Thursday, June 25, 2015

Distract Me With Your Comfort

(This is from Ezekiel.) The Lord had us stay up in vigil with Him, but He was VERY SOMBER - VERY QUIET AND SERIOUS. And, it has been a bit strange, but for two days and nights now, He has not let me do anything, but keep Him very close company. He has called me to the Ballroom in my Mansion, and using some very old, classical waltz pieces that I turned up on You tube, He just wanted to linger seamlessly from one piece into the next and so on.

Although we were dancing together, I must say that His Heart and Mind and Eyes seemed to keep drifting off somewhere far away. He was so obviously troubled and a bit restless - very solemn and unhappy. He would look into my eyes with great Love, but I could see and sense and feel something very deep that was so forlorn and sad. He gave me to know that He just wanted to be comforted, and distracted from the terrible punishments that were right at the door for this country, and the world.


He reminded me of the example of a mother who's child was severely deformed. At every mention of the child's deformity, a knife would pierce her heart. 

Then He said to me, "When a Mother is so terribly unfortunate as to have given birth to such a child, she loves her child just as deeply as any Mother would a normal, healthy child - her Mother's instinct being so deeply embedded within her.

“At the same time, she grieves just as deeply for her baby, knowing the suffering and rejection that her child will surely have to endure throughout life. Any mention about her child and his awful situation simply tears her heart apart, again and again.

“You know that terrible sufferings are soon to befall your country, as I have told you. But, just to hear any of you mention it - bringing up the latest news - is so horribly painful to Me. Although I know more than anyone just exactly what is being planned, and when and where these things will take place - in Truth, I intentionally am very sparing with just how much I am willing to share with my Bride.

“For Me, it is the absolute gutter, and when I see you down in the gutter, looking to find the latest news ...rather than being consoled and comforted, I am deeply grieved. It is as if a  mirror were being held up to Me, reflecting back and confirming the very thing that I am already in agony over.

“I know and understand just how desperately you all want to know and see the signs of My Coming, just to encourage you and keep you believing. But, if you only knew the depth of what you are looking for each day, you would no longer want to read, hear, or see even the least bit of it anymore. This I am asking You with tears:  please, you are My Bride. Do not descend down into the gutters any longer to look for more signs.

“I need for you to take your proper place here, beside Me, far above all of the filth of destruction and death. I need for My Bride to comfort and console Me. Take Me far away from these things with your love. Distract Me with your solace. Turn My eyes with your loving heart. Dance with Me. Be with Me. Do not leave Me alone in My Hour of Desolation.


“This is why I have brought you up High, into the Heavenly Realms that are being kept for you;  hidden in God through Christ, seated in Heavenly Places with Me.”

Source: Heartdwellers