Friday, April 12, 2013

“Soon, comes Victory!”

Let us be overcomers, overcome our own trials and testing for the reward is great, spend our eternity with the Almighty!

Book 12, Chapter 17
 “Soon, comes Victory!”

My Blessed Child, I am your Father Yahweh, yea Jehovah, Most High God! My Little One, take note of this day, of this time and of this season; for this time marks both the ending and the beginning of many things!  For, as you know, and as I have spoken, soon and very soon for you comes the ending of your forty months of severe persecution and yes, even much torture at the hands of Satan and his. 

How much longer will I require of you to be beneath his feet, so that your time of testing and trials may be complete?  My Little One, not long; for even as I told you in the spring of 2006 when amidst such severe persecution at the hands of Satan and his, I told you then that you should go to the Book of Ecclesiastes and read these words; for there is indeed a “time and a season” for all things. And, I could not have come for you then; for it was neither the time nor the season, and as you look back, My Child, you can also see the great gift to all of humanity that I have birthed through you! 

So, this spoken, My Child, know also that the time and the season wherein I will come for you is now!  It is soon, very soon!  So, be at peace in this; for your persecution at the hands of Satan and his will not continue for much longer.  Yes, they have done all in their power to kill you in any and all ways that they could concoct among themselves! And, truly, My Child, it is as I told you in the winter of 2005, that you are the Daughter of Zion, as is written in the Book of Micah, Chapter Four!

For, they have come from many nations, all working together, their “think tanks” operating twenty-four hours a day, seven days a week and they have all said, “Let us defile her!  Let us look upon her and defile her!  And, we will stop this thing from coming into the Earth!”  And, hoards after hoards of them, all from many nations, have come in their stealth and in their cunning, with their latest in space technology all given to them by Satan, and they have said, “We will defile her!  We will spoil this plot!  We will stop what Yahweh plans! We will bring an end to this!  We will traumatize her! We will kill her; and as she takes her last breath, the interdimensional portal will open and we will flee!  We are not grounded in the earth!  We will fly high again!  We will roam among the stars again!  We will sneak out and Yahweh and the hosts of the heavens will be powerless to stop us!  We are gods!  We have all of the power and this woman is a nobody!  She is nothing before us!  It is nothing for us to kill her, nothing for us to steal this new spiritual code!  We will stalk her! We will find her weak links and we will break her!  She is ours!  She is our prisoner!  We will never let her out of our sight and we will keep her filled up with wires, rods and implants! Then, we will know her every move!  We will know her every thought and this “baby” will not grow!  In her weakened state, we will steal this baby! We will steal this new spiritual DNA and we will be even greater than we are!”

And, so their conversations have gone from day to day as they have mounted up in their enthusiasm, My Child.  And, Satan, being full of pride and arrogance has been in your face almost constantly.  For, he has made quite a study of the new spiritual DNA and how it works and the strength and power of this new spiritual DNA, which is surely coming into humanity, and the power of this new spiritual DNA has astounded him!  It has worried him and frightened him; for the power as given to this new spiritual DNA surely surpasses what the fallen angels have!

And, from day to day his fears and his worries have mounted and his attempts to kill you any way that he can have escalated!  And, his schemes have become complex and bizarre, even as you wrote yesterday!  For, now My Child, he and his can see the handwriting on the wall; for they have all been weighed in the balances and they have all come up severely lacking!

My Little One, you have stayed the course. Even, amidst severe torture, you have not given up; but have been faithful to Me and you have loved Me in an even greater way!  May all read your accounts and may all learn from your trials, from your tests and from your suffering!  For, even and because of your great trials, My Little One, you have grown by leaps and bounds spiritually and soon, My Little One, very soon, I will come for you! And, worry not for these Little Ones, who are with you!  For, they, too, are in the palm of My hand!

My Little One, I know that you wonder how you will minister to the Lakotas, The Native Americans, who wait for you!  You will return to them as you left them!  For, I will give you a supernatural body and from time to time I will send you back into the Earth, where you will minister to many souls.  Some will see you in the clouds; and to some you will appear in their dreams, while to others, you will come and go in their midst at will!

My Little One, during these last, few, terrible years, I shall do many supernatural things for My people, all to keep them, to encourage them and to save them!

For now, write as I put it into your heart to write; but label this current chapter always the last chapter of Book Twelve, and it is Chapter Seventeen. For, this number has a special meaning to you, My Little One, as VICTORY, and VICTORY it shall soon be for you, a MIGHTY VICTORY!  For, you shall soon overcome!

Blessed is he, who overcomes; for great are My promises and mighty are My blessings for ALL OVERCOMERS!  I say that you shall overcome and soon, even as Elijah overcame and as he left, so shall you, My Little One! So, be of good cheer!  Type this and what I put into your heart to type after this chapter, and be at peace in all things.

I am your Father, Yahweh, yea Jehovah, Most High God!

As witnessed, dictated and recorded this 30th day of August, 2006,

Linda Newkirk
White Buffalo Calf Woman

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