Thursday, March 3, 2016

Powerful and Emotional Dream. The Bride is now ready and so is Jesus.


Zab Paschke: It is time. We need to print out our prayer. We have to have a hard copy of the prayer in our homes, not only for us but for others to find, We need to keep our intercessory alive even after we're gone and out of here. We need the souls to find Him and know the truth, and know how to reach Him in prayer, people who don't know how to pray, what to do to do to protect themselves.

We need to come together as a group. There are some people who get heartbroken when they share things with other people who don't agree. We need to stop that. This is not the platform for that. It's not about sharing their voice or feelings, trying to get people to the truth. That's not our job in this group. It's to intercede and pray to save souls and undo some of the destruction and judgment that's about to hit and do what we can as a body of Christ.

Let's just unify our voices. Let's make it all about prayer, let's edify each other, encourage each other. if someone is sharing that doesn't ring true in your spirit, Be careful, there might be some people making videos and you don't agree with them and even one sliver of the Holy Spirit is coming through in their video, be careful…
Please watch the video.