Tuesday, February 16, 2016

Messages from the Virgin Mary & Jesus on UFO, CHASTISEMENT & THE LOST

Mary, Mediatrix of all graces, photo credit: wiki

Veronica Lueken:      I see people, many people, making their way into buildings. The buildings have been hit by something, because many of the walls are down. Many of the walls are down, and there seems to have been a great disaster. I see great poverty about them. There doesn’t seem to be any, any signs of prosperity or any signs of, of industry. Everything seems to be as though it had been levelled.
  Now it’s growing very dark. And as it’s growing dark, Our Lady is holding up this—it looks almost like a candelabra. It’s, it has the three candles. And Our Lady now is touching the candelabra over towards Her heart; She’s holding it over Her heart.
   Now Our Lady is extending Her Rosary, which was tied to a golden cord braided at Her side, and She’s saying:

     Our Lady - “Pray much, My children, for you do not know what lies before you. Prayer, atonement, and sacrifice! I have wandered throughout your world shedding tears, bitter tears of sorrow upon My children who have failed to listen to My pleas. I have come to save you from what you have led yourselves to—your own destruction. I have given you the plan for your salvation. I have set Myself as victim for you before the Father, begging an extension of time for your repatriation. Many We have reached, but many have turned away in mockery, and have hardened their hearts and deafened their ears to Our pleas. All Heaven will watch the battle ahead. Many will die in the great flame of the Ball of Redemption.”

Warning must be effective
     “I cannot stress the fact that I have not come to fill you with fear, but to bring you the facts of what the Father has planned for your chastisement. The Warning which will be sent upon man must be effective; and in the mercy of the Father, a great spectacle will then be placed in the sky for all to see. However, the agents of hell will try to prove—disprove the hand of the Father in this Miracle. -


My child, do not seek to defend yourself with others. You will accept your cross without complaint, knowing that the Father Who speaks to you in secret is watching all in secret. You will not have to answer for your actions to man. Therefore, do not seek acknowledgement, My child, among man; for if you receive your award—reward from man, what can then We offer you in Heaven? Know that you cannot expect less a lot than My Son had received. It is the way and the road to your purification.
  “My child, many ask you for dates, for times. It is not important. It is not necessary that you know dates, but to be prepared. I know that I have not gone throughout the world without using every means and effort to awaken you to the danger that lies ahead.
   “You will not cast aside the words of the many prophets who came before you. They were given knowledge from the Father, knowledge that was to fortify you and prepare you for these days that have entered upon mankind—the days of the struggles and sorrows, the days of darkness—unto the Second Coming of My Son.

  “The example being shown by many parents is poor. How can you expect your children to follow the road to the Kingdom when you have lost the road yourselves, and by your example you have set your children onto the road to perdition. A great responsibility has been placed upon the parents of the world, for they will stand in judgment before the Father for the fall of their children’s souls.
   “Those teachers who have misled, under the direction of satan, the young souls—better that they had died in their mother’s wombs, than to face the road that lies before them leading to the abyss and the fires! All who murder for gain shall be destroyed! All that is rotten will fall! All who share in the murder of the young, whether for gain or in arrogance seek to go beyond the Father, they, too, shall fall with the rotten fruit. 
The keys of the Kingdom

     “My children, I do not come to the proud and the men of knowledge. I come to the little ones—little in worldly knowledge, but filled with the spirit of truth; those with little of worldly possessions, but carrying the keys to the Kingdom. It is these children of God who will remain to greet My Son when He returns.

  “Make it known, My child, that there is a Heaven, that there is a hell and a purgatory. Know that life continues. There is no death; there is only a separation of the body from the living soul. It is only satan who takes the truth from your hearts. It is in this manner that he will seduce you, and claim you after you pass over the veil. You must all now stand forth and be counted.

UFOs – transports from hell
     “In this final battle, there are many agents of hell loosed upon earth. They are traveling in transports. Do not be won over to a false theory of life beyond the heavens, other than the Kingdom of God. Know that it is satan who sends these vehicles before you. They are to confuse and confound you. These objects that take flight across your earth are from hell. They are only the false miracles of your times. Recognize them, My children; they are not a figment of man’s imagination. They are present in your atmosphere, and they will become more dominant as the fight goes on for the souls.

  Veronica - Now I see ... oh, I see—it’s like a large hole. I see the ground is opening and people, people are just falling, they’re floating down into a very deep hole. But they seem to have no weight. They’re unable to control their movements, and they’re just hitting each other, and there’s terror on their faces. And they’re going down. There’s a great, tremendous, flaming light.

     And also now coming up are horrible creatures. Now—oh, and they’re screaming in terror, the people; but their bodies now are glowing like, like orange, like they’re afire, like glowing coals. Oh! Oh, and these other things that—they look like half animal and half human—they’re also placing their claw-like hands and pushing onto the figures, the human beings; they’re pushing them and they’re tormenting them. And their very faces are so horrible. But they are—they look—they’re so horrible and ugly, that they look like they’re enjoying the tormenting of the poor souls. Oh!
  Now these bodies of these lost souls—they seem to have an endless burning, like live coals. And they’re looking upward, and it’s a desperate—they’re trying to go up, up, out of the hole. But the more they fight to go up, the further down they go—down into the pit. Oh!

     Now I see many down at the bottom of this pit, and they’re sitting there. They’re no longer floating. The others must be new ones coming down. And those that are sitting are sitting in dejection, and they’re repeating: “Forever lost! Forever lost!” Oh! Oh! [Veronica moans at the sorrowful sight.
Intervention deemed necessary
     Jesus - “You’re not to be afeared of the coming days ahead, for you will pass through this without injury to your human body. Should you receive the fright, you have been prepared.

     “The Father has found it necessary to send upon the world an intervention. In this manner He plans to bring many back to their senses. They have lost their way, having surrendered themselves to the pleasures of the world. Many will return when they are forced back by suffering. The Father is of great heart that He may reach His children without further intervention after the great Miracle.”

It is in reparation for the many knees that do not bow. All sacramentals will receive great graces from the Father. These graces will be given in abundance in these days of great trial.”
     Jesus - “All objects of God, of godly nature—cards, medallions—will be blessed from the Father. They will be used in the days ahead as instruments for conversion and cure. In this manner shall the work of My Mother be propagated.”

"My children, My little humble children, I appeal to you as your Mother, go forward on foot, knock on the doors; bring the light to your brothers and sisters.  For those who have been given great grace, much is expected of them." - Our Lady of the Roses,  May 26, 1976

"As disciples of the latter days, My children, much shall be asked of you, but I assure you:  all that you give in faith and charity shall be returned to you threefold." - Jesus, June 1, 1978

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