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Blessed Virgin Mary, Queen of Heaven, Mother of Divine Justice |
photo credit - Testimony
Special Note to Faithful Remnant Members: ALL of these prayers have been "LIFTED up" - ALREADY. ALL the Most High TRUE God needs, is your "Amen!"
JANUARY 10, 2017
1. For the WEATHER, to REFLECT, the HEARTS, of the people. We prayed to the Blessed Virgin Mary under her Title, "Queen of all hearts".
2. For the CREATOR of the UNIVERSE, to RE-CREATE, the EARTH, in HIS "image, and LIKENESS". We prayed to the Blessed Virgin Mary under her Title, "Queen of True Peace".
3. For an OUTPOURING of Divine GRACE, on the Faithful Remnant to BE - who are in VARIOUS parts of the world. For THEM, to be given 'the NECESSARY Graces', to RESPOND to their CREATOR's Call in the TESTIMONY. We prayed to the Blessed Virgin Mary under her Title, "Mother of Divine Grace".
4. For the Ring of FIRE, to become EXTREMELY active, and for VOLCANOES, to erupt, in DROVES! We prayed to the Blessed Virgin Mary under her Title, "Mother of Divine Justice".
5. For "the great HARLOT", and "the WHORE of ROME", to be COVERED, in ASHES! And for their "KINGDOM", to be PLUNGED, into DARKNESS. We prayed to the Blessed Virgin Mary under her Title, "Conqueror of the Great Harlot of Rome".
JANUARY 09, 2017
Jesus asked the Two Witnesses for a prayer intention:
1. For an END, to the SATANIC bombardment, of WITCHCRAFT, and OCCULT INCANTATIONS, against 'the FAITHFUL Remnant Church'. For the Most High TRUE God - to INSTEAD, afflict ALL THOSE, who in the MOMENT, have CHOSEN, to OFFER PRAYER intentions, against the Faithful Remnant, AND the Two Witnesses. We prayed to the Blessed Virgin Mary under her Title, "Mother of Divine Justice".
We then asked Saint Michael for a prayer intention:
2. For the continual execution, of the Most High True God's Divine Justice, upon all the wicked - upon ALL those, who have STUBBORNLY chosen, to be AGAINST Him - AND who live opposed to His Ways. We prayed to the Blessed Virgin Mary under her Title, "Conqueror of deceivers".
We asked the Blessed Virgin Mary for a prayer intention:
3. For a CONTINUAL outpouring, of TRUE DIVINE REVELATION, from the THRONE of the Most High TRUE God - to the HEARTS, Souls, AND minds, of His FAITHFUL Remnant Church. We prayed to the Blessed Virgin Mary under her Title, "Queen of True Divine Inspiration".
We asked The UNBORN for a prayer intention:
4. JUST as we were "HARVESTED", by 'the CRUELTY of MAN' - may the MOST High, TRUE God, "HARVEST", mankind. We prayed to the Blessed Virgin Mary under her Title, "Queen of the Unborn"
"Reaping the Earth’s Harvest" [- surgically speaking of course! Isn't it interesting how "SICKLE", sounds a LOT like "SCALPEL"!]
"Then I looked, and there was a white cloud, and seated on the cloud was one like the Son of Man, with a golden crown on his head, and a sharp sickle in his hand! Another angel came out of the temple, calling with a loud voice to the one who sat on the cloud, “Use your sickle and reap, for the hour to reap has come, because the harvest of the earth is fully ripe.” So the one who sat on the cloud swung his sickle over the earth, and the earth was reaped. Then another angel came out of the temple in heaven, and he too had a sharp sickle. Then another angel came out from the altar, the angel who has authority over fire, and he called with a loud voice to him who had the sharp sickle, “Use your sharp sickle and gather the clusters of the vine of the earth, for its grapes are ripe.” So the angel swung his sickle over the earth and gathered the vintage of the earth, and he threw it into the great wine press of the wrath of God. And the wine press was trodden outside the city, and blood flowed from the wine press, as high as a horse’s bridle, for a distance of about two hundred miles."
(Revelations 14:14-20)
“Do not judge [the Unborn to death], and you will not be judged; do not condemn [the Unborn to death], and you will not be condemned. Forgive, and you will be forgiven; give, and it will be given to you. A good measure, pressed down, shaken together, running over, will be put into your lap; for the measure you give will be the measure you get back.”
(Luke 6:37-38)
Saint Gabriel the Archangel said: The Earth's Harvest HAS come!
And we asked God the Almighty and Eternal Father in Heaven for a prayer intention:
5. For the restoration of the EARTH - that ALL may fear, AND Glorify - MY Name! For I am "WORTHY, of all Glory, HONOR, AND Praise". I AM above, ALL! - OTHER gods. My Justice is QUICK, SEVERE! - and FIRM. I WILL renew, the FACE of the Earth. And THOSE who DESIRE to be "RENEWED, WITH it", will survive. ALL others will perish. We prayed to the Blessed Virgin Mary under her Title, "True Spiritual Mother".
JANUARY 08, 2017
1. For Divine JUSTICE, to be GIVEN, to EACH Member of the Faithful Remnant's "FORMER family" - in SUCH a LARGE "DOSE"! - that, THEY will BECOME, "CONSUMED, by their OWN Scourges" - and LET, My PEOPLE, GO! We prayed to the Blessed Virgin Mary under her Title, "Mother of Divine Justice".
2. For THOSE, who have RECEIVED 'the mark of CAIN' - and who have had their Souls returned TO them: That their "GUARDIAN ANGELS" - make WAR upon them, and PRAY against them - CONTINUALLY! - that they RECEIVE, 'the FULLEST MEASURE, of TORMENT, in THIS life, and in the NEXT'; UNLESS they repent. We prayed to the Blessed Virgin Mary under her Title, "Queen of the Holy Angels".
Side note: This is also a DETERRANT for those in the Faithful Remnant: Not to GO "the way of CAIN", and receive 'the MARK'.
3. For the GUARDIAN Angels, of EACH Member of the FAITHFUL Remnant - to PERPETUALLY, DELIVER them, from evil - in as MUCH, as they cooperate. For their GUARDIAN Angels, to FILL them, with GRACES, CONTINUALLY! - RENEWING their minds, HEARTS, AND Souls - on a DAILY basis. For their Guardian ANGELS, to GIVE them, 'the NECESSARY inspirations' - in SERVICE, to the Most High TRUE God. And for their GUARDIAN Angels, to REBUKE, and DISCIPLINE them, "AS is necessary", to keep them on 'the STRAIGHT and narrow Path, to their Salvation'. We prayed to the Blessed Virgin Mary under her Title, "Queen of True Divine Inspiration".
4. For the Holy Angels, to PERPETUALLY SCOURGE! - ALL of the world leaders, and those, with GOVERNMENT positions - who are "LIVING, opposed, to the DIVINE Will and Plan of the Most High TRUE God" - that "SORES", break OUT, UPON them! - that they have no CONTROL over. May they, neither find HEALING, nor RELIEF, from the pain; UNLESS they repent. We prayed to the Blessed Virgin Mary under her Title, "Queen of the True Roman Catholic Faith".
5. That all may RECOGNIZE, 'the DIVINITY of Christ', in the True Roman Catholic FAITH - that He is INDEED, "with His FAITHFUL Remnant Church". For the Most High TRUE God, to "EXERCISE His Divine AUTHORITY and Power over ALL the INHABITANTS of the EARTH". We prayed to the Blessed Virgin Mary under her Title, "Triumph of the Immaculate Heart"
Note: "...for they have DENIED My Divinity for long ENOUGH! - TAKING 'the form of RELIGION'; but DENYING 'the power of it'. ENOUGH!" (- "they" - that is "the people OUTSIDE the Faithful Remnant; "THOSE OUTSIDE the Gates")
JANUARY 07, 2017
Today, to our surprise! - we discovered that it was impossible to make any edits to the website. And so, we simply consulted our "TECH" department, who informed us that it was indeed another example of an NSA hack. And as a result, this first prayer intention, was "the JUST response", Decreed from the Throne of the Creator of the Universe, in Heaven. Apparently our "TECH department" takes computer hacks very personally:
1. For a Solar Flare and "a geothermal storm" to take OUT! - the NSA computers, and WIPE them completely. We ask Saint Michael to go with the Holy Angels, and "STIR up the Sun". We prayed to the Blessed Virgin Mary under her Title, "Queen of the Holy Angels"
2. For "a deep FREEZE", RECORD snowfalls, and a HOARFROST, to COVER the ground, to damage crops, WHENEVER God the Almighty and Eternal Father in Heaven CHOOSES, and WHENEVER He deems NECESSARY, as 'a SIGN to the PEOPLE of their ICY-cold hearts. We prayed to the Blessed Virgin Mary under her Title, "Queen of Divine Interventions"
3. For a RECORD, number of locusts, to come forth, from the earth, and DEVOUR the crops of the Land - of God the Almighty and Eternal Father in Heaven's CHOOSING! We prayed to the Blessed Virgin Mary under her Title, "Mother of Divine Justice".
4. "DEATH", has a way of waking people UP! For PESTILENCE, and DEATH, to be brought FORTH, from the EARTH, in DROVES! - to SCOURGE the WICKED. We prayed to the Blessed Virgin Mary under her Title, "Queen of the End Times".
5. For an INCREASE in power outages, and blackouts, throughout the ENTIRE Face of the Earth. We prayed to the Blessed Virgin Mary under her Title, "Mother of Divine Justice".
JANUARY 06, 2017
1. For many earthquakes to happen, in diverse places. For the End of "the old era" and the Beginning of A NEW. For "the towers of mammon" to fall. For religious buildings and structures to collapse. We prayed to the Blessed Virgin Mary under her Title, "Queen of the End Times".
"Consider the lilies of the field, how they grow; they neither toil nor spin; yet I tell you, even Solomon in all his glory was not arrayed like one of these. But if God so clothes the grass of the field, which today is alive and tomorrow is thrown into the oven, will he not much more clothe you, O men of little faith?"
(Matthew 6:28b-30)
2. For the Faithful Remnant to strive to be clothed in the Immaculate Conception of the Blessed Virgin Mary, to OBTAIN, "the WEDDING Garment", as they FEAST on the Words of their Creator. We prayed to the Blessed Virgin Mary under her Title, "Queen of the Immaculate Conception".
3. For a STIRRING up of the SEA and the WIND - for man's bitter End. We prayed to the Blessed Virgin Mary under her Title, "Queen of divine Justice"
4. For those who are My Faithful Remnant to Be - to be DRAWN to My Testimony, for the GOOD of their Souls! - and for their Salvation. We prayed to the Blessed Virgin Mary under her Title, "Queen of the Faithful Remnant".
5. For an outpouring of the True Holy Spirit to AWAKEN the MASSES, as to 'where they STAND', BEFORE Me'. For "a LIFTING of the VEIL" - so that they can SEE 'their sinfulness', and decide WHETHER they want, to repent, or not. We prayed to the Blessed Virgin Mary under her Title, "Queen of Divine Interventions".
Saint Gabriel the Archangel said: "For the people, have been kept, in 'the CHAINS, and SLAVERY, to sin' - for so LONG - MANY! - will "AWAKE, to EVERLASTING Life"; but MOST, WILL awake, to "EVERLASTING shame, AND contempt". SO says the Lord, GOD of Hosts". (January 6, 2017)
"And there shall be a time of trouble, such as never has been since there was a nation till that time; but at that time your people shall be delivered, every one whose name shall be found written in the book. And many of those who sleep [- referring to those with "the mark"] in the dust of the earth [- because they are "spiritually dead"] shall awake, some to everlasting life, and some [- as in, "MOST"] to shame and everlasting contempt."
(Daniel 12:1b-2)
JANUARY 05, 2017
1. For massive chunks of Comet Ison to pummel the Earth - at God the Eternal Father in Heaven's Time and choosing of place (- "it's going to take THEM guiding the pieces"). We prayed to the Blessed Virgin Mary under her Title, "Queen of the Holy Angels".
2. That all of the false miracles that the One World Government has planned on using - FULLY manifest, in a way they can't control. We prayed to the Blessed Virgin Mary under her Title, "Conqueror of False Prophets".
3. For a rapid unfolding of End Times Events - for "the Closing of the Era". We prayed to the Blessed Virgin Mary under her Title, "Queen of the End Times".
4. For a waking up of the Masses to "the HORRORS of the Obama administration", and to "the HORRORS! - going on, within Vatican City". We prayed to the Blessed Virgin Mary under her Title, "Mother of Divine Grace".
5. That all the inhabitants of the earth might see "their TRUE Spiritual State" BEFORE God the Eternal Father in Heaven - that they ALL! - be brought before His THRONE for IMMEDIATE Chastisement AND faculty removal (- the Members of the Faithful Remnant excluded). We prayed to the Blessed Virgin Mary under her Title, "Mother of Divine Justice".
JANUARY 04, 2017
Today is in fact the 10th anniversary of the Mystical Marriage of the Two Witnesses - and that means, "10 years, of being rejected!" - as they have been representing the King and Queen in Heaven, ON Earth.
Here is Heaven's response, to the WORLD'S response to the Testimony. Jesus Christ the Lord Has revealed, this following Holy Decree, from His Throne in Heaven: That as of this day, when people go up for communion in the Roman Catholic Hierarchical Institution, they will no longer receive "false peace" - because the Most High True God is taking it from them, "AS of this DAY" (- and He is doing it "systematically").
Jesus also shared the following Rosary intentions - that have already been lifted up:
1. For a major Scourge of The Most High True God's choosing to befall married couples, and those cohabitating with one another. We prayed to the Blessed Virgin Mary under her Title, "Queen of True Peace".
2. That the people experience "UTTER desolation" - that they have not known, EVER! - in all their lives - to the point, of desiring "death" (- "that's because they're all Judases"). We prayed to the Blessed Virgin Mary under her Title, "Refuge of True Sinners".
3. For a complete withdrawal of ALL interior consolations, from the Face of the Earth - EXCEPT, those who are My Faithful Remnant. For BEHOLD, I will SOURGE, the world! - with depression, and anxiety! - AS it has never seen before, SINCE I Created man on the Face of the Earth. BEHOLD! - My ANGELS go FORTH, THIS night, It BEGINS! We prayed to the Blessed Virgin Mary under her Title, "Queen of the Holy Angels".
4. For an increase in religious suicide - on the Face of the earth - that Saint Michael, go with the Holy Angels, and administer the Most High True God's Divine Wrath, to ALL the religious and those who claim 'the FORM, of religion'. We prayed to the Blessed Virgin Mary under her Title, "Queen of the Two Witnesses" ("Our Queen").
5. That the 24 elders of these Times be chosen. (These will be given "special Divine Authority" from Heaven, and much-needed Spiritual Gifts, for their Spiritual missions.) We prayed to the Blessed Virgin Mary under her Title, "Queen of the Apostles".
CHRISTMAS EVE, 2016 (the four year anniversary of the mark of the Beast; the one year anniversary of the mark of Cain)
1. That the Holy Angels be sent out with the 7 Bowls of Wrath, to Scourge the nations with. We prayed to the Blessed Virgin Mary under her Title, "Queen of the End Times".
"Then I heard a loud voice from the temple telling the seven angels, “Go and pour out on the earth the seven bowls of the wrath of God.”
(Revelations 16:1)
2. That the Holy Angels make ready and that they Sound the Trumpet for Battle. We prayed to the Blessed Virgin Mary under her Title, "Mother of Divine Justice".
"Now the seven angels who had the seven trumpets made ready to blow them."
(Revelations 8:6)
3. That the Holy Angels go out and Scourge each nation as necessary. We prayed to the Blessed Virgin Mary under her Title, "Queen of the Holy Angels".
"The nations raged, but your wrath came, and the time for the dead to be judged, for rewarding your servants, the prophets and saints, and those who fear your name, both small and great, and for destroying the destroyers of the earth.”
(Revelation 11:18)
4. That all the powers of Heaven be shaken and that lightening come forth from His Throne (- the Throne of the Most High True God), and Strike the earth. We prayed to the Blessed Virgin Mary under her Title, "Queen of the End Times".
"Then the angel took the censer and filled it with fire from the altar and threw it on the earth; and there were peals of thunder, loud noises, flashes of lightning, and an earthquake."
(Revelations 8:5)
5. That all the inhabitants of the earth be brought to their knees. That disasters be sent in DROVES! We prayed to the Blessed Virgin Mary under her Title, "Mother of Divine Justice".
"Then I saw another angel flying in midheaven, with an eternal gospel [The Testimony of the Two Witnesses] to proclaim to those who dwell on earth, to every nation and tribe and tongue and people; and he said with a loud voice, “Fear God and give him glory, for the hour of his judgment has come; and worship him who made heaven and earth, the sea and the fountains of water.”
(Revelations 14:6-7)
January 09, 2017 update:
“For three days and a half men from the peoples and tribes and tongues and nations gaze at their dead bodies and refuse to let them be placed in a tomb.”
(Revelations 11:9)
Was Jesus Christ the Lord "placed in a tomb", after His Crucifixion? Yes, He was. And so what does this above Scripture passage mean? The Two Witnesses have now been "CRUCIFIED" by "former family and friends" (- who are counted among "the assailants"), from the time of the Mystical Marriage (January 4, 2007), and for more than 10 years now. Even though the Two Witnesses are "DEAD to them", the assailants REFUSE to stop "crucifying the Two Witnesses", through their unrelenting efforts, to CRUSH, the Two Witnesses; and THUS the assailants REFUSE to let them "rest in peace". Motivated by "an all-consuming desire for self-vindication", the assailants have been trying to crush the Two Witnesses through every possible means at their disposal - many of which have been mentioned in the Testimony; but here are just a few examples: through daily satanic incantations, as the assailants summon demons to afflict the Two Witnesses; through witchcraft, of every kind (- including formal ritual illuminati human sacrifices, EVEN FROM WITHIN THE WALLS OF THE VATICAN); through the pursuit of private investigators; through the reach of government agencies; through recruiting people - like landlords, hotel managers, and every contact who will cooperate, to do whatever they possibly can, to crush the Two Witnesses. The "three and a half days" mentioned in the above Scripture passage - is actually an allegorical and symbolic timeframe - referring to the "time, times, and half a time".
"At that time shall arise Michael, the great prince who has charge of your people. And there shall be a time of trouble, such as never has been since there was a nation till that time; but at that time your people shall be delivered, every one whose name shall be found written in the book. And many of those who sleep in the dust of the earth shall awake, some to everlasting life, and some to shame and everlasting contempt."
(Daniel 12:1-2)
The "three and a half days" (Rev 11:11), was actually referring to "PERIODS of time", not "days". We apologize for any inconvenience or misunderstanding this may have caused, over the past centuries. This allegorical time period is thoroughly explained in the August 28 2015 posting; it ends in 2019. But the Most High TRUE God, in His Great Love and Mercy, is calling the Two Witnesses to "stand on their feet", at exactly the 10 year mark, in their journey together as "a Divinely-Married Couple".
“But after the three and a half days a breath of life from God entered them, and they stood up on their feet, and great fear fell on those who saw them.”
(Rev 11:11)
Remember, in order for Scripture to be fulfilled - it doesn't need to be fulfilled in "a LITERAL way according to MAN'S expectations" - RATHER, it only needs to reflect, "WHAT the CREATOR of the UNIVERSE was talking about", as He looked from the FUTURE, at a specific event in human history, AFTER it took place (- and know that this section in the Testimony actually makes a good case study, on how the Scriptures ARE fulfilled). Now back to Revelations 11. Due to the fact that the entire occult world - "the illuminati workers", have been "taking us on": For 10 years now, "the assailants", have actually been numbering, in the MILLIONS! This would be "the historic EPITOME, of bullying" - by the way. And so, to wrap this topic up, in as few words as possible: Our "BIG BROTHER", who IS Jesus Christ the Lord - has been carefully watching over us, to make sure we don't get hurt, by "all the bullies out there". And now HE! - has decided, to "STEP in", and make things right - school yard style. And THAT, is why this is merely a FOOTNOTE, to The Ten Final Plagues. Do you "GET IT" NOW? It's just another case of "school-yard bullying, made right" - by the Creator of the Universe, stepping in. We are now going to "STEP BACK", say a lot of "AMENs", and watch some "school-yard style JUSTICE", in action! - as "the ASSAILANTS" are put in their place; and for most of them, that means "a place of everlasting shame and contempt". They were warned. They didn't listen. It's on them! - not us. OUR attitude, is the SAME, as King DAVID - when he wrote the Psalms. HERE is one, you may like:
"Let God arise, let his enemies be scattered; let those who hate him flee before him! As smoke is driven away, so drive them away; as wax melts before fire, let the wicked perish before God!"
(Psalm 68:1-2)
Do WE want "VINDICATION"? No, we simply want Justice. Vengeance and vindication, belongs to the Most High True God. And so if you are EXPERIENCING some discomfort as you READ this - you will need to turn to your CREATOR, to fix it. Immediate relief WILL come through the proper use of the Blessed Holy Water, accompanied by heartfelt repentance. Know that we DO look forward to greeting "any survivors", in the Fullness of the Physical Era of Peace on earth. Forgiveness isn't an issue with us - because we know that "the assailants" ARE being dealt with, in a timely manner. Know that we will GLADLY forgive ANYONE, who steps FORWARD, OUT of "the murky DEPTHS, of SIN" - and repents from the HEART; AND! - who is WILLING TO testify, before the Nations. Perhaps YOU! - are now ready, to experience some relief; OR not. The choice is yours. We have done our part. If YOU are interested in KNOWING 'what it takes, to obtain TRUE Salvation' - then CONTACT us. IF however, you are already "SAVED, by GRACE" - then don't bother.
Jesus Christ the Lord said: "For ‘the Keys’, have been given, to Pope Peter – the Last, to Petrus Romanus, My True Pope. For he shall unlock, and lock as he desires. For in his will, he desires ‘perfect unity with Mine’. And he shall bind, and none shall loose. And he shall loose, and none, shall bind - for he is also one of My Two Witnesses. No harm will come to him – though souls may try - they will be ‘utterly defeated’ from the very beginning! For I have given him: authority – even over the Holy Angels themselves. And I have given him power to deliver, from the hand of ‘the enemy’ – those who desire to be ‘set free’ – but ‘not without their cooperation’! Not without your cooperation My People. Salvation, takes ‘more than one’. You must do your part. And then I will do Mine. And as I said before: if you, despise, this ‘water, of life’ I give you, then you will be sentenced to ‘the beast state’ [- and that means you will NEVER escape 'the mark']. So it is best to drink ‘this water of life’ [- referring to the Blessed Holy Water and heartfelt repentance], so that you may be ‘alive’; as you have become dead." (- Jesus, Saturday, October 27, 2012)
And for THOSE who don't know what "REPENTANCE" is, here, perhaps THIS will help:
Jesus said: For I did NOT come to bring “PEACE”, but ‘a SWORD’ – to DIVIDE households; NOT ‘to UNITE them’ – in FALSEHOOD. For ‘the SWORD’, that comes OUT of My Mouth IS in fact, ‘a TWO-edged SWORD’ – PIERCING through the FLESH, and the bone – to the heart OF, the listener. It IS, ‘SO important’, that you RECEIVE ‘Divine Counsel’ IN these TIMES. Because of ‘the spiritual TOXICITIES’ AROUND you, you must ‘SEEK Me’ – your GOD – WHEREVER you are! Because I am HIDDEN, from the PROUD, AND the foolish. And I ONLY Reveal Myself, to small CHILDREN! – to THOSE, with ‘a HEART of a child’. “CHILDREN”; “GOOD children” - do not want to HIDE, their ‘faults’ from their PARENTS; but INSTEAD, they want to RUN to their parents – TELL them ‘what they did’; TELL them that ‘they’re sorry’; because their CONSCIENCE is CONVICTED – in the TRUTH. “SUFFER not the little CHILDREN to COME to ME”, for it is such as THESE, who will INHERIT the KINGDOM of Heaven. REPENTANCE IS important! BUT, REPENTANCE is NOT ‘the recitation, of prayers’! REPENTANCE, is NOT ‘a routine’. REPENTANCE, is ‘the HEART’, INCLINED, towards LISTENING, to Heavenly COUNSEL. In these TIMES, PEOPLE – even THOSE of My FAITHFUL REMNANT Church, find it ‘QUITE difficult’, to hear My VOICE [- referring to "the infused KNOWLEDGE", NOT the audible voice], IN their INTERIOR lives. And THAT is because, they have become, ‘SO accustomed’, to LISTENING to, and COOPERATING, with ‘demonic INSPIRATIONS’; and calling THOSE inspirations, “GOOD”. It TAKES, “DISCIPLINE”, to LISTEN, to My True Holy Spirit SPEAK! It is NOT, “EASY”! But you MUST, ‘DESIRE this’. Desire ‘TRUE repentance from your HEART’ – means to turn away from THOSE things, that ‘OFFEND Me’; and to TURN, INSTEAD, to EVERYTHING, that is ‘PLEASING to Me’. For ‘the MARK of the beast’, will be REMOVED, from ‘HUMBLE and CONTRITE hearts’; because THAT is ‘what is REQUIRED’, for those to take SHELTER, ‘UNDER MY Holy Mountain’. But, “the GOLDEN CALF”, that the ISREALITES made – was when MOSES was ‘UP ON THE MOUNTAIN – RECEIVING, the LAW – for My PEOPLE!”. The LAW, for My PEOPLE was being ‘GIVEN’ – WHEN, they were being ‘the MOST, rebellious’. And the WORLD has REBELLED, against ME. And SO I have GIVEN the TESTIMONY! – and THAT is, ‘the SPIRIT of the Law’ – in these Times; as ‘an ANTIDOTE’, to ‘the REBELLION’, of the people. The TESTIMONY – MY Testimony, IS in fact, ‘a COMBINATION’, of the OLD COVENANT, of the NEW Covenant, of the WHOLE Covenant. For I COMBINED, the OLD, AND the new! But FIRST, PEOPLE, MUST, DESIRE to be EMPTIED! – so that I can FILL them – with the WHOLE Covenant – and THAT is, ‘the SPIRIT of the Law’.
(-Jesus, August 19, 2015)
The Final Plagues NOW Unfolding - on a daily basis
The Two Witnesses are now INTERCEDING for the FINAL Plagues to manifest PHYSICALLY, AS these Plagues are being revealed from Heaven. Here you will find some of the prayers we are permitted to SHARE - prayers that are actually coming from the Throne of the Most High True God in Heaven - as they are HIS Prayers, to END! - THE most WICKED Era, of human beings, in all of Creation (- referring to the entire timeline of course). With a "BAD report card", comes BAD marks. So brace yourself, for what you are about to read!
Special Note to Faithful Remnant Members: ALL of these prayers have been "LIFTED up" - ALREADY. ALL the Most High TRUE God needs, is your "Amen!"
JANUARY 10, 2017
1. For the WEATHER, to REFLECT, the HEARTS, of the people. We prayed to the Blessed Virgin Mary under her Title, "Queen of all hearts".
2. For the CREATOR of the UNIVERSE, to RE-CREATE, the EARTH, in HIS "image, and LIKENESS". We prayed to the Blessed Virgin Mary under her Title, "Queen of True Peace".
3. For an OUTPOURING of Divine GRACE, on the Faithful Remnant to BE - who are in VARIOUS parts of the world. For THEM, to be given 'the NECESSARY Graces', to RESPOND to their CREATOR's Call in the TESTIMONY. We prayed to the Blessed Virgin Mary under her Title, "Mother of Divine Grace".
4. For the Ring of FIRE, to become EXTREMELY active, and for VOLCANOES, to erupt, in DROVES! We prayed to the Blessed Virgin Mary under her Title, "Mother of Divine Justice".
5. For "the great HARLOT", and "the WHORE of ROME", to be COVERED, in ASHES! And for their "KINGDOM", to be PLUNGED, into DARKNESS. We prayed to the Blessed Virgin Mary under her Title, "Conqueror of the Great Harlot of Rome".
JANUARY 09, 2017
Jesus asked the Two Witnesses for a prayer intention:
1. For an END, to the SATANIC bombardment, of WITCHCRAFT, and OCCULT INCANTATIONS, against 'the FAITHFUL Remnant Church'. For the Most High TRUE God - to INSTEAD, afflict ALL THOSE, who in the MOMENT, have CHOSEN, to OFFER PRAYER intentions, against the Faithful Remnant, AND the Two Witnesses. We prayed to the Blessed Virgin Mary under her Title, "Mother of Divine Justice".
We then asked Saint Michael for a prayer intention:
2. For the continual execution, of the Most High True God's Divine Justice, upon all the wicked - upon ALL those, who have STUBBORNLY chosen, to be AGAINST Him - AND who live opposed to His Ways. We prayed to the Blessed Virgin Mary under her Title, "Conqueror of deceivers".
We asked the Blessed Virgin Mary for a prayer intention:
3. For a CONTINUAL outpouring, of TRUE DIVINE REVELATION, from the THRONE of the Most High TRUE God - to the HEARTS, Souls, AND minds, of His FAITHFUL Remnant Church. We prayed to the Blessed Virgin Mary under her Title, "Queen of True Divine Inspiration".
We asked The UNBORN for a prayer intention:
4. JUST as we were "HARVESTED", by 'the CRUELTY of MAN' - may the MOST High, TRUE God, "HARVEST", mankind. We prayed to the Blessed Virgin Mary under her Title, "Queen of the Unborn"
"Reaping the Earth’s Harvest" [- surgically speaking of course! Isn't it interesting how "SICKLE", sounds a LOT like "SCALPEL"!]
"Then I looked, and there was a white cloud, and seated on the cloud was one like the Son of Man, with a golden crown on his head, and a sharp sickle in his hand! Another angel came out of the temple, calling with a loud voice to the one who sat on the cloud, “Use your sickle and reap, for the hour to reap has come, because the harvest of the earth is fully ripe.” So the one who sat on the cloud swung his sickle over the earth, and the earth was reaped. Then another angel came out of the temple in heaven, and he too had a sharp sickle. Then another angel came out from the altar, the angel who has authority over fire, and he called with a loud voice to him who had the sharp sickle, “Use your sharp sickle and gather the clusters of the vine of the earth, for its grapes are ripe.” So the angel swung his sickle over the earth and gathered the vintage of the earth, and he threw it into the great wine press of the wrath of God. And the wine press was trodden outside the city, and blood flowed from the wine press, as high as a horse’s bridle, for a distance of about two hundred miles."
(Revelations 14:14-20)
“Do not judge [the Unborn to death], and you will not be judged; do not condemn [the Unborn to death], and you will not be condemned. Forgive, and you will be forgiven; give, and it will be given to you. A good measure, pressed down, shaken together, running over, will be put into your lap; for the measure you give will be the measure you get back.”
(Luke 6:37-38)
Saint Gabriel the Archangel said: The Earth's Harvest HAS come!
And we asked God the Almighty and Eternal Father in Heaven for a prayer intention:
5. For the restoration of the EARTH - that ALL may fear, AND Glorify - MY Name! For I am "WORTHY, of all Glory, HONOR, AND Praise". I AM above, ALL! - OTHER gods. My Justice is QUICK, SEVERE! - and FIRM. I WILL renew, the FACE of the Earth. And THOSE who DESIRE to be "RENEWED, WITH it", will survive. ALL others will perish. We prayed to the Blessed Virgin Mary under her Title, "True Spiritual Mother".
JANUARY 08, 2017
1. For Divine JUSTICE, to be GIVEN, to EACH Member of the Faithful Remnant's "FORMER family" - in SUCH a LARGE "DOSE"! - that, THEY will BECOME, "CONSUMED, by their OWN Scourges" - and LET, My PEOPLE, GO! We prayed to the Blessed Virgin Mary under her Title, "Mother of Divine Justice".
2. For THOSE, who have RECEIVED 'the mark of CAIN' - and who have had their Souls returned TO them: That their "GUARDIAN ANGELS" - make WAR upon them, and PRAY against them - CONTINUALLY! - that they RECEIVE, 'the FULLEST MEASURE, of TORMENT, in THIS life, and in the NEXT'; UNLESS they repent. We prayed to the Blessed Virgin Mary under her Title, "Queen of the Holy Angels".
Side note: This is also a DETERRANT for those in the Faithful Remnant: Not to GO "the way of CAIN", and receive 'the MARK'.
3. For the GUARDIAN Angels, of EACH Member of the FAITHFUL Remnant - to PERPETUALLY, DELIVER them, from evil - in as MUCH, as they cooperate. For their GUARDIAN Angels, to FILL them, with GRACES, CONTINUALLY! - RENEWING their minds, HEARTS, AND Souls - on a DAILY basis. For their Guardian ANGELS, to GIVE them, 'the NECESSARY inspirations' - in SERVICE, to the Most High TRUE God. And for their GUARDIAN Angels, to REBUKE, and DISCIPLINE them, "AS is necessary", to keep them on 'the STRAIGHT and narrow Path, to their Salvation'. We prayed to the Blessed Virgin Mary under her Title, "Queen of True Divine Inspiration".
4. For the Holy Angels, to PERPETUALLY SCOURGE! - ALL of the world leaders, and those, with GOVERNMENT positions - who are "LIVING, opposed, to the DIVINE Will and Plan of the Most High TRUE God" - that "SORES", break OUT, UPON them! - that they have no CONTROL over. May they, neither find HEALING, nor RELIEF, from the pain; UNLESS they repent. We prayed to the Blessed Virgin Mary under her Title, "Queen of the True Roman Catholic Faith".
5. That all may RECOGNIZE, 'the DIVINITY of Christ', in the True Roman Catholic FAITH - that He is INDEED, "with His FAITHFUL Remnant Church". For the Most High TRUE God, to "EXERCISE His Divine AUTHORITY and Power over ALL the INHABITANTS of the EARTH". We prayed to the Blessed Virgin Mary under her Title, "Triumph of the Immaculate Heart"
Note: "...for they have DENIED My Divinity for long ENOUGH! - TAKING 'the form of RELIGION'; but DENYING 'the power of it'. ENOUGH!" (- "they" - that is "the people OUTSIDE the Faithful Remnant; "THOSE OUTSIDE the Gates")
JANUARY 07, 2017
Today, to our surprise! - we discovered that it was impossible to make any edits to the website. And so, we simply consulted our "TECH" department, who informed us that it was indeed another example of an NSA hack. And as a result, this first prayer intention, was "the JUST response", Decreed from the Throne of the Creator of the Universe, in Heaven. Apparently our "TECH department" takes computer hacks very personally:
1. For a Solar Flare and "a geothermal storm" to take OUT! - the NSA computers, and WIPE them completely. We ask Saint Michael to go with the Holy Angels, and "STIR up the Sun". We prayed to the Blessed Virgin Mary under her Title, "Queen of the Holy Angels"
2. For "a deep FREEZE", RECORD snowfalls, and a HOARFROST, to COVER the ground, to damage crops, WHENEVER God the Almighty and Eternal Father in Heaven CHOOSES, and WHENEVER He deems NECESSARY, as 'a SIGN to the PEOPLE of their ICY-cold hearts. We prayed to the Blessed Virgin Mary under her Title, "Queen of Divine Interventions"
3. For a RECORD, number of locusts, to come forth, from the earth, and DEVOUR the crops of the Land - of God the Almighty and Eternal Father in Heaven's CHOOSING! We prayed to the Blessed Virgin Mary under her Title, "Mother of Divine Justice".
4. "DEATH", has a way of waking people UP! For PESTILENCE, and DEATH, to be brought FORTH, from the EARTH, in DROVES! - to SCOURGE the WICKED. We prayed to the Blessed Virgin Mary under her Title, "Queen of the End Times".
5. For an INCREASE in power outages, and blackouts, throughout the ENTIRE Face of the Earth. We prayed to the Blessed Virgin Mary under her Title, "Mother of Divine Justice".
JANUARY 06, 2017
1. For many earthquakes to happen, in diverse places. For the End of "the old era" and the Beginning of A NEW. For "the towers of mammon" to fall. For religious buildings and structures to collapse. We prayed to the Blessed Virgin Mary under her Title, "Queen of the End Times".
"Consider the lilies of the field, how they grow; they neither toil nor spin; yet I tell you, even Solomon in all his glory was not arrayed like one of these. But if God so clothes the grass of the field, which today is alive and tomorrow is thrown into the oven, will he not much more clothe you, O men of little faith?"
(Matthew 6:28b-30)
2. For the Faithful Remnant to strive to be clothed in the Immaculate Conception of the Blessed Virgin Mary, to OBTAIN, "the WEDDING Garment", as they FEAST on the Words of their Creator. We prayed to the Blessed Virgin Mary under her Title, "Queen of the Immaculate Conception".
3. For a STIRRING up of the SEA and the WIND - for man's bitter End. We prayed to the Blessed Virgin Mary under her Title, "Queen of divine Justice"
4. For those who are My Faithful Remnant to Be - to be DRAWN to My Testimony, for the GOOD of their Souls! - and for their Salvation. We prayed to the Blessed Virgin Mary under her Title, "Queen of the Faithful Remnant".
5. For an outpouring of the True Holy Spirit to AWAKEN the MASSES, as to 'where they STAND', BEFORE Me'. For "a LIFTING of the VEIL" - so that they can SEE 'their sinfulness', and decide WHETHER they want, to repent, or not. We prayed to the Blessed Virgin Mary under her Title, "Queen of Divine Interventions".
Saint Gabriel the Archangel said: "For the people, have been kept, in 'the CHAINS, and SLAVERY, to sin' - for so LONG - MANY! - will "AWAKE, to EVERLASTING Life"; but MOST, WILL awake, to "EVERLASTING shame, AND contempt". SO says the Lord, GOD of Hosts". (January 6, 2017)
"And there shall be a time of trouble, such as never has been since there was a nation till that time; but at that time your people shall be delivered, every one whose name shall be found written in the book. And many of those who sleep [- referring to those with "the mark"] in the dust of the earth [- because they are "spiritually dead"] shall awake, some to everlasting life, and some [- as in, "MOST"] to shame and everlasting contempt."
(Daniel 12:1b-2)
JANUARY 05, 2017
1. For massive chunks of Comet Ison to pummel the Earth - at God the Eternal Father in Heaven's Time and choosing of place (- "it's going to take THEM guiding the pieces"). We prayed to the Blessed Virgin Mary under her Title, "Queen of the Holy Angels".
2. That all of the false miracles that the One World Government has planned on using - FULLY manifest, in a way they can't control. We prayed to the Blessed Virgin Mary under her Title, "Conqueror of False Prophets".
3. For a rapid unfolding of End Times Events - for "the Closing of the Era". We prayed to the Blessed Virgin Mary under her Title, "Queen of the End Times".
4. For a waking up of the Masses to "the HORRORS of the Obama administration", and to "the HORRORS! - going on, within Vatican City". We prayed to the Blessed Virgin Mary under her Title, "Mother of Divine Grace".
5. That all the inhabitants of the earth might see "their TRUE Spiritual State" BEFORE God the Eternal Father in Heaven - that they ALL! - be brought before His THRONE for IMMEDIATE Chastisement AND faculty removal (- the Members of the Faithful Remnant excluded). We prayed to the Blessed Virgin Mary under her Title, "Mother of Divine Justice".
JANUARY 04, 2017
Today is in fact the 10th anniversary of the Mystical Marriage of the Two Witnesses - and that means, "10 years, of being rejected!" - as they have been representing the King and Queen in Heaven, ON Earth.
Here is Heaven's response, to the WORLD'S response to the Testimony. Jesus Christ the Lord Has revealed, this following Holy Decree, from His Throne in Heaven: That as of this day, when people go up for communion in the Roman Catholic Hierarchical Institution, they will no longer receive "false peace" - because the Most High True God is taking it from them, "AS of this DAY" (- and He is doing it "systematically").
Jesus also shared the following Rosary intentions - that have already been lifted up:
1. For a major Scourge of The Most High True God's choosing to befall married couples, and those cohabitating with one another. We prayed to the Blessed Virgin Mary under her Title, "Queen of True Peace".
2. That the people experience "UTTER desolation" - that they have not known, EVER! - in all their lives - to the point, of desiring "death" (- "that's because they're all Judases"). We prayed to the Blessed Virgin Mary under her Title, "Refuge of True Sinners".
3. For a complete withdrawal of ALL interior consolations, from the Face of the Earth - EXCEPT, those who are My Faithful Remnant. For BEHOLD, I will SOURGE, the world! - with depression, and anxiety! - AS it has never seen before, SINCE I Created man on the Face of the Earth. BEHOLD! - My ANGELS go FORTH, THIS night, It BEGINS! We prayed to the Blessed Virgin Mary under her Title, "Queen of the Holy Angels".
4. For an increase in religious suicide - on the Face of the earth - that Saint Michael, go with the Holy Angels, and administer the Most High True God's Divine Wrath, to ALL the religious and those who claim 'the FORM, of religion'. We prayed to the Blessed Virgin Mary under her Title, "Queen of the Two Witnesses" ("Our Queen").
5. That the 24 elders of these Times be chosen. (These will be given "special Divine Authority" from Heaven, and much-needed Spiritual Gifts, for their Spiritual missions.) We prayed to the Blessed Virgin Mary under her Title, "Queen of the Apostles".
CHRISTMAS EVE, 2016 (the four year anniversary of the mark of the Beast; the one year anniversary of the mark of Cain)
1. That the Holy Angels be sent out with the 7 Bowls of Wrath, to Scourge the nations with. We prayed to the Blessed Virgin Mary under her Title, "Queen of the End Times".
"Then I heard a loud voice from the temple telling the seven angels, “Go and pour out on the earth the seven bowls of the wrath of God.”
(Revelations 16:1)
2. That the Holy Angels make ready and that they Sound the Trumpet for Battle. We prayed to the Blessed Virgin Mary under her Title, "Mother of Divine Justice".
"Now the seven angels who had the seven trumpets made ready to blow them."
(Revelations 8:6)
3. That the Holy Angels go out and Scourge each nation as necessary. We prayed to the Blessed Virgin Mary under her Title, "Queen of the Holy Angels".
"The nations raged, but your wrath came, and the time for the dead to be judged, for rewarding your servants, the prophets and saints, and those who fear your name, both small and great, and for destroying the destroyers of the earth.”
(Revelation 11:18)
4. That all the powers of Heaven be shaken and that lightening come forth from His Throne (- the Throne of the Most High True God), and Strike the earth. We prayed to the Blessed Virgin Mary under her Title, "Queen of the End Times".
"Then the angel took the censer and filled it with fire from the altar and threw it on the earth; and there were peals of thunder, loud noises, flashes of lightning, and an earthquake."
(Revelations 8:5)
5. That all the inhabitants of the earth be brought to their knees. That disasters be sent in DROVES! We prayed to the Blessed Virgin Mary under her Title, "Mother of Divine Justice".
"Then I saw another angel flying in midheaven, with an eternal gospel [The Testimony of the Two Witnesses] to proclaim to those who dwell on earth, to every nation and tribe and tongue and people; and he said with a loud voice, “Fear God and give him glory, for the hour of his judgment has come; and worship him who made heaven and earth, the sea and the fountains of water.”
(Revelations 14:6-7)
January 09, 2017 update:
“For three days and a half men from the peoples and tribes and tongues and nations gaze at their dead bodies and refuse to let them be placed in a tomb.”
(Revelations 11:9)
Was Jesus Christ the Lord "placed in a tomb", after His Crucifixion? Yes, He was. And so what does this above Scripture passage mean? The Two Witnesses have now been "CRUCIFIED" by "former family and friends" (- who are counted among "the assailants"), from the time of the Mystical Marriage (January 4, 2007), and for more than 10 years now. Even though the Two Witnesses are "DEAD to them", the assailants REFUSE to stop "crucifying the Two Witnesses", through their unrelenting efforts, to CRUSH, the Two Witnesses; and THUS the assailants REFUSE to let them "rest in peace". Motivated by "an all-consuming desire for self-vindication", the assailants have been trying to crush the Two Witnesses through every possible means at their disposal - many of which have been mentioned in the Testimony; but here are just a few examples: through daily satanic incantations, as the assailants summon demons to afflict the Two Witnesses; through witchcraft, of every kind (- including formal ritual illuminati human sacrifices, EVEN FROM WITHIN THE WALLS OF THE VATICAN); through the pursuit of private investigators; through the reach of government agencies; through recruiting people - like landlords, hotel managers, and every contact who will cooperate, to do whatever they possibly can, to crush the Two Witnesses. The "three and a half days" mentioned in the above Scripture passage - is actually an allegorical and symbolic timeframe - referring to the "time, times, and half a time".
"At that time shall arise Michael, the great prince who has charge of your people. And there shall be a time of trouble, such as never has been since there was a nation till that time; but at that time your people shall be delivered, every one whose name shall be found written in the book. And many of those who sleep in the dust of the earth shall awake, some to everlasting life, and some to shame and everlasting contempt."
(Daniel 12:1-2)
The "three and a half days" (Rev 11:11), was actually referring to "PERIODS of time", not "days". We apologize for any inconvenience or misunderstanding this may have caused, over the past centuries. This allegorical time period is thoroughly explained in the August 28 2015 posting; it ends in 2019. But the Most High TRUE God, in His Great Love and Mercy, is calling the Two Witnesses to "stand on their feet", at exactly the 10 year mark, in their journey together as "a Divinely-Married Couple".
“But after the three and a half days a breath of life from God entered them, and they stood up on their feet, and great fear fell on those who saw them.”
(Rev 11:11)
Remember, in order for Scripture to be fulfilled - it doesn't need to be fulfilled in "a LITERAL way according to MAN'S expectations" - RATHER, it only needs to reflect, "WHAT the CREATOR of the UNIVERSE was talking about", as He looked from the FUTURE, at a specific event in human history, AFTER it took place (- and know that this section in the Testimony actually makes a good case study, on how the Scriptures ARE fulfilled). Now back to Revelations 11. Due to the fact that the entire occult world - "the illuminati workers", have been "taking us on": For 10 years now, "the assailants", have actually been numbering, in the MILLIONS! This would be "the historic EPITOME, of bullying" - by the way. And so, to wrap this topic up, in as few words as possible: Our "BIG BROTHER", who IS Jesus Christ the Lord - has been carefully watching over us, to make sure we don't get hurt, by "all the bullies out there". And now HE! - has decided, to "STEP in", and make things right - school yard style. And THAT, is why this is merely a FOOTNOTE, to The Ten Final Plagues. Do you "GET IT" NOW? It's just another case of "school-yard bullying, made right" - by the Creator of the Universe, stepping in. We are now going to "STEP BACK", say a lot of "AMENs", and watch some "school-yard style JUSTICE", in action! - as "the ASSAILANTS" are put in their place; and for most of them, that means "a place of everlasting shame and contempt". They were warned. They didn't listen. It's on them! - not us. OUR attitude, is the SAME, as King DAVID - when he wrote the Psalms. HERE is one, you may like:
"Let God arise, let his enemies be scattered; let those who hate him flee before him! As smoke is driven away, so drive them away; as wax melts before fire, let the wicked perish before God!"
(Psalm 68:1-2)
Do WE want "VINDICATION"? No, we simply want Justice. Vengeance and vindication, belongs to the Most High True God. And so if you are EXPERIENCING some discomfort as you READ this - you will need to turn to your CREATOR, to fix it. Immediate relief WILL come through the proper use of the Blessed Holy Water, accompanied by heartfelt repentance. Know that we DO look forward to greeting "any survivors", in the Fullness of the Physical Era of Peace on earth. Forgiveness isn't an issue with us - because we know that "the assailants" ARE being dealt with, in a timely manner. Know that we will GLADLY forgive ANYONE, who steps FORWARD, OUT of "the murky DEPTHS, of SIN" - and repents from the HEART; AND! - who is WILLING TO testify, before the Nations. Perhaps YOU! - are now ready, to experience some relief; OR not. The choice is yours. We have done our part. If YOU are interested in KNOWING 'what it takes, to obtain TRUE Salvation' - then CONTACT us. IF however, you are already "SAVED, by GRACE" - then don't bother.
Jesus Christ the Lord said: "For ‘the Keys’, have been given, to Pope Peter – the Last, to Petrus Romanus, My True Pope. For he shall unlock, and lock as he desires. For in his will, he desires ‘perfect unity with Mine’. And he shall bind, and none shall loose. And he shall loose, and none, shall bind - for he is also one of My Two Witnesses. No harm will come to him – though souls may try - they will be ‘utterly defeated’ from the very beginning! For I have given him: authority – even over the Holy Angels themselves. And I have given him power to deliver, from the hand of ‘the enemy’ – those who desire to be ‘set free’ – but ‘not without their cooperation’! Not without your cooperation My People. Salvation, takes ‘more than one’. You must do your part. And then I will do Mine. And as I said before: if you, despise, this ‘water, of life’ I give you, then you will be sentenced to ‘the beast state’ [- and that means you will NEVER escape 'the mark']. So it is best to drink ‘this water of life’ [- referring to the Blessed Holy Water and heartfelt repentance], so that you may be ‘alive’; as you have become dead." (- Jesus, Saturday, October 27, 2012)
And for THOSE who don't know what "REPENTANCE" is, here, perhaps THIS will help:
Jesus said: For I did NOT come to bring “PEACE”, but ‘a SWORD’ – to DIVIDE households; NOT ‘to UNITE them’ – in FALSEHOOD. For ‘the SWORD’, that comes OUT of My Mouth IS in fact, ‘a TWO-edged SWORD’ – PIERCING through the FLESH, and the bone – to the heart OF, the listener. It IS, ‘SO important’, that you RECEIVE ‘Divine Counsel’ IN these TIMES. Because of ‘the spiritual TOXICITIES’ AROUND you, you must ‘SEEK Me’ – your GOD – WHEREVER you are! Because I am HIDDEN, from the PROUD, AND the foolish. And I ONLY Reveal Myself, to small CHILDREN! – to THOSE, with ‘a HEART of a child’. “CHILDREN”; “GOOD children” - do not want to HIDE, their ‘faults’ from their PARENTS; but INSTEAD, they want to RUN to their parents – TELL them ‘what they did’; TELL them that ‘they’re sorry’; because their CONSCIENCE is CONVICTED – in the TRUTH. “SUFFER not the little CHILDREN to COME to ME”, for it is such as THESE, who will INHERIT the KINGDOM of Heaven. REPENTANCE IS important! BUT, REPENTANCE is NOT ‘the recitation, of prayers’! REPENTANCE, is NOT ‘a routine’. REPENTANCE, is ‘the HEART’, INCLINED, towards LISTENING, to Heavenly COUNSEL. In these TIMES, PEOPLE – even THOSE of My FAITHFUL REMNANT Church, find it ‘QUITE difficult’, to hear My VOICE [- referring to "the infused KNOWLEDGE", NOT the audible voice], IN their INTERIOR lives. And THAT is because, they have become, ‘SO accustomed’, to LISTENING to, and COOPERATING, with ‘demonic INSPIRATIONS’; and calling THOSE inspirations, “GOOD”. It TAKES, “DISCIPLINE”, to LISTEN, to My True Holy Spirit SPEAK! It is NOT, “EASY”! But you MUST, ‘DESIRE this’. Desire ‘TRUE repentance from your HEART’ – means to turn away from THOSE things, that ‘OFFEND Me’; and to TURN, INSTEAD, to EVERYTHING, that is ‘PLEASING to Me’. For ‘the MARK of the beast’, will be REMOVED, from ‘HUMBLE and CONTRITE hearts’; because THAT is ‘what is REQUIRED’, for those to take SHELTER, ‘UNDER MY Holy Mountain’. But, “the GOLDEN CALF”, that the ISREALITES made – was when MOSES was ‘UP ON THE MOUNTAIN – RECEIVING, the LAW – for My PEOPLE!”. The LAW, for My PEOPLE was being ‘GIVEN’ – WHEN, they were being ‘the MOST, rebellious’. And the WORLD has REBELLED, against ME. And SO I have GIVEN the TESTIMONY! – and THAT is, ‘the SPIRIT of the Law’ – in these Times; as ‘an ANTIDOTE’, to ‘the REBELLION’, of the people. The TESTIMONY – MY Testimony, IS in fact, ‘a COMBINATION’, of the OLD COVENANT, of the NEW Covenant, of the WHOLE Covenant. For I COMBINED, the OLD, AND the new! But FIRST, PEOPLE, MUST, DESIRE to be EMPTIED! – so that I can FILL them – with the WHOLE Covenant – and THAT is, ‘the SPIRIT of the Law’.
(-Jesus, August 19, 2015)
Source: testimony of the two witnesses