Tuesday, August 4, 2015

The Lord Escorts me to Visit Hell

photo credit, Jesus is Savior

 An excerpt from Book 5 of Baptized by Blazing Fire

 In themorning, on October 18, 2007, an angel visited the Lord's Church. This particular angel was the one who had guided and escorted us in heaven. As we prepared to visit hell, the angel arrived with several more of his subordinate angels. We all then went to hell together. The heavenly angels had arrived riding on what appeared to be copper colored chariots. As soon as we entered the entrance of hell, the color of the chariots darkened.

The pathway that was laid in front of us appeared endless. When I looked up, the sky appeared very high but at the same time it felt like a ceiling. I saw many ropes hanging down from above. There was enormous number of meats, chunks of meat hanging on hooks tied to the ropes. The chunk of meats hanging on the hooks reminded me of a butcher shop. I then noticed the chunk of meats was the souls of people and they were hanging alive. Some of the souls had their whole bodies hanging, while some had their legs missing. Some hooks only had the heads of the live souls while some hooks had just the legs hanging.
Pastor Kim: Lord! Lord! Who are these people? What have they done to deserve such torment here?

Jesus: These souls are very pathetic. They have committed miserable sins. They were full of greed and evil thoughts. Their evil filled a pot like filthy dirty water. Observe very closely. All of their nerves are alive and moving.

Pastor Kim: My beloved Lord, I continue to visit hell and observe where the corrupted Christians go. Lord, please escort me as you personally hold my hand! This is scary! Please show me what the real sin of blaspheming the Holy Spirit is about. Please show me the Christians who are ending up in hell because they have committed the sin of blaspheming the Holy Spirit! Please show it to me in detail.

Jesus: Pastor Kim, you will now witness the place where you had previously visited in hell. You will see the people who have committed the sin of blaspheming the Holy Spirit. Observe very closely!

The Lord and I arrived in a place where a rail road track was laid out. The place appeared to be a large mine. We followed the rail road and walked deeper into the path. I noticed there were endless numbers of rooms on the side of the rail road tracks. The rooms reminded me of warehouses or a very large tube. The depths of the rooms were so deep that I was not able to measure it in my mind. I could not express in words with what I was seeing. Then their appearances began to be exposed. The people who had committed the sin of blaspheming the Holy Spirit were wearing clothes that looked different from the outside than the inside. The exterior appearance of the clothes looked fashionable, gorgeous, and with authority. The clothes represented their authority or high position. As the Lord looked upon them, he sighed with a long heavy breath.

Jesus: Huuuu...tut tut tut, what should I do? Yong Doo! Pastor Kim! My heart is aching very much and it is torn in pieces. It did not matter how much I spoke to them, their ears were closed. They totally did not listen to Me. My voice could not even be heard in their hearts. Their spirits were hardened like cast iron. No matter how much I spoke to them, they would not hear Me. Furthermore, they would not even attempt to listen and they even refused Me when I tried to touch them. My piteous children. What should I do now? What can I do now?

Oh My beloved sons and daughters! My poor children, my pathetic children! Do you not know how much I loved you and treated you preciously? How many times I had embraced you but you could not hear because your ears were clogged and your eyes were covered and darkened. You could not discern the truth. You became mercenaries and you let knowledge lead you rather than truth lead you. You hypocrites! If I had only raised animals rather than you, the animals would have not come out like you.

The souls that fill My heart full of pain. I am deeply aching in My heart. You said that you lived by love. You even said that you are the one who practiced love. You frequently said that you would serve the church by giving all of your life. My poor souls who were led away. You were led away by the temptations of the world. You followed other idols, became spiritually blind and deaf. You could no longer discern! As you lived your life on earth, many sins were operating on earth. However, among all the sins, there are sins that make Me grieve the most. Do you not know the pain I felt? The pain was like flesh melting. 
Sin is what I hate the most. I can not exchange the sin with your tears. Your confession is not enough, even though you have given all of your body, it is not enough. What am I to do with your enormous sin? Once you had confessed with your lips, "My Father, My God, My Living God!" But then you lost your chance as you could no longer speak it out of your lying lips. Now, there is nothing that can be done! What am I suppose to do now? You have come here due to your closed eyes and ears. Cry out! Make your confession! But as you know better now, it is useless!

The people on earth who still have an opportunity to repent must repent! You who are here now have obstructed My way! You have blocked My will and have threw a party in My name! Through that party, how much benefit did you reap? You have slaughtered My beloved sheep and wholly devoured them as your sacrifice. You then made them your monument for your name. You have mobilized all types of methods and ways in My name for your benefit! Now I speak against you!

You who confessed only with your lips, you had never belonged to Me! You had created dark graves in the church. You will be dissolved into the grave of the hypocrites! Do you still not understand what I am staying? You have so lightly handled My words. You had not given thought to My words. You had not listened to My words. You had rationalized according to your thoughts. You were seeking all things for your benefit as you stood on your own side.
The souls who I love are not seeking themselves. They are pure spirits. They are clean spirits who are cleansed by My blood. You are familiar with the word 'blood' but you had nothing to do with the precious blood, not at all! You are like wolves who looked everywhere for their prey. You looked everywhere to locate my beloved sheep. Once you had found them, you devoured them. Now, I curse you! Your eternity will now be ruled by the torment of hell!

When you were on earth, you looked at all things and issues and said, "Oh, I have such happiness! The blessings are found in the church. I have all the blessings!" But when you boasted and shouted out that everything in the world is yours, you have now ended up here in hell. You did not know your own destruction. No one knew, not even the wind. Now, you will be broken down and destroyed. Do you not know you were creating your dwelling place? All of your acts are written in a book. Now, this dark dwelling place is your home. You had already offered your name to the devil and his subordinates. Therefore, in this end time during the harvest, like empty wheat, you have fallen into this place as a fallen dead leaf. You will be forever damned.

Pastor Kim: Is the sin of blaspheming the Holy Spirit that fearful?

Jesus: That is correct. Observe very closely!

I saw many men and women dressed in pastoral gowns sitting on chairs and they were surrounded by fierce fire. The chairs were made of black metal. The seating area appeared as an iron plate. The iron chairs were endlessly placed in a row. Once the person was seated, something automatically grabbed and secured them so they could not move. Instantly from below the chairs blazed fierce flames of fire. The flames were severely strong. I was not able to get close due to the heat. They screamed, "Ugh! Save me! Lord, we did not know! Why are you doing this to me?"

A strange event was occurring. As the red bluish flames gradually spread throughout their bodies, not a single eyebrow or hair was burning or damaged. Flames wrapped around their whole bodies. They felt brutal pain but were not destroyed. Complete destruction did not come upon them, only pain and more pain. All they could do was miserably scream in pain. 
"Jesus! Ugh! It is hot! Why do I have to be in here? For what reason have I come here?"

Many people who held positions of spiritual authority were in here. There were many who stated that they knew much about Jesus. Swarms of people who researched the word of God were in here. Those who had discretely researched the word and interpreted based on their human knowledge were here. 
I witnessed many demons tormenting the souls. The demons were in such joy. This particular place in hell was like an oversized arena. I can only express it this way. It was very large, broad, and there were so many. It was numerous and uncountable.
Pastor Kim: Jesus, do I have to describe the scene and journalize it in the book? Lord, is this a place where I had frequently come to be tormented?

Jesus: My beloved servant, you have already seen this place many times. You had frequently visited this place and were tormented in pain. Do you know how difficult if was to look at you while you were being tormented? Because of you and your experience, many souls will not come here. There will be many pastors who will be wide awake. 
Now, I want my servants who are still in the world to listen to My words. I want them to participate in My Holy Fire ministry. In this last generation, you must work the ministry through the power of the Holy Fire. You must receive the power of the Holy Fire. But there are not many out there. I am now granting an opportunity to restore My people and Israel. I desire many corrupted servants to repent and come back to Me. I desire them to lead the Holy Spirit movement ministry. My desire is for every one of you to witness hell as you lead the ministry. But many of you are in unbelief or in doubt. Pastor Kim, you must journalize what I have said.

Pastor Kim: Lord, why did you put me through the fire and burnt me into a charcoal? That was too much! it is not one but many times!

Jesus: Hahahaha, Pastor Kim, you must experience all that is included as part of God's plan. But even though you proclaim what you have experienced to the people, they will not believe you! You must have already realized that not even your relatives fully believe you. They are still doubtful. This is very regrettable. I desire many souls to experience and know but they are far from heaven and hell.

Pastor Kim: Lord, why did you take me to the Viking of hell? It was horrible. My whole body was torn into pieces. I thought I was going to die from the torment of pain. Lord, I can not go on like this anymore. It is too difficult. Please do not let me go to hell. Are you able to make this possible?
Jesus: Yes, I know Pastor Kim, My beloved son. I really do know how difficult it is. But you have a mission to complete. You must disclose the information of hell. There is nothing I can do. However, I will grant you enormous power and I will use you. Therefore, do not concern yourself with the words of other people. Do not be concerned about your circumstances. I will always protect you. You will have a huge reward in heaven. 
Pastors and other leaders are following the concerns and views of their people. They are led by reason. Associations assemble to focus and discuss the matters of the view of people. They make decisions based on their church politics and what is popular. They become politically correct.
Even though they claim to assemble in the name of God, their end result has always been on the interest of people. As I see them, My heart aches and grieves for them very much. They are not doing My true will. As a heart of a parent who endlessly waits for a run away child, I am also waiting for them to come back and repent. They have become merchant traders of the clergy. They are buying and selling the pulpit.
Source: Baptized n Blazing Fire 5