Sunday, October 24, 2010

Thailand Flooding Claimed 32 Lives

32 killed in Thai flooding

News Update
Oct 28

Death toll rises to 68 in Thailand floods Click here

We are harvesting the consequence of our sins. Elemental disasters have plagued the earth": flooding, earthquake, mudslides, hurricanes, cyclone.
Listen to the true God and His intercessors, the Blessed Virgin Mary, the Saints, and the messages sent through the prophets.

Messages from Our Lord Jesus and Our Lady

I have been sending My messengers in true righteousness all the way to their doorstep to announce My Return, but many of you did not believe them, and treated them as impostors, others would not come because they put honour from men before the honour that comes from Me; since I have invited you and you have refused Me, since I have beckoned and you do not want to take notice, since you have ignored all My supplications and rejected Love's offer, I shall fill up My House and give My Kingdom to the rejects of your society, to confuse you all; I shall give them back their sight and heal them; I shall open the Doors of My House wide open to let them in; tlig


"Your world is heading for a great catastrophe. Earthquakes will increase. Floods will increase. There will be much weeping and gnashing of teeth throughout the world as calamity upon calamity befalls mankind. And why? Because you do not listen to the Queen of Heaven." - St. Michael, November 1, 1985 tldm