Friday, October 29, 2010

Jesus' Messages Through Elisabeth Elijah on Communion, King James Bible

Below is an excerpt from the messages of our Lord through prophet Elisabeth Elijah
on communion, King James version of the Bible, Sabbath, Christians, Ichabod Christians, prayer, fogiveness, loving God second only to man's other desires.

So, MY Beloved Ones, this day I exposed a Judas. You will see Judas' come and go. Woe be unto those that follow the Judas' for yours shall be the same fate! Woe be unto anyone that says taking communion in remembrance of what MY SON YAHUSHUA paid, giving HIS Body and Blood for their sins, is cannibalism or vampirism! Woe! Woe! Woe! Woe! Woe! This is blasphemy, and the ultimate mockery of YAHUSHUA's sacrifice.

Since when! Since when! When you pray that you become one with YAHUSHUA mind, body, spirit and soul and ask forgiveness of your sins and HIS Blood washes you clean, since when is this evil? Who would dare to say such a lie?! Who would dare believe such a lie?! The RUACH ha KODESH/HOLY SPIRIT is not within them! You have head knowledge and not heart knowledge.

To you who say, ‘Communion is not important’, YAHUSHUA’s last words as HE sat with HIS disciples were, ‘This is MY Body, do this in Remembrance of ME.’ ( Mt. 26:26-28, Mk.14:22-24, Lk. 22: 17-20, 1 Cor. 11: 22-30) Since when is that a sin!? Who but satan would say such a thing!? Who would dare say such a thing!? This is the ultimate insult for you have mocked MY SON’s Blood! You have called evil what I called perfect! This is the ultimate insult and then you liars try to lead MY Prophet astray that I speak forth from, and tell others this lie. Communion is the ultimate weapon against satan and you have called this communion evil, and that which I have spoken forth as good, you call it evil?

I always send forth MY Prophets to speak MY Words. The Holy Scriptures were not spoken forth by man. It is no different than ME speaking forth out of this vessel of clay’s mouth now. It is I, YAHUVEH/YAHWEH, that put those Words in them to write. The pure Words were corrupted by various transcribers, and translators.

I warn you, do not rely only on the King James Version of the Bible for King James burns in hell. He took out books and words which he didn’t want to include just as surely as they’re doing today and say, ‘These Scriptures and Torah Laws apply no more. This does not line up with my idea of who God is. HE’s not supposed to curse. HE sent HIS only Begotten SON to pay the price at Calvary to suffer and die in my place, so now I can do anything I want, it doesn’t matter to GOD anymore. HE doesn’t care what I do because HE sent HIS only Begotten SON to pay the price. The Law was nailed on the cross, so I can do anything I want. The Forth Commandment I say, any day will do for the Sabbath, JESUS CHRIST, YAHUSHUA ha MASHIACH, said HE is LORD of the Sabbath, it no longer matters because they threw away that day.’

Liars! Liars! Liars! Do you think I would waste MY time to take MY own finger and inscribe on a tablet of stone and give it to Moses and defend the Israelites and command them to honor ME on the Sabbath Day by resting?! By resting?! Not by working but by resting?! Liars!

You who claim that you are Christian and put up these videos about why Christians, ‘no longer have to worry about the Sabbath, it doesn’t matter what day, it doesn’t matter, the Roman Catholic Church has changed it.’

Liars! If you do not repent you shall find yourself in the Lake of Fire! I’m not going to play games! The Great Tribulation, the Time of Jacob’s Trouble, is almost upon you, the time of lamenting, weeping, of great suffering, more than this world has ever known!

What do you think keeps hell burning? The flames only grow hotter! It is I,
YAHUVEH’s wrath, rage and fury!

When the Ichabod Christian churches stop preaching against sin such as abortion, fornication and same-sex marriages, when you allow sin behind the pulpit, when you let homosexuals preach behind the pulpits and brag about their sin, when you stopped rebuking the sinners, Ichabod was put on your doors and MY RUACH ha KODESH/HOLY SPIRIT was taken out of it! (1 Sam. 4:21)

You sing your songs and gather on Sunday and yet I am not there! Oh, some of MY People are there but MY true Presence, MY RUACH ha KODESH Anointing, it’s not welcomed there. You use your emotions and you get yourself all hyped up with songs but MY true Prophets are not allowed to speak.

They’ll repent for America but will they warn others of the sin they are in? It is a mockery. Do you want to know why the power of the the Anointing, is not as the First Church? Look and behold what I see. The stench is more than I, YAHUVEH/YAHWEH, can bear.

The heathen look at these so called Christians and say, ‘There’s no difference between you and me'. Elton John says, 'There’s no difference between you and me. I can rewrite the Scripture too. People say, ‘Throw out the Forth Commandment,’ so I can say, ‘JESUS CHRIST is gay,’ it’s no different.’

Look around the world. Some have put their faith in their jobs. Some love their jobs more than I, YAHUVEH/YAHWEH. Some put their faith in finances. They’re seeing their financial empires crumble before their eyes. Some put their faith in spouses and I am revealing things you’d rather not see. I am dividing and I will continue to divide anyone who contaminates MY Bride.

I am testing. The trials of your faith are more precious than gold. (1 Pet. 1:6-7) This is your trial, who do you love more?

For those not married, you weep, mourn and say, 'I must have a mate.' Who do you love more? You do not know what you ask. That is why I said I will not join unequally yoked marriages in these End Times. You can make all the excuses you want. The marriages I join together, they equally love ME, work for ME, obey MY SPIRIT and not their flesh. Those who are not married and weep and mourn, you do not know the blessing I give you. You do not have to be concerned pleasing anyone but I, YAHUVEH/YAHWEH.

I put light with light and the light only becomes brighter. It is not a struggle together when you put YAHUVEH/YAHWEH, YAHUSHUA and the RUACH ha KODESH first in your life and your love.

I had another prophet (Nehemiah, Neh. 13:23-30) literally curse and pull the men’s beards and slap them for being unequally yoked, so when the attacks come and yes, they will come, be as a Stephen, Holy Bride of YAHUSHUA ha MASHIACH, keep your eyes not focused on the boulders that will hit you, keep your eyes focused on YAHUSHUA. They stone you but are really stoning YAHUSHUA/JESUS and yes, I dare to speak to those who dare call themselves ‘Christians’ but I call them Ichabod Christians.

I had another prophet (Nehemiah, Neh. 13:23-30) literally curse and pull the men’s beards and slap them for being unequally yoked, so when the attacks come and yes, they will come, be as a Stephen, Holy Bride of YAHUSHUA ha MASHIACH, keep your eyes not focused on the boulders that will hit you, keep your eyes focused on YAHUSHUA. They stone you but are really stoning YAHUSHUA/JESUS and yes, I dare to speak to those who dare call themselves ‘Christians’ but I call them Ichabod Christians.