Sunday, August 2, 2015


 photo credit, fanpop

Jesus: My beloved servant, if I disclose the date of my coming to some of my servants, then chaos will come upon the world. As I have stated in the Bible, I will come like a thief and no one will know. However, for those who are spiritually awaken, they will know that my coming is soon. They will not know the exact date but will know the season. They will suddenly realize the urgency of the coming. In that season, it will only be a matter of time.

It will not be years and days of prophesying that the gates of heaven are opening or if the arch angels are blowing the trumpets, when I come for My bride, it will happen abruptly. For those spiritually awaken, when you are in a moment of prayer, suddenly, you will know and feel it spiritually through the spiritual realm that I am coming. All who are waiting and awakened will feel it together.

I do not state the date to any single person, otherwise, the world may become chaotic and disorder may follow. Therefore, a date will not be given. Only the Father knows the date. My beloved servants, if you only love Me and you are abiding in Me, you will never be bewildered for not knowing the date.

Source: Baptized by Blazing Fire 5