Just like the earth, there is an amusement park in Heaven. However, there are no thieves, no vandals, and no fees on the rides.
"I shared earlier, in Chapter Four, about the amusement park I
saw when God took me to heaven and showed Maurissa with her Great Grandfather.
The sketch I did was very simple and it did not show the tremendous gates that
welcomed you into the Park. They are always open and are not used in any way as
a security measure. There is absolutely no reason to have ‘security’ of any kind
in Heaven. There are no thieves, nor any danger of anyone vandalizing anything.
The gates are merely used as a ‘landmark’ to show the entrance way to the Park.
The gates were very ornate, gold and were embellished with the color purple.
They rose to a height of approximately 20 feet and were banked on either side
with the most glorious flowers I had ever seen. Flowers were also growing on
either side of the path leading up to the gates. The sky above me was a soft
blue and had peach and gold streaks going across it.
As I walked along the path I was again overwhelmed at
experiencing this supernatural dimension. Light seems to come from everywhere
and everything. There are NO shadows! I know that sounds unbelievable, but it is
a fact — there are NO shadows in Heaven. It is also impossible to go anywhere
without music suddenly ‘appearing’ somewhere close by. Yes, I did say
‘appearing’ because: music is more than just a sound. It has colors, sometimes
in the shape of ribbons and sometimes those ribbons even have the words of the
music being played. Worship happens continuously in Heaven and can be joined in
by anyone who wishes to do so. Angelic beings and the Redeemed many times join
in together. It is hard to resist becoming a part of a beautiful melody as it
floats above you on the way to the Throne Room. All worship goes there and
becomes a ‘sweet’ aroma to the Father. It actually has a tangible presence and
many times also carries with it certain sweet or spicy aromas.
As I continued along the path towards the gate, I could hear
people both laughing and screaming. I could also hear the whizzing sound of the
cars racing down the track of the roller coaster. The cars on the track had the
appearance of huge bullets without a top on them and they had no wheels. I still
do not know how they raced about on the track without wheels, perhaps they rode
on a cushion of light. As I came closer, I could see the expressions on the
people’s faces. Some were laughing and shouting, while others were screaming at
the top of their voices. They were definitely having FUN. There was music coming
from somewhere in the Park, although it seemed to be coming from everywhere — it
is hard to explain."
GO to Entertainment for more.image from edupics