Wednesday, June 24, 2015

How Great is My Love for You

What have You to speak about this morning as You call me to write,  Lord? I am still reveling in Your love after hearing Your latest message to Clare...

Yes, Dearest is Love that I wish to speak of this morning.


 My Love.

Oh, Dear Friends of Ours, you have read this far in Carol’s journal, and have surely seen the love she has for Me written everywhere in it. Have you thought this love peculiar? Do you catch even a glimmer of how deep is her love, how strong? Do you understand WHY this love is in her heart for a God she cannot see but dimly, in snatches, even at the advanced stage of her walk with Him? She has lived 61 years on this Earth, and 58 of them have been aware of Me and My Love for her. How is it, you wonder? How to love an unseen, and what you have thought cold and far-off, God?

Oh, My dear, dear Friends. Know this: before you were ever born, before I created the world as you see it, you were a spark, a Creation in the very heart of God. The Father conceived of YOU –you, your mind, your heart, your soul...every part of your being, your body, your ways....and destined you to be born at such a time as this. It was no accident of mere human sex that brought you into being -no.

The Father deigned that you would be born in the country you were, the family you were, the time you were. He ordered and ordained the school you would attend, the children you played with –and fought with. Every facet of your life, whether -from this time in history -you view that as well, or not. Sin brought trials, temptations and hard things into your life –many of them perhaps. You have been tempted by your enemy –satan -to think badly of Me since the day you were born. But I have been there, My angels have watched over you since that very moment. During the times where you thought you were all alone, during the hardest parts of your life, during the times when you thought life could not go on, could not grow worse...I have been there –drawing you, willing you to look up and see Me there, pouring into your soul My love, My ways, My heart for you.

Every time you saw a beautiful butterfly, or a sweet kitten and it touched a brief spark of joy in your was I who sent it. Every time you heard a word of true love from a parent, a sibling, a teacher, a friend –I was calling out to you through them (whether they knew it or not) to take My hand and follow Me. You see? I have been with you through all things –good and bad.You may be thinking now, “Well, if He loved me so much, why did such and such happen? Why did this and that occur? What does He mean Love, when...look at the world around us? Look at where I am right now???” These things are hard to comprehend, but set aside self for a moment, set aside anger and bitterness and reason with Me for just a while.

Does an apple grow on a tree just like all the others around it? Are there not perfections and imperfections on each one? Do they not hang side by side next to each other -yet this one has beautiful blush of color, that one stands duller and less appealing? Does not one get stung by an insect, and begin to spoil while it is even yet on the tree? Does one get picked and eaten and enjoyed –bringing joy to the one who has taken it - while another hangs there until the limb lets go, it falls to the ground and gets smashed underfoot? I tell you the Truth: these are still a part of My creation, still a part of the Glory and Majesty of Who I am, and What I have given to the Earth in My creative power. And I care for these thing as I care for ALL of My creation.
Consider: a litter of puppies is born. One goes this way, with a family that will cherish and train and keep it in their home, giving it a life of joy and happiness. That one is given to a man with a dark and cruel heart, who beats it, abuses it and finally kills it. Do I not love both? Are they not both My Creation, cherished by Me? Will I not send My angels to gather it into their arms at last and bring it here to Joy in My world? see, men do not believe Me in My Word when I tell them that My eye is even on the sparrow, and knows when every one falls. Nor does man understand how EACH THING in My creation is a part of My heart.

You scoff at Me now, perhaps. Even Carol has gotten up to stop and think, and ask Me if this is truly ME giving her these ideas and words! But listen closely to what I am trying to make you understand here...May I, Lord?


Yes –you may.


I didn’t understand at all what He was trying to explain here with the apples – and I was beginning to wonder if it was really Jesus telling me these things. After I confirmed that it was – He opened my understanding a little more. I am an artist – and with each painting, each creation I make, a great deal of  “me” goes into it. I feel almost Motherly about the things I create, and secretly wish that all could feel as I do about them. So, I understood here that ALL of what we see is His “masterpiece”, and He, in this way, is a part of everything – literally EVERY THING that you see in the world. Even apples!


To further understand, look at a quote from what Jesus told Clare last night, as He was telling her about our Home in Heaven: "You will see the transformations that Love permeating everything has made. The lion and the fawn will lie down next to one another and he will tenderly embrace the fawn as they nap. The otters will surface in the water with beautiful shells and drop them at your feet, begging to be petted. The bees will ascend in the shape of a heart and invite you to partake of their honey.


The sand beneath you will gently accommodate your shape wanting to make you comfortable. The canyon walls will have foot holds and handles making climbing effortless and on your way up there will be surprises like little caves lined with gem quality indigo azurite crystals. Eagles will invite you to sit on their nests and fondle their chicks. The leaves on the trees will rustle joyfully as you pass by and the grass will tinkle like chimes, greeting you in love with sparkling prisms of light glinting off of them and dancing off the canyon walls. Oh, the wonders of Heaven NEVER cease and all shall be yours because on Earth you lived for Me. So now I will spend Our eternity delighting you with things you never thought of, but are extensions of what enthralled you on Earth.


Here He has told us that even the SAND, the TREES and the GRASS respond to His Love –  as hard as that all is for us to comprehend and take in!!


Thank you, My Love. You did well explaining that.

My Friends. If I can consider an apple, a “thing” that I conceived of, designed and by its very being declares My Glory – a thing most would not give a second thought to... Or care about a puppy that is a living thing in your eyes.... How much greater do you think I care about you? How much greater do you think my Love for you is?

Ah, My Dear, Dear Friends! The love I hold in My heart for each one of you is far beyond measure, far beyond the understanding of man. You are My Creation, the highest order of My Creation. You were conceived in My Mind’s Eye even before I formed Adam’s body out of the earth of the ground, and then breathed into him My Life.

Do you see? Do you understand even a little how I long for your soul to come to Me, to be brought into My Kingdom to live with Me for all eternity?

 I  beseech you – think. Look around you at what is left of beauty in the world as it is right now. There is still a glimpse and a glimmer if you look for it. And think now, from this day on: every tiny bug, every tiny butterfly, every animal...yes even the plant Life that is still growing around you is given as a part of Who I am, of My Provision for what I have created. And I – the Creator of all of these things – Love  YOU.


Come to Me, My Friend! The world is ugly and harsh and  dangerous for you right now, but do not run to the enemy’s arms for your comfort, your solace, your provision. For I tell you the Truth: you will find there only death, disease, hate and destruction.

Come to Me, My Friends. I offer you Life in all its glorious, original, pristine wonder. Come to Me, Friends. Come! 
The Source of All that has Ever Been, Jesus.

Source:  Heartdwellers