Monday, September 27, 2010

Southern Iran Hit by 6.1 Quake

Southern Iran was hit by a 6.1 quake in the Richter scale, Monday.
Click here for the news

Is Iran also undergoing purification? Consider the destructive earthquakes that have visited the country:

1990 Manjil-Rudbar earthquake
Seven hundred villages were destroyed, 40,999 died and 500,000 people left homeless.

2003 Bam earthquake

The quake registered at 6.6.
Death is at 26,271, 30,000 injured.

Our Lord’s message:

"the earth is pining away in its apostasy, consumed in its iniquity, and its inhabitants are paying the penalty of its sins; famines, earthquakes and wars; whatever comes out of the earth returns back to earth .... cross, daughter, with Me this desert; I Am is with you; stay cheerful and in peace for I am with you;" tlig