Sunday, July 24, 2011

Thieves, Greedy People, Drunks, Slanderers, and Robbers

image from
1 Corinthians 6:10
"thieves, greedy people, drunks, slanderers, and robbers will not inherit the kingdom of God."

The Lord showed me this man's last moments on earth, just like a movie or film. It was like a big television screen showing me his last seconds before death. The man's name was Luis and he was in a bar drinking. I saw the same table and the same bottles in that bar. Around this table were his friends. (I can tell you this now, there is only ONE TRUE FRIEND, and His name is JESUS CHRIST. He is the faithful friend.) Luis was drinking and his friends were already drunk. His best friend took a bottle, broke it and started stabbing Luis. When he saw Luis lying on the floor he ran away, but Luis bled to death on the floor. The saddest thing was that he died without the Lord.

In the middle of all this, as all those souls in hell were crying out, I asked the Lord, "Oh Lord, please tell me, did this man know about you? Did he know about your salvation?" The Lord sadly replied, "Yes Lupe, he knew about me. He accepted me as his personal savior, but he did not serve me." Then I felt even more fear. Luis cried louder and shouted, "Lord this hurts! This hurts! Please have mercy on me!" He extended his hand again towards the Lord, but Jesus took my hand instead and we walked away from the flame. The flames consuming Luis became more violent, and he cried louder, "Have mercy on me! Have mercy on me!!" He was then lost in the flames.

Go to this link. 2nd testimony, Lupe, for more