Tuesday, August 30, 2011

"The Holy City"

The Holy City is paradise where you can see beautiful flowers, fruits, the tree of life, meet the archangels Michael and Gabriel. and find your crown with your name written in it scripted, if you follow God's precepts.

After that we left and the Lord said, "Look, servant I will show you the Holy City, so you can go and tell My people the grandeurs that I have for them."  We went up and arrive at a beautiful place, where there were beautiful trees, pines so high.  Everything was so beautiful there.  I could feel such a sense peace.

In the door of that city was a beautiful rainbow.  There were many angels on both sides of a road.  We went through the door and the Lord said, "Servant, this is the Holy City."  We walked until we arrived at a garden full of beautiful roses, like I've never seen on Earth.
Then we rode through beautiful green grass.  The Lord sat down on the grass, and with a beautiful smile He said, "Servant, all this that you touch and see I have prepared for My people."


let go of the Lord's hand and I ran to the garden.  I hugged the flowers, they were so fine and their smell was so delicious.  I was going to cut a flower but the Lord said, "No servant, you cannot take anything yet.  You will be able to take these flowers only when My people come here, when My church arrives to this place, then you will be able to take of these flowers."  And I said, "Lord, I wanted to take just one flower to Earth and show it to all the churches."  But the Lord said, "No, servant, because My people are not here yet."  I saw many different type of beautiful flowers. 

"Then we rode through beautiful green grass.  The Lord sat down on the grass, and with a beautiful smile He said, "Servant, all this that you touch and see I have prepared for My people."

We then rode to a place with a huge tree that was full of fruits.  I said, "Lord, this tree? What does this tree mean? And all these fruits?"  I was also going to pull off one of the fruits but the Lord told me again, "No, servant, you cannot take those fruits yet, because this tree is the tree of Life, and from this tree My people shall eat when they come up here.  Meanwhile you cannot take anything until My people have arrived here."  The tree had such beautiful fruits.

Then we continued riding, and I saw so many beautiful butterflies and animals.  The Lord said, "Servant all these things here are for My people.  Tell My people that very soon, they are going to be here, riding in this holy city."

We continued and arrived at another beautiful place, with many huge trees and pines.  The Lord said, "Servant, all this is for My people.  Servant, come here because I will show you wonders."

We arrive at a beautiful place that was full of angels.  One angel was huge, and had a big trumpet to his mouth.  I said, "Lord, that angel, what does that mean?"  The Lord replied, "Look servant, this angel is waiting for a signal, this angel is waiting for an order that I give, so he can begin to sound the trumpet, and when this angel begins to play that trumpet, My people will be taken up, raised, and transformed.  But be sure of one thing servant, this trumpet will be just heard by those that are watching!  So go and tell My people to watch, tell to My people don’t sleep, because if you fall sleep, you won’t hear the trumpet, tell to My people to be watching, for those that are sleeping, I won’t be able to raise them up."

The angel was so big and beautiful, and behind him were many more angels that had smaller trumpets.  Those trumpets were made of gold, and were very shiny. The Lord said, "Servant, tell My people to get ready, because I am about to give the order for the trumpet to sound."

 We arrived at the Throne of the Father, and I could feel such tremendous power from the Throne...

Then the Lord took me to a precious place, a tremendous place, where I saw more crowns of gold.  But those crowns already had names written on them, and were full of pearls!  The Lord said, "Look servant, this crown here is for My servant Yiye Avila, and this other one is of My servant Arturo García."  The crowns were..."
GO to The Holy City for more.