Sunday, September 5, 2010

The Woodstock

The Woodstock

When the Woodstock became popular in the Philippines in 1969, I was two years out of college, and I was one of the fans. This was the time they called “flower power”, the proliferation of drugs. I think this was the time when morality has gone down, me included.

People were enamored with something new, going out of the traditional.
Looking back, rock and roll plus the drugs greatly influenced the people: the young, the malleable ones, even the not so young who were beset by problems, taking drugs as an escape.

Are we delivered from that time which I consider dark moments. Do we want to remember that moments by celebrating this group? Are we after entertainment or we after profits?

We are answerable to God if we lead people away from Him.

I would like to recall the prophecy of Sherri Elijah on rock and roll:

Remember whatever, whomever you love the most is the God you serve. Mick Jagger the world embraces and applauds, yet he serves another god. The god of evil and though I have allowed the fame and fortune, this is all he will ever know for he sold his soul to hell long ago. Now he only seeks to take others where he is going. So many rock stars as they are called, even this name satan mocks me for he knows there is but one Living Rock and it is I your Lord YAHUSHUA ha MASHIACH. Know this; rock music is not of the Living Rock! Rock stars have not the spirit of the living rock. They have sold their souls for fame and fortune. Made pacts with the devil that I could easily break and I do many times. Yet they can still repent, turn away, and wash them in MY shed Blood of Calvary.

Entertainers, you have sold your souls. You are paid to curse all that is holy and MY Name for mere worldly fame and fortune. Yet you cannot buy your way into Heaven. The rich and famous of this world are not the rich and famous in Almighty God YAHUVEH's eyes. You are paupers, yet you know it not. You are starving for the Bread of Life, yet you know it not. You are dying of thirst for the Living Water, yet you know it not. You are naked, and have no covering, yet you know it not. You are heading for hell, and you know it not. You are rich in worldly possessions, yet paupers in spiritual gifts. Your money cannot buy what I have given MY Children freely. MY Children serve ME, and put me first in their lives, live holy for ME, and witness for ME, suffer for MY Namesake. MY Children tithe, give offerings to support the work I have commanded other ministers to do, using holy tithes and offerings.

for the full text and video on the prophecy, go to: