Sunday, July 17, 2011

Immediately after Dying, Unrepentant is Welcomed by Demon

For people who refuse to acknowledge GOD, right after death, the presence of the demon is felt.
Read the testimony of Kat Kerr:

"Now, we will describe what happens to someone who dies without accepting Christ as their Savior. At first, they will experience the same exact sensations as the first person , (person destined in heaven) but that begins to change almost immediately. They too, will no longer be sick, crippled or aged. As stated before, everyone’s spirit is eternal and once you leave your physical body (no matter what condition it is in) you will have a perfectly made spirit.

You soon begin to feel the sinister presence which is coming for you and then suddenly, demons appear and take hold of you with their claw-like hands. Horror fills you as the stench of death fills the room. You are unable to fight back, because satan now owns you! No matter how you fight or scream no one will come to help you. Your family and/or friends cannot see nor hear you and even if they could, they would be helpless to prevent what is about to happen. When you reject Christ, you become the property of Hell when you die. They begin to pull you downward until everything disappears into darkness. You begin to feel the heat and hear the screaming and moaning of agonized souls.
Even though your spirit was whole when you left your body, it will not remain that way for long. Hell is also a spirit realm and because you are now a spirit being, you will feel every form of torture they have. As you enter into.."

Go to journey to hell for more.
image from Bill Wiese