13, 2016
Lord is with us Heartdwellers. He cares so very much for us.
is just a short message, I know, but I wanted to bring to your
attention the critical situation with Russia and NATO
right now, and I felt that I had to get this message out, so that we
could all pray. If any of you have been experiencing much more
suffering lately, much more pain, many more crosses and problems, I
can tell you that we, too, are in this place.
I am asking you all to pray for the world situation. Russia is poised
for a war with NATO and the US and is expecting Obama to attack
first. As we all know, his term of office has been about destroying
America and now he is gunning for Russia to destroy our cities with
nuclear war. Pray, dear ones, the situation is desperately drawing
close to nuclear exchanges. And do not grow impatient in
suffering. Jesus is gathering as many offerings as we are willing to
give Him.
I, for one, have had some struggles lately with showing restraint.
And I have to say, though the issues were small, nothing is small
when it comes to pleasing God.
do with one, two are not necessary."
is less."
was feeling badly because I knew I had blown it. And lately it seems
like everyday is another struggle not to cook something sweet (failed
there) and not to have more than you need. (Been giving lots of
things away.)
of course the demons love to shoot me full of arrows of condemnation
and hopelessness. The Lord, though, was very tender in prayer and
began immediately to comfort and admonish me.
Lord, I know.
He continued, "This has been a rough day. We are trying to avert a war, you know."
Lord, I know.
Lord. I understand.
know, Lord.
"Understand that success with the little things insures success with the bigger ones. It's that holy staircase again: success builds upon success, failure weakens and paves the way for more failure. I love to see you take those steps upwards, and I am there at your right hand cheering you on."
in that moment, I had a vision of the Lord. We were on a staircase to
Heaven. I was wearing my wedding dress and we were ascending the
staircase. He was on my right and was helping me, holding my hand and
giving me strength with each step in self-denial. I almost felt like
a little toddler holding Daddy's hand. It was very sweet!
anyway, that's the long and short of it for today. Please, keep
Russia, NATO and the US in your prayers. Understand that if things
seem harder, it's for a very, very good reason.
Lord bless you all.