Sunday, February 28, 2016

Dream - Unbelievable Power we have as a Church when we work together.


"For where two or three are gathered in my name, there am I among them.” - Matther 18:20

Zab Paschke I don't denounce Catholics. I know they're true believers in Christ. But there are some misleading teachings of the Catholic church as I feel there's a lot of misleading teachings and of  a lot of churches, but the dogma of the Catholic  I think there are  some things that could lead  lot of people away from Jesus, deliberately separate Him with you in lieu of the relationship with Jesus. 

Anyway, I don't mean to delve into that. I see Jim Caviezel over there, and he's in an interview. Just talk to him about Jesus and he'd launch into preaching about all these beautiful things and believes in Jesus and feels like he really wants to walk in Jesus'  steps when he made that movie but he also said interestingly when Mel Gibson was approaching about the movie,  he has said realizing carried a big weight to work again as an actor portraying Christ. You know what's up with Hollywood, but he said oh my gosh just realized something . Mel Gibson said what,  he said my initials are JC and I'm 33 years old. Mel Ginson was freaked out by that.But anyway, I feel that he's really really true Godly man.

In my dream I'm looking directly at Jim Caviezel and we're talking about the Bible and that there's people in either side of us,  and we're talking about the importance of the people to read the Bible. Tell them DON'T JUST READ BOOKS ABOUT THE BIBLE. JUST READ THE BIBLE. and I heard this affirmation: YES, YES!

Don't get distracted by books about the Bible. Just go straight to the authority. Trust the Holy Spirit is going to explain to your heart. Open your heart, don't think so logically, worry about other people's interpretations could be. Let the Holy Spirit help you interpret it. 

We have responsibilities to each other as a church.

Don't get distracted by people luring you to something temporary.

When we come together and pray,. Let's pray together although we are at different time, in our own homes but at the same time. Think of what mountain we want to move that day, could be sharing the gospel, getting the people to open their eyes, empowering us as a church.

Please watch the video.