Wednesday, August 10, 2011

God Desires Reuniting the Mother and her Aborted/Miscarried Baby

Aborted or miscarried babies are reunited with the mothers if the latter are saved.

"This chapter is somewhat bittersweet. Sweet because that is what babies are and they are kept in one of the most beautiful places I have ever visited in Heaven. Bitter because it is one of the most populated places in Heaven, thanks to the abortion clinics’ business over the past 40 years. How accountable are we all for the mass abuse of these tiny babies? They are human lives swept under the carpet and remembered no more. Heaven knows how many of their lives were shredded, they know, because they have ALL of them there! Not a one was lost or discarded by our Heavenly Father.

Only because of His great mercy and Christ’s blood is there forgiveness and healing available for this sin. Even the children, when grown to the age of a toddler, go through a ceremony where they receive Jesus and forgive the ones who took their lives. Yes, they know who their parents are and they are conscious of what happened to them when they first arrive in Heaven. They do not understand why they were not wanted, but they do forgive it
These nurseries hold all the babies which are miscarried or aborted. They are received by Jesus and He heals the wounds of their hearts. They are cared for by angelic beings who sing to them as they rock them in their arms. The breath of God nourishes them as they grow ever so slowly. Because of the goodness of God, a 20 year old mother could miscarry her baby and 50 years later die and go to Heaven; her baby would only be around 3 years old (in earth years). She is given her baby when she arrives and she gets to raise it. How wonderful for all the parents who thought they had completely lost that privilege!

The mercy of God allows the same thing for those who have aborted their babies; then repent and come to know Christ and make it to Heaven. For this reason alone, a second chance to hold your child in your arms and love and raise it as your own; wouldn’t you want to make it there? Many will and they can experience the joy of watching their child (once destroyed and now restored) grow and become a happy, complete being! God desires this restoration in families.

The first illustration is of the angel, Rahmee, and a baby named Precious, who was miscarried in 2006. This baby girl was wanted very badly by the parents and one day she will be restored to them, because they have received Jesus as their Savior. She will be treated like a princess until their arrival in Heaven. There will be many surprised women, who did not know they had miscarried a baby, because it was so early in the pregnancy. What a shock when they arrive and find a little ‘package’ waiting for them."...

GO to Heaven's Nurseries for more.