would bounce and struggle on the floor. The other church members told me that the pastor had injured himself several times before. I later realized that he was in the midst of experiencing hell. His painful screaming and moaning sounded very awful. It took me a long time to calm myself as my heart rapidly beat during my prayer.

"Pass through the precious blood of Jesus and into the bosom of God. Pass through the precious blood of Jesus into the bosom of Father. I walked forward one step at a time, into the bosom of God. Passing through the precious blood of Jesus."

This song was the early morning service theme song. Whenever church starts in the morning, it is sung as the opening song. When Pastor Kim finished his experience in hell, he attempted to give his sermon. His voice, however, was very weak. The content, on the other hand, was very powerful. The Lord had given him a message to preach. The message was about the people who did not properly tithed and those who had not keep Sundays Holy. They were ending up in hell. As people believe in Jesus and are being saved, their faith is perfecting. Faith that perfects salvation is true faith. If a person becomes or is corrupt, that was not genuine faith. When the wind of final judgment blows, the faith that is carried away like an empty blasted ear of wheat or tare will be found as not genuine faith. We must love the Lord above all things and we must keep the commands of the Lord even unto death if necessary. I was very impressed by his sermon. After the service and the pastor's trip to hell, the pastor was granted more power from the Holy Spirit. The pastor imparted power to his wife and the certain members of the Lord's Church who possessed certain gifts. This night was my first experience of the 18 days/nights I would be experiencing spiritually at this church.

With the first night passed, I began my days and nights with the Lord's Church. The experiences I encountered in the 18 days/nights were all different. I danced in the Holy Spirit which looked like an exercise routine in the military. My movement and sound of my tongue changed into the rattling of a machine gun. As I danced in the Holy Spirit, I saw fireworks shooting from my finger tips. The sight of the fireworks was magnificent. I could not compare it to any fireworks I had seen before. The sparkles of the fireworks composed of jewels and gems shinning with seven bright colors. The colors were red, orange, yellow, green, blue, deep blue, and purple. The seven bright colors of sparkles shot out from my finger tips endlessly. As the jewels/gems reached the sky, they exploded like a bomb and the sparkles fell beautifully. The sight was amazing. On earth, we consider the diamond as the most beautiful stone. The blue tanzanite sapphire is also considered beautiful and valuable. But what I saw in my vision was much more beautiful than I can express with my finite words.
During my time there, were experiences that I will never forget. I had experienced being in an ocean of flowers. I was also standing next to Jesus at the cross and the blood of the Lord poured down onto me from the side where He was pierced. His blood washed away my sin. In addition, the Lord showed me green meadows. I saw my sins, it accumulated as high as a large mountain. As I saw my sins, I thrust my hands out and shouted the Lord's blood and Holy Fire. I could see the fire and blood penetrate through the mountain as I shouted. I was also able to see the faces of a lion, ox, eagle, a goat, and a dragon.
I had another vision, it was a large screen filled with letters. The letters then began to move from left to right. Suddenly, the letters formed into a poisonous snake. The length of the snake was about 3 meters and its thickness was comparable to my arm. The snake opened its mouth and attacked me. I defeated the snake with Holy Fire. As the snake was repeatedly struck with the Holy Spirit's fierce fire, the snake turned green and into the shape of the letter D. The letter D was then placed on the screen. The Lord explained that one letter D composed of a hundred million demons. After hearing the Lord's explanation, I trembled in fear. I knew fighting one demon could be exhausting. One demon could be powerful. How could I not be shocked of hearing a hundred million demons?

 Holy Spirit explained to me that when a person sinned, we give legal ground to the evil spirits. A possibility of a hundred million evil spirits can enter and dwell in our bodies. Therefore, the Holy Spirit had taught me this is the reason we must repent quickly.
Moreover, I had an experience with Pastor Kim, Yong Doo. I was able to experience hell with him. When Pastor Kim was in hell, there were insects eating his flesh. He was tormented by various kinds of insects. Since I had sat next to him during his experience, I also experienced the physical torment as he was experiencing in hell. I could feel the insects eating all of my right side, from the heel to my neck. I was also hung on a cross. In addition, I had another vision, countless number of evil spirits were pouring out from the mouth of a large harlot. As I was fighting the evil spirits, I utilized enormous sized poisonous pillars of thorns that protruded from my body. The thorns were numerous. Initially, I did not know what the Holy poisonous thorns were but I originally thought they were some type of hair. I, therefore, called out for poisonous hairs. The Holy Spirit showed me a closer and clear view of the poisonous thorns, I then corrected myself and called for poisonous thorns.

The poisonous thorn is a spiritual weapon that only Christians can possess. When we fight against the evil spirits during prayer, the Holy Spirit will grant us the thorns on our lips and hands. The poisonous thorns have enormous destructive power. I witnessed the evil spirits disintegrate as they struck themselves against the poisonous thorns. I experienced many different events as granted by the Holy Spirit. I even experienced the fierce heat from the fire of hell.

During one of the services, a brother in whom I was not acquainted began to fall. I grabbed him so he would not fall. But when I grabbed him, the evil spirits that were in him jumped onto my left hand. My left hand instantly stiffened and I could not move it. I had to pray and cry out for over an hour to get the evil spirits to leave me. When the evil spirits were expelled, I was restored back to normal. Brother Chung who is a deacon was also visiting during my trip and I had frequently witnessed him shaking. The Lord spoke to me through a sister who was attending from Suwon city. The Lord said through her that my current difficulties will turn into bright days. The Holy Spirit then touched my whole body.

Through the sister, the Lord asked me, "Do you really know Me?" This question affected me the most. This question made me analyzed my whole Christian walk. My heart was in deep pain as I tried to answer that question. When I think about that question, I get sweaty and a chill runs through me. I thought to myself, 'Although I had desired to know the Lord deeper, did I not live my life totally according to God's Word? Even today, the question replays in my mind over and over and I question myself and repent constantly.

People must change from the physical to spiritual. We must all change our constitution such as our thoughts, actions, and the way we speak out words. We must be transformed from an earthly person to a heavenly man. Instead of concerning ourselves of the world, we must now desire and crave for the spiritual realm.

From my perspective, Pastor Kim, Yong Doo is very normal leader and a sincere Christian. If I had to pick out some differences from the majority, I would say he has a very close relationship with the Holy Spirit. He is a competent leader who is fellowshipping intimately with the Holy Spirit. How can he not be so intimate with the Holy Spirit when he has all night services every night 365 days a year with no rest?

Some people do say or ask things about him. For example, they would say, "Pastor Kim never misses an all night service of worship and prayer. Is this normal?" I would like to make a comment to those folks. I do not think any pastor who has a newly established church can properly rest every night even if the church has a small number of people or if the sanctuary is empty. What if a leader had a congregation of ten thousand and the leader truly loved and fellowship with the Lord. Would it be so wrong to spend every night in worship and prayer? I want to tell those people to stop being immature envious folks.

Pastor Yong Doo Kim is a pastor of a newly established church. They are not a rich or well off church. In fact, they struggle financially. How can it not be normal for him to pray all throughout the night? He has a burning passion and desire for the Lord and His presence. Rather it would be abnormal for a pastor in a church with no progress to sleep as much as he wants every night.

If a leader is a normal thinking Christian but financially struggling, should he/she not at least be determined like the prophet Elijah? He must fasten his spiritual belt. Although he may be bared feet, he must make a decision to run in front of the evil ones while the others are riding a carriage. If there are Christian leaders who unfruitfully live a untransforming life, I believe they will not avoid judgment. They will be considered the lazy or evil servant and they would receive the same judgment. Even with lay believers, it is now the time to prepare for the Lord's return. All Christians must awake through prayer. We need to be spiritually alert and on guard and prepare for the Lord's return. As I looked at Pastor Kim, I spoke to myself.

The fact is that all Christians are Holy soldiers who have been called into battle against the evil spirits. We as soldiers must be in constant alert. We are the watchmen in the front lines. We must succeed and execute the duties that are entrusted onto us. In fact, how much more is required to the servants (leaders) of God, those who are called to be Christ's laborers! Wouldn't it only be fitting and normal for the servants of God to receive missions that are much greater and holds more responsibility? The Lord will ask more from the one who He has entrusted with more. A pastor of a newly established church under difficult circumstances can not expect his church to grow while he sleeps as much as he desires. How is he able to waste the night away sleeping!

Even if you were sleeping, now is the time to awake! You must be like Pastor Kim who is fully awake and prepare yourself for the Lord's return. A prayer warrior is a guard on duty! Moreover, the time of the Lord's return is imminent! Wake up you sleeping guards! Now is the time to wake up! Groups of secular men and the forces of satan are waiting for me to sleep. Therefore, you must open your sleepy eyes wide open and wake yourselves up by shouting. Awake by praying, singing hymns, and reading the word. Let us carry out the mission of guardianship!

I like to make a comment to the Christians who sleep all through the night and actually overly sleep as much as they desire and to those who slanders the Lord's Church as a cult.  The Lord's Church passionately loves the Lord and they show it through the night on a daily basis. I want those people to visit the Lord's Church. The Lord's Church is Christ's spiritual soldiers who guards and labor everyday. Visit them with full consolation. I would like to recommend that you do not disturb them if you are not planning to consulate or comfort them. They are in battle and fulfilling their mission. The Lord's Church is the mist of the front lines of this fierce battle and war.

You are also sent to this world to become a spiritual warrior. You have been called to duty. Those who gossip the Lord's Church, if you have any questions, please ask immediately to the Lord in reverence. It will not be so late to gossip even after you have asked and confirmed with the Lord.