Tuesday, August 11, 2015

Rapture When?


Rapture When?, August 11, 2015

The Lord is with us, Heartdwellers. And, one of the things He wants to do tonight, is He wants to explain some of the differences in timing that He’s talked about with the Rapture. Because there’s been a lot of doubt and skepticism voiced about the messages. He really wants to clarify that He HAS been speaking to us.

So, the Lord repented and He came back and said that in my last video: that the reason that these dates passed and nothing happened was because of the repentance of people, and the returning to Him that He saw. He was giving them more time. He has repeatedly called us to account to examine our lives, to make sure we are ready when He comes. He has taught us to discern the truth from lies, and virtue from a lukewarm life.

He explained clearly, it was the Mercy of the Father that forestalled the judgement. And that’s why the dates kept passing us by, passing us by and passing us by. Because the Father had mercy on us again, and again, and again. Do we want mercy??? If we want Mercy, then we have to SHOW mercy to others.

The Shofar is going to sound and we will be taken up, but many who were not prepared almost a year ago, are prepared now. Why? Because the Lord has been leading us that way all along. Don't be fooled by doubts, use your discernment muscles and check the fruit out. Remember: a good tree cannot bear bad fruit.

I love you all dearly. And, I’m only bringing this up to clear up your confusion. Because, our God is NOT a God of confusion. He straightens out confusion, doesnt cause it. And He’s been very careful to do that.

So, please. Go back and listen to a few of the videos where He explains what’s going on. And allow that to really sink in.

And in the meantime, let’s keep praying for more souls to come in. And, when it’s time. When Father says it’s time...it WILL happen!

Lord bless you, Heartdwellers. Ezekiel and I love you!


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