Saturday, July 2, 2011

Fraudulent Diploma

Acquiring a fraudulent diploma may land you a good job and prosper, but up to how many years of life of ease through this deceit. Find out where you'll end up in the after life. Read the testimony of Victoria Nehale:

The Lord also reminded me that there was a time when I acquired a teaching job with a fraudulent diploma and He considered that to be debt and theft. I was determined to do what was right and I asked the Lord to help me through this problem and to show me an easy way out because this was a serious crime which could send me behind bars. He directed me to go to the Department of Education and confess what I had done. I was ready to go to jail if this was unavoidable. I experienced the Lord's favor in a big way. The officials in the Department of Education told me that I should decide what I wanted to do: whether to pay back the salary I had received from the government or not. They promised not press charges against me because they were stunned by my confession. Our God is a faithful God who honors His Word.

If you are in a situation similar to the one I was in, I want to encourage you to do what is right, no matter the consequences. You might be incarcerated in the earthly jail but that is temporal. No pain or shame will compare to Eternity separated from God. Hell is not a nice place: it is better to allow God to judge you now before it is too late. We must not fear God's judgment while we are in the time of Grace: we must allow Him to expose whatever is wrong in our lives while we still have time to make right with Him because there is no forgiveness on the other side of the grave.

GO to this link for more.