Sunday, February 7, 2016

Temptations Against Purity


The blessings and sweet companionship of our Lord Jesus be with you, Heartdwellers.

"My children, did I not tell you that you would be tempted in ways never before experienced...or at least things that you would never be tempted to before?

"Well, that time is upon you and many are giving into things they should be abstaining from. I would ask you to call upon Me in that hour when the fires of temptation are the hottest and I will deliver you. Please, do not give in to the devils' proposals. These are refining fires meant to polish off the surface of the precious facets of your soul that is so on fire with love for Me.

"The devils would lower your desires to become carnal. But I say, rise up and take command of your flesh and put down these evil propositions before they can gain a foothold in you. The devils are looking for the stragglers, the weak ones that can't keep up, the compromised, the injured, the languishing ones. But I say to you, I will defend you in that moment. Call on Me and do not go the way of sin. Rather refocus on Me and I will handle these things that are too much for you.

"In each of you there is a point of tolerance, a point at which you can no longer maintain your purity. That is when you need to call on Me. That is when I will come to your rescue and make the difference."

 "Now I will tell you a secret. Nine times out of ten, when you feel tempted in this way, it is demonic. They have a way of electronically sending impulses to certain points in your bodies that will cause you to be aroused. And they will do the same things to the people around you, setting you up for an occasion of sin. They will, in fact, also give you dreams to try and instigate fornication. I'm not talking here about the demons that stalk in the night to cause arousal (incubus and succubus). Rather, I am talking about masquerading demons who appear in your dreams or thoughts looking like someone you know or have an affection for, but in reality it is a demon.

"Be smarter than the enemy, My Children. Do not allow him to steal your purity or compromise and ruin your lives with the wrong spouse. Wait until I designate a spouse for you. Wait until I reveal a match truly made in Heaven. The repercussions are lifelong and beyond even this generation.

"Yet know that even now, if you've walked into the wrong relationship, I can and will still do what is necessary to help you lead a fulfilling life. Just remain vigilant, faithful and obedient to Me. It is not always in your power to win every confrontation with evil, but it is in Mine." 

Please read more

Source: Heartdwellers