Sunday, August 9, 2015

The Appearance of the Devil

Photo credit, Themes
 An excerpt from Book 6, Baptized by Blazing Fire
I asked the Lord, “My beloved Lord! Even though the way we view the outer appearance of the devil is not correct and the full picture of him, can You please show me the devil in which I can describe him in my own words? I would appreciate it.”

As my son Joseph and daughter JooEun prayed together, we all saw Lucifer..,With fierce anger, the devil was seated on his throne in hell. Continuously sitting up and back down he was screaming and cussing in a loud voice at his subordinates. He was killing time as he retaliated on the pitiful souls as ususal. The devil was imitating God. He was unimaginably tall. He had an extreme thick neck. The width of his face and neck was the same. The devil had slanted eyes. He had a flat nose. He had a joker like long smiley mouth. His whole body was covered with various odors and filthy looking speckles. His body was covered by filthy sewage, all kinds of rash and other skin conditions. Perhaps, when he had rebelled and was expelled, he had obtained a repulsive appearance. His skin was flabby and droopy as though hydrochloric acid was poured over him. But still, he had authority before all his subordinates. Whenever his subordinates would stand before him, they would all shiver and not dare lift up their heads. It appeared as though the devil attempted to mimick Father God’s authority and power.

The Lord opened our spiritual eyes so that we may witness the appearance of the devil. God also said and warned, “The appearance you see now is not complete as the devil always changes his form. His specialty is to transform his look and delude the people. You must keep this in your mind.”
page 63. Book 6. Baptized by  Blazing Fire