Friday, February 5, 2016

Please, Receive My Love, Jesus Pleads with us


Clare du Bois: May the Lord's sweetest blessings of total union with Him, fall on you my precious Heartdwellers.

JESUS: "My precious, My Beloved, I could not help but give you a foretaste of Heaven and how very much we cherish you far and above anything you can possibly imagine. You are precious, precious, precious to us. Your very name is a sweet smelling fragrance in Heaven. Do not wound Me by turning My words away from your heart. Absorb them, My Love. They are life to you. Much needed life, because daily you are undermined and condemned by the accuser's voices, and now you need to know the truth.

"Oh My Bride, how precious you are to us. (the Trinity and Heaven's citizens) Keep up the wonderful efforts you are making for Me, My Love. I am very satisfied with you and your heart of gold for Me. Keep up the good work, My Love. Yes, you will indeed keep it up until that very last fateful moment. I caress you now, My Bride, holding you My Precious Treasure against My Heart and savoring the sweet smelling sacrifice you are to Me.

"Treasure these words, My Love, and keep them close by. Do read them again and again so you will come to understand, at least in part, how very much you are loved. My diamond, My beauty, My sweet smelling sacrifice. Amen."

These words are meant for all of you, my friends.You are to Him the most unique treasure He ever created. Because only you, with your own set of attributes, fulfills that longing in Him for the perfect companion.

Please read more 

Source: Heartdwellers