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photo credit- Society of the Little Flower |
According to the Creator of the Universe, in these End Times, and before all of HEAVEN, EVERY Sunday, has now become "the black sabbath". And that is because the people have become "filled with iniquity"; and the priests lie to the people, telling them, that they will be delivered. And yes, the people in these End Times WILL "be delivered" by the priests every Sunday - they will be delivered "UP! - to the devil". In THESE Times, all of Heaven watches as more than 100,000 people each day (- referring to almost ALL the people who physically die), go directly to the fullness of the Spiritual Reality of Hell, when they die at the End of their physical lives. And that is just a fact, revealed from the Highest Heavens. But in the churches, and the religious institutions, the religious leaders all LIE to their congregations, telling them they are "good, holy and saved". WHO do the religious leaders serve, in these End Times? The religious leaders "SERVE", the people. WHAT do the religious leaders "SERVE the people"? The "in personae satanae" or "in persoanae dragon" religious leaders, in THESE End Times, serve their congregations the "three foul spirits like frogs".
"And I saw, issuing from the mouth of the dragon and from the mouth of the beast and from the mouth of the false prophet, three foul spirits like frogs."
(Revelations 16:13)
They "SERVE" the people 'the spirit of TOLERANCE' - by tolerating their sins; 'the spirit of AFFIRMATION' - by affirming them in their sins; and 'the spirit of FLATTERY' - by complimenting them in their sins. The religious leaders KEEP their congregations BLACK! - with SIN! - as each individual grows one day CLOSER, to "their Eternal Reward FOR being BLACK! - with SIN" - and that is not "Heaven" by the way. Did Jesus Christ the Lord become man, to SERVE? Let's see now, what did HE say? Jesus said...
"the Son of man came not to be served but to serve..."
(Matthew 20:28)
..."But to serve", WHO! - to serve the PEOPLE? No - to serve God the Almighty and Eternal Father in Heaven.
Jesus explains: "But, this ‘passage, of Scripture’, has become ‘distorted’! – over the past, century - so that it is ‘presented’, in a way, to ‘affirm the people’ – falsely! – that I, had come, to serve them! – solely, in bowing to their, ‘wills’. On the contrary: If people – as in ‘religious leaders’ specifically – of the Christian faith, had read this passage of Scripture, with ‘spiritual maturity’, and with ‘the understanding that only comes from the True Holy Spirit'; and, applied ‘these Truths’ – then many of them, would not, be, in Hades. But because, they thought ‘falsely’, that I had come, to affirm the people and ignore their sins; because they thought ‘this way’ – and they were ‘in serious error’ – even though their conscience was convicted in ‘the Truth’; power, prestige and position that came, with ‘affirming the congregation’, is ‘what they received’ - instead, of ‘an Eternal Reward’, in Heaven. All pastors, ministers, rabbis, and religious leaders, are all ‘in the state of mortal sin’! – whether, they, or the people want, to, admit this, or not. It is ‘the Truth’: they have all, received ‘the mark of the beast’, because, they worship ‘a false image’, of Me. And the people say, loud and clear, “Who is like unto the beast”! (Revelations 13:4). And as I said before, they "follow, after Babylon, the Great, and drink the wine of her impure passions!" Is this ‘an accusation’ or Just ‘the Truth’? The devil, accuses, "the righteous". But I declare, the works, of the wicked, "unrighteous"! And I do accuse them. Because, this is ‘a Court case’. And the ‘institutions’ are losing. And the people have a very, very ‘weak defense’. For "I am ‘the Prosecutor, of these Times’. "Best to make friends with Me on your way to Court! Lest I hand you over, to the jailers, and they put you in prison –verily I tell you, you will not get out till you have paid the last penny! (cf. Matthew 5:26)." (- Jesus, Closing Statement following Mass on March 10, 2013)
And so, to make a long story short, Jesus became man, to show man, how to serve MAN? No. The Creator of the Universe walked among man, in the Person of Jesus Christ the Lord - by taking on man's human nature - in order to show man, how to serve God the Almighty and Eternal Father in Heaven's Divine Will, in each and every moment, and with every word and breath...
The Blessed Trinity then said: ...AND! - to DO so, EVEN, if that means 'to EMBRACE and ENDURE, GOD the ETERNAL Father in Heaven's WILL and PLAN, for your LIFE' - to the point, of EXCRUCIATING suffering, AND pain. As, JESUS Christ the LORD, SHOWED, ALL of mankind - 'HOW, to embrace, God the Almighty and Eternal Father in HEAVEN'S Will'. AS He GAVE, 'HIS Life' - as "a RANSOM", for many! And THEN, UPON returning - to be SEATED at the Right Hand, of God the Almighty and Eternal FATHER, in Heaven - THAT "SACRIFICIAL LOVE" - BETWEEN the FATHER, and the SON, gave 'the OUTPOURING, of the TRUE Holy Spirit', upon the FOLLOWERS, of 'the WILL! - of God, the ALMIGHTY and Eternal Father, in HEAVEN'. The TRUE Holy Spirit, could NOT be 'sent' - UNTIL JESUS, had FULFILLED, 'His FATHER'S Plan' - for HIS life. The TRUE Holy Spirit, was sent - as 'the SPIRIT of the LIVING God' - to BREATHE "DIVINE Life", into ALL those, who were "WILLING to ENDURE", GOD the Almighty and ETERNAL Father in Heaven's Will, for their LIVES! The True Holy SPIRIT, IS "HELP - FROM, GOD!" So ALL THOSE, who DESIRE to RECEIVE "HELP" - from GOD, will receive 'the True Holy SPIRIT'; they WILL be Baptized - IN, the Blessed HOLY WATER; and in HEARTFELT, and TRUE Repentance. ALL THOSE, who have 'NOT repented' - wholeheartedly, will NOT receive, GOD'S, SPIRIT. They will REMAIN, "EMPTY, and VOID" - of the TRUE Holy Spirit - because the TRUE Holy Spirit, DWELLS with those, who WANT! - "SALVATION", and are "WILLING, to SACRIFICE" - themselves - to GOD, the Almighty and Eternal Father in Heaven's WILL - for ALL! - Eternity. They CANNOT know, God the Eternal Father in Heaven's WILL, for their lives - until, they are BAPTIZED, with the Blessed HOLY Water - FLOWING forth, from the THRONE, of God. (-January 8, 2017)
"Then he showed me the river of the water of life, bright as crystal, flowing from the throne of God and of the Lamb through the middle of the street of the city."
(Revelation 22:1-2a)
Pope Peter The Last: Personally, I like "the LONG form" better. But, now you have BOTH - thanks be to the Most High TRUE God! Amen.
Jesus Christ the Lord said: A false prophet, is one, who sells, My Word – who sells, their teachings, in order to profit, from, the destruction, of peoples’ souls. They speak, of false hope, and of ‘peace’ – and that is, ‘false peace’. They do not “water the lilies”; but fill their audience, with vain thoughts, and dreams. The false prophets, do not live, in the True Holy Spirit, of the moment – because how can they, when the True Holy Spirit, has been withdrawn, from all of them except, My Two Witnesses. And a lying spirit, has come upon, all of the others – because their “father”, is, the devil. People, know messages, by their fruits. All, the false prophets sell – what they have learned; and, the people buy. [(PPTL: does ANYONE who is reading this, remember Revelations 13:17?... anyone at all? "...so that no one can buy or sell unless he has the mark, that is, the name of the beast or the number of its name.")] So, during this time, the people, received the mark, of the beast. Because the people, are all, false prophets’; except: My Remnant – My True Followers. How, can all the people be false prophets? Because, they lie; and they tolerate, lies. They tolerate, deceptions; and they tolerate evil, in their world. So they cannot be ‘of the Truth’. The Truth, is not 'in the people'; because, the Spirit of Truth, has been withdrawn from the world. I alone, give Life to My Words. I alone, speak, the words, from God the Almighty and Eternal Father in Heaven. I am Jesus – the King. I am, the Great Monarch. (-March 24, 2015)
Pope Peter The Last: And so, let ALL those who prefer to be "RULED OVER" by the KINGS and PRINCES of THIS world, CONTINUE to RECEIVE, "an Eternal kingdom APART from" the Kingdom of Jesus Christ the Lord. Amen.
Interesting note: "to be RULED over" - in the above context, apart from the obvious, ALSO refers to being "RE-measured" - as in "TAILORED", for a CUSTOM garment, that is NOT "a white Wedding Garment". "KINGS" - is a term that is OFTEN used in End Times Prophecies, over the centuries, referring to the BISHOPS. And "PRINCES" - is a term that is OFTEN used in End Times Prophecies, over the centuries, referring to the so-called "priests". You are now FULLY informed. CHOOSE! - where YOU want to spend your Eternity, by following INSTRUCTION; OR, by watching the clock tick down. The choice is yours. We have done OUR part.
Source: testimony of the two witnesses