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The NEW COVENANT of the Most High God with His people where animal sacrifice and other strict forms
of sacrifice are done away with, Focus is from external to external.
With the first coming of our SAVIOR Jesus, a New Way was given which
is love and obedience and not sacrifice.
Following is an excerpt from Book 1 of Mountain Prophecies from Linda Newkirk
Listen, My People, and receive My words; for this is a new day for My People. Long ago, I set among you tablets of stone, wherein I engraved My basic laws, which you have appropriately labelled as My Ten Commandments. Those original years were difficult years for all; for you had long been among the heathen and you had adopted the ways of the heathen. You could not bear the Spirit of God; for you, as My People, were full of darkness and of every kind of rebellion. Therein at that time, you were not ready to bear these commandments among you, and in the end you did not get your inheritance because of sustained and open rebellion.
In spite of the fact that these commandments were posted throughout the camp, you, as a people, disobeyed them. You rebelled against them to such a degree that you were cut off from proceeding forward in My works. In the end, the rebellious could not inherit what I had for them.
These commandments were at that time My Covenant with you and still they are in an intricate part of My Covenant with My People. But, even so, throughout the generations, you, as a people, have repeatedly rejected even these commandments; for you are still full of pride and rebellion the world over.
And, at that time also that you were brought out of
Yet, as time passed, you, as a people, continued on in your rebellion and even as you were carried forth, and even as you were blessed greatly, you continued to rebel until I scattered you all over the world. But, even so, I have always loved you and I have always remembered My original covenant with Abraham. And, because of My love for you, I have never forsaken you; for I am bound to you through My agreement with you. And, even in spite of your rebellion against Me, I have always reserved unto Myself certain ones, who have been faithful. They have been pure of heart and this has pleased me so.
At time passed on, I sent My Son, Yahshua, among you. He was the Ultimate Sacrifice for all of humanity. He agreed to come because of His great love for you; and I sent Him as well because of My great love for Him and for all of humanity. He brought the keys to your freedom and He brought a higher order to all things.
With Him, was given a
But, even so, this transition from external controls to internal controls has not been easy. And, many have rejected this way, preferring instead the harsh way of external controls. But, truly those, who insist on a harsh way of external controls have failed to master the most important message that My Son came to bring, and this is to love Me above all and to love one another. Yet, whether this most important message is heeded or missed does not change the veracity of this message and the fact that it is intricately tied to the truths that My Son imparted to all.
When one misses this important transition in the spiritual growth of all of humanity, such a one has missed the reason for My Son’s coming. For, truly He was sent as the Last, the Ultimate and Most Important Sacrifice ever, on the part of humanity.
The very thought that any among you would build a temple and begin to sacrifice animals is a sole indicator that these people, who are doing so, cannot know My Son. They cannot know Him. They do not know Him and they do not have My love in their hearts! Legalists will be legalists; but legalists do not operate within My parameters of love. They operate within the law and this exists outside the person.
Now, we come to the apparent contradiction, which many may be perceiving. Have I done away with the Ten Commandments No, I have not done away with them, for these commandments must be first imposed and obeyed by free will before one can understand love. Therefore, these commandments are very necessary for the orderly function of any group of people the world over; for, the very basis of the Ten Commandments is love toward Me and love and respect for self and others.
These commandments must first be imposed before they can be inculcated into the belief system and the behaviours of the people. So, I have not done away with these commandments at all; but even so I have also moved past them and into a whole, new arena with the birth of My Son and the importance of living in a state of My pure love.
Now, all that is seen here is spiritual progression. This is spiritual progression of a group of people and some of these are now at the point that they understand the great difference between external control and the convicting power of the Spirit of God. The spiritually discerning individual will be able to see the difference quite readily and will be able to see the important aspect in the spiritual progression of all of humanity.
But, at the same time, as you look around, you will see also a very rebellious people. The world over, My People are rebellious. They are proud. They are haughty. They do not obey My commandments and they do not love My Son, who came to set them all free. They do not want to be free! They live in sin and rebellion and they are happy in sin and rebellion. But, even so, and whether they can see it or not, a higher plan is in their midst.
This higher plan is available to all, who want it, and this plan is based on love and forgiveness. Love and forgiveness cannot be separated for they are one. And, herein is the dilemma. Within the Earth are many religions. These religions divide all of humanity and some of the worst dividers are the so-called “Christian” churches, wherein errant preachers teach another word. They teach another doctrine than this one, which was brought by My Son. So, here in this Earth is a great and chaotic mess of many people and many religions, many of which do great evil to people the world over. For, they are full of lies and they are full of every evil device.
But, even so, amidst all these great errors, My Son was sent and He brought a higher way, which is free to all, who would truly partake of it. Yet, the very refusal, or even inability to give up the old way has made this higher way inaccessible to the greatest numbers of people on the Earth. Nevertheless, the higher way is available, and those, who want this narrow, higher way above all people, places, or things, will find it.
Now, comes mankind to a critical juncture in its progression, wherein I have yet another covenant. This is a stricter way still. But, even so, I am making this known; for it is time for those to move up, who have come to love Me and put Me first and to love others, even as they love themselves. And, this concludes the first part, the introductory part of this Covenant.
(“My Child, we will stop for now and we will conclude this covenant today, or tomorrow, as you have the mental discipline. For, I see that you are tired. There will be three parts to this Covenant, so if possible, after you rest, come back today.”
“Yes, my Father.”)
Linda Newkirk
go to: prophecies
Book 1