Tuesday, May 10, 2016

Spread the Message of Repentance - the Blessed Virgin Mary

photo credit, Pinterest

"Understand, that the people in the beast state can ONLY show hostility TO you – especially, when you want to share the Testimony with them – but you are not called to DO that – NOT in THESE times – NOT since the CERN Portal has opened, and dark matter is simply engulfing ALL of them – in DEMONS!  Know that people in the beast state can ONLY be hostile, to the Truth; and they are NOT, your friends!  And they CANNOT be TREATED, AS friends.  You need to MAKE sure, that you are rejecting ‘ALL of the demonic clusters’, that YOU are coming in to contact with, on a daily basis." 
(Pope Peter the Last, December 12, 2015)
“Those, who seek to “spread these messages as quickly as possible”, will gather the rewards of the Saints.”
“Get your hearts and souls ready – by repenting of all evildoing; by seeking to have ‘a clear conscience’; by spreading these messages to others; by ‘getting informed’; by ‘making peace’ with Me – before I come to take your souls, from your bodies
‘I have told them through you both – on ‘a spiritual level’, that there are many problems – through My website.  But who, is spreading My Messages – My words of Truth and Life? – that are ‘uncomfortable to hear’?  They think My words are discomforting.  They think the truth is to be ‘avoided at all costs’.  Well, they are not going to be able, to deny the physical – realities, as they have been denying the spiritual ones.  This, will give the people, a short time, to repent.  Because that is what is necessary, in order to be healed from these coming ‘afflictions’." 
“For the benefit, of mankind - I have put, My Testimony, online, My children.  Because that is how ‘modern-day people’, choose to communicate with one another.  It is like ‘a blog’ – but from Heaven.  The riches that are there, are: immeasurable.  And I ask Myself this question (even though I already know the answer): Why isn’t anyone, spreading the fire?  Why, isn’t anyone, brave enough, or bold enough, to proclaim: the Truth, about My Testimony being online - for everyone on the Face of the Earth?  There is no excuse - for anyone, not to read, when they have ‘stumbled upon it’.” 
“I give you, this warning, my people – for I care about your souls.  I do not want, any of you, to be ‘eternally separated’, from the Most High True God.  What a terrifying thought!  But it is real!  If you refuse, to turn back to Him, and repent of your sinful ways, then you leave Him with ‘no other course, of action’… my people, you will not ‘be spared’ – from His Divine Wrath! – if you do not turn back to Him, with True repentance… After my Son Jesus came upon the Earth, it was then ‘a time to repent’ – to ‘turn to’ the Most High True God, so thatsouls could go to Heaven’.  My people, you are ‘so far away’, from Jesus Christ the Lord.  And you are ‘drifting off’ into ‘nothingness’ before Him – as you no longer seek ‘to bear fruit’ for the Kingdom – of Heaven; but the ‘Kingdom of this World’, and ‘the fruits of it’, are ‘far more appealing to you’.  How sad this is!... Saint John the Baptist, said “the axe is laid to the rootBear fruit that befits repentance”!  And I am repeating his message now.  For ‘the Coming of the Lord’ is upon you.  And ‘like a whirlwind’ he will strike!  And you will not know when he comes to visit you!  And so I have urged you to Stay AwakeKeep watch.  Repent.  And ‘turn back to Him’ with sobbing and with tears; tear your hearts, and not your garments!  Be clothed in the True Holy Spirit, once again – so that you can come to ‘the Wedding Feast’ that is prepared for some of you.  But just like in the parable, not all will attend… I warn you out of love…  I am asking you, to ‘spread this message of repentance’ – to your ‘loved ones’, and to your family members – if you truly care for their souls and for your own.  Remember my warning!”
Spread these Messages my people, for you know, ‘Who is Speaking’! – though you do not ‘fully understand’, you ‘do not need to’ in order to ‘fully, believe’.”
(-The Blessed Virgin Mary, Friday, December 7, 2012)
So blind, people of the Earth have become!  Because they cannot see, ‘how much they offend me’ – because they choose ‘not to’. And they bury ‘all Truth’, with ‘false externals’. I can see through ‘many masks’.  And they are ‘only fooling themselves’.  So if peoples’ refusal, to ‘spread my Word’, in order to help their neighbor, and themselves... (- of course, I could ‘already foresee’ – their response – a billion years ago!  And I have mine ‘ready and waiting’…) The people are going to be ‘devoured by fire’.  They did not like ‘the fire of Truth’flowing through My Testimony… They will ‘spiral into oblivion’.  They can’t go deep enough!  People can still repent if they choose to.”