Monday, June 29, 2015

Prophetic Dream: Aliens Disguised

                            Prophetic Dream: Aliens Disguised, March 9, 2015

Clare: My husband is a very cautious man and has many times uncovered hidden spiritual things, keeping us from falling into serious error.  After I was given the part six message preceding this one, he was very concerned.  He knows from experience how much Jesus hates to talk about aliens and things that seem out of this world to most people.  So he had a serious check about the veracity of the message.  Given that he went into serious prayer.

During the making of that message a scripture verse from a site that gives out random rhemas just happened to pop up, "He who believes in Me, as the Scripture said, 'From his innermost being will flow rivers of living water.'"  John 7:38

So I knew when I was finalizing the message that it truly was the Lord, because I had some doubts too, since the nature of the material is pretty far out.  Well interestingly enough, after prayer for several hours and seeking the Lord my husband opened the scriptures to the very same thing.  Then we asked a sister in the Lord who is very well seasoned to pray on these things.  She came back with, "It is from the Lord and accurate in details."

Not only that but after listening to the message several more times, my husband said, "I really believe this is from the Lord."

I prayed and asked the Lord to give him a dream just in case, then he went to bed.  Well several hours later he woke up from a dream that confirmed some of the content in the message, so here is the dream.  The Lord's whole purpose in giving us these messages is to prepare the ones left behind so they know that Jesus prophesied this before the Rapture, so there is no need to despair.  God IS in control.  Amen.

I was in a large open park field.  I noticed a man in a uniform with a ball and bat and what seemed to be his little daughter as she was running across the field and he would hit the ball to her. I looked around and several young high school boys were beginning to come out and practice the game together. Within a few minutes there were several groups of young men practicing in different places.

I thought to myself, "Oh great, spring training, this place will be full." As I noticed other adults bringing lawn chairs to watch I found a seat and sat next to an older man.  Watching the practice games a woman walked up to my right, whom I assumed was his daughter.  She seemed like a normal 30 year old house wife/mother.  But she had the most piercing eyes and smile.  There was something extremely magnetic about her. I turned my attention back to the boys on the field casually conversing with the man next to me. I didn't realize it but she had sat down to the right of me. 

As I conversed with the man he asked what my occupation was I responded that I was a missionary before he could say another word, we were both distracted by a flock of large black birds flying to the west overhead.  This was a very unusual kind of bird that I'd never seen before.  They seemed like large black leaves floating in the wind, in fact rather than flying they seemed to be just carried along on the current.  More and more groups flew over us, there were so many it took about five minutes for them to pass.  I
said to the gentleman next to me I've been all over the world and never seen that kind of bird. 

He didn't seem too concerned and said that birds like that had been seen in the area before but they were so strange they seemed like harbingers of some sort and their wings took no specific patterns but looked more like large black leaves and their beaks were curved and hooked inward.  Very strange. 

Within minutes after the birds passed I saw a gleaming copper colored air ship that looked like one of our stealth fighters flying overhead.  However it too was flying in a strange pattern.  Several others began to appear in the sky and just like the birds they seemed more to be floating rather than flying, as if they were being carried along the air stream.  Since the birds had not gotten his attention I exclaimed to the man, "Look, Look overhead, do you see that?"  At this point I noticed the woman beside me and all of us in fact craning our necks and looking upward to behold the spectacle. 

Just as there was something so magnetic about this woman, there was something very magnetic as well about these air craft, the way they gleamed and floated.  Spontaneously, the whole field full of people began to walk towards the west in the direction of the planes, and we could see that they were touching down not far away.  Many began running as most of us walked hurriedly in that direction.

It seemed only a few neighborhood blocks or so before we found ourselves standing before what looked to be a large university complex of some sort.  At the front of the campus was a large welcoming center and various staff members began to come out and greet all of us.  They welcomed us in and we all followed eagerly as our curiosity was so heightened by all of this.  As we were walking in the older man I was with had veered off to the left side and was standing at the intersection of two buildings so the woman and I walked over to help him.  As we got closer we could see a strange plasma like gel substance on the wall and all over him. It seemed to be an opaque light grayish color.

She said "Are you OK!"  And he turned, wiping the slime off of him, saying, "Those explitive blank blank blanks, I knew this was them.  I never trusted them anyway, they've done this before and I hate it.  I don't want to have anything to do with it. He simply threw up his hands and walked away in disgust.  Meanwhile one of the greeters motioned for us to proceed into the building which we did.

We looked up and could see more of these copper colored craft flying overhead and also small white pod hips with actual civilians like ourselves flying them.   A smartly dressed middle aged woman met us and said, "Do you want to be flying or grounded?"  I immediately responding, "Flying!"  Because I've always had a great interest and desire to fly. 

The woman beside me that I had assumed was the man's daughter, didn't seem to respond nor did the instructor address her at all.  She simply seated us at the front of a large auditorium.  Two men came in orange coverall uniforms,  came up to the woman next to me who I had always suspected might be some kind of alien herself, though I didn't really believe in such things.  They helped her up from her chair and instantly she transformed into a large organism floating aloft between them.  It seemed to have the shape of an up side down tear drop of sorts but with cells and vessels pumping some sort of fluid throughout;  it seemed almost like a larger than life amoeba or parasite of some sort.

And it simply floated away between the two men.  Obviously I was taken aback by this as it was a very bizzare occurrence but the draw and the curiosity, the pull on my desire to be airborne was so strong I quickly shifted my focus back to the greeter administrator.  Seeing that she was the instructor  I was disheartened at the thought of so many hours of instruction and ground school as I knew these things took a long period of time to learn.  It seemed that she read my thoughts because she told me, "Oh no.  This won't take any time at all, the capsule is very user friendly and it will simply do whatever you want it to do by your thought patterns.  It's very intuitive that way.  In my excitement I got up from my seat and began to walk towards one of the pods to get a closer look and as I did a personage of some sort about 15 feet in front of me with it's back to me whirled around to face me.  At that moment I could see it was an angel in gleaming armor who looked intently into my eyes and said, "Stop! Do not go there. 
Don't do it." 
At this point I began to awaken slightly from the dream and I reached for my bible to ask the Lord if it was from Him.  Before I could pick up my glasess to read from the head of the bed I heard a voice say, "Faithful and true."  And I slipped back into the dream.  I saw Jesus standing in front of me with the most beautiful countenance and kindest eyes saying   I turned to a scripture about honesty and truth I can't even tell you which one it was, but I began to slip back into the dream and I saw Jesus standing in front of me.  "I am faithful and true.  You can trust what I give you because it is honest." 

I just asked the Lord if it was from Him and I got the scripture about honesty and here's Jesus back in the dream looking at me and telling me that He is faithful true and honest.  Then I awoke.