Wednesday, May 1, 2013

More on Reincarnation

Reincarnation is true, but the Father said that knowledge of it is not necessary for salvation.
Blow is an excerpt from Book 1, of Visions and Prophecies
On Reincarnation
"Precious Child, it is I, Master Jesus. I come as you have summoned me from deep within your heart. Look around yourself and observe the flames of The Holy Spirit, and know that it is I, who commune with you through My Spirit.
Precious Child, You have been weary with heat from summer, and pain in the nerves of hips and legs. You are weary that many have hearts so closed to greater and deeper truths of The River. In sending these messages, you feel like you are shooting arrows in the darkness toward no certain destination."

"My Lord, this is so. I do wonder why reincarnation in not better explained in The Bible?"

"Child, at one time it was spoken of regularly, and most certainly known among all apostles. Yet, to know of reincarnation is not necessary for salvation. It is necessary for greater spiritual understanding. To know of one’s journey provides much, but does not guarantee anything.
I guarantee Eternal Life through my simple message, Child. Most all are infants. For this reason, I have kept my focus simple."

"Then, My Lord, why have you given me this to carry forth at this time? Many wish to discredit all Your teachings because you have sent me with this to carry forth."

"Child, it is more for your spiritual growth than theirs that you get this out now."

"I do not fully understand how this can help me, My Lord. But in all things I wish to edify you."

"Let it be known that many will follow you in this. Those, who reject all you say as they do not accept one part, lose. Do you see? They break their own backs because they will not bend. If you had refused to send as I directed, you would have cut off part of your legs, even your feet, which you need to stand. You do as told, and I will use you for bigger and greater things.
The child may not wish to do the laundry. But, as he does chores, he later learns to drive a car, graduates school and marries. If this child will not do as asked, punishment unfolds. You do not seek punishment, but to act as my voice, to do my will."

"Yes, My Lord, this is so."        

"On the other hand, those who reject that reincarnation is law or reject you or the rest of these messages lose. These messages, given to you, will not be fully appreciated until you are gone. Then, they will be priceless. Do not expect a large market. You will find interest here and there. After the war begins, these messages will go far and wide.
You are as Jeremiah bringing the wicked to reform: 1. They do not believe that they are wicked (a delusion); and 2. They are not worried about a punishing God, as they do not believe that there is a one.
I wish this fullness of My Gospel to come forth at this time. You need to be concerned only with doing as told. Write it and I will take care of the rest. Depend on me. Rely on my word. Rest in the truth of My Word. I bring the means to get these out. Rely on no one else. Be still and know that My Word is Truth.
I am Jesus. I am Jehovah, Most High God of Earth."
As witnessed, dictated and written this 3rd day of July, 1997.
Linda Newkirk
 go to: prophecies