April 24, 2016
The Lord bless you Heartdwellers with
a teachable spirit and open hearts. I, just like everyone else have
been struggling with what looks like a word on timing that is
difficult to reconcile with what I believe Jesus has told us.
The only exception that could qualify
it is when the Lord last brought the subject up He said, "Minutes,
minute by minute." Since then I've gotten numerous people
declaring I said this and I said that. One in particular said "She
told us the day the Dome of the Rock was bombed would be the day of
the Rapture." No, that's not what I said. You misunderstood. I
said the day Miami was bombed. The Lord told me, "When you see
the bombing of the Dome of the Rock, drop to your knees. That's the
beginning of WW3." So that clarified, let's move on.
It has deeply troubled me that there
is still no sign of the Lord's coming according to what He has told
me. I had a very heavy burden for it all day today. So, when I came
into prayer, I was aching inside and I felt the Lord was going to
speak to me about this very topic. And He did! Here's what
Lord, what am I to tell them? I am
responsible before You for every word and I am not feeling the
urgency. There is again a lull in my sense of imminence of you coming
for us. Please, what am I to tell them?
Tell them to stop
praying for their relatives. Tell them to stop praying for their
country. Tell them to stop praying for the world. Then I will come
much sooner.
There He's quoting 2 Chronicles 7:14
"...if my people, who are called by my name, will humble
themselves and pray and seek my face and turn from their wicked ways,
then I will hear from heaven, and I will forgive their sin and will
heal their land."
He continued, "It's
just that simple as that, Clare. If you are in such a hurry to be
raptured, then stop praying."
Lord the way I see it, forgive me if
I'm wrong, there are three kinds of believers: The
"weary-in-well-doing," the bridesmaids that fell asleep,
but are still waiting for your return. Then, the "true lovers,"
who also are waiting and longing, but are doing all in their power to
bring all mankind to You. Their lamps are still full. They are the
ones who are holding back the Rapture, even though they look like the
ones who can't wait anymore. And finally, those who have been born
again, but are busy in the world and don't want to hear about Your
coming. Is this your thinking or mine?
"It is Mine. I have
put these thoughts in your mind, so I could help you see where you
stand before Me.
"The ones who are
anxious and in a hurry for Me to come have not conquered their flesh
yet. They are wavering, growing weary and even falling asleep. Their
lamps are empty. They react badly when I am delayed, to the point of
wanting to give up and fall in with the rest of the world. Not at all
concerned about the lost, they do not see. Yes, they give lip service
and pray, but they'd rather be raptured now than suffer any more for
the sake of the millions who are yet unsaved. They do not see as I
see, think as I think, nor feel as I feel. Many on our channel are
this way, My Bride. My Brides, I love you, but you must see
yourselves in My mirror if what is left of your life is truly an
offering to Me.
"The ones who are
in the forefront of ministry, working hard while the day yet dawns,
they are My Lovers. They are the very ones who will be Raptured, even
against their will on a certain level. They are so in love with Me
and dedicated to My agenda that they pray for the nation and the
world, EXPECTING Me to hear them and grant leniency and mercy. These
are the ones I am eager to have with Me in Heaven. They are the
Bridesmaids with lamps full of oil.
"Then there are
what I call the worldly and truly backslidden Christians who do what
is convenient. They support missions, give to ministries and lead the
'good' life, enjoying certain aspects of the world. They, too, pray -
but when push comes to shove, they will bail out or snap to. They are
not well acquainted with suffering, not on the same scale as the
Lovers are.
"Now I will address
the readings you got for your service."
I had a communion service just before
I came into prayer.
Before I share that with you dear
ones, I want to tell you about the service James, the brother of
Jesus, established around 50 AD. Many of the liturgical churches use
this form in the present day. I love it because it gives readings
from the Psalms, the Letters, the Old Testament, and the New. The
form that it comes in is called a missal and I use the one for
Sunday, because it has more readings. I use it for a Rhema. I have
rarely gotten a service that was not a direct Rhema to my situation
with all these different readings backing it up. So, lately I've been
taking readings from this missal at random, according to Holy
Spirit's choosing. So, now I will proceed with the Lord explaining
them to us.
"The first reading. Lord, where
do You want to start?"
Peter: But do not forget this one thing, dear friends: WITH
"Stop here,"
Jesus said, "Yes, in Heaven
time is altogether different.
But when I speak to you, I speak of Earth time because that is what
you live and understand. I do not speak to you in the heavenly
concept of time.
The Lord is not slow in keeping his
promise, as some understand slowness. Instead he is patient with you,
not wanting anyone to perish, but everyone to come to repentance.
2Peter 3:9
Jesus began again, "You look at
Me and pray, 'Lord have mercy on my family.' Am I a deaf idol or do I
respond by granting mercy??
"You pray the divine
Mercy Chaplet; am I again as one who cannot hear???
"Those who
continually say My mercy is at an end, are wrong. My mercy is
everlasting from age to age."
And then He quickened this Scripture
to me: The steadfast love of the LORD never ceases; his mercies
never come to an end; they are new every morning; great is your
faithfulness. Lamentations 3:23
"My people, you
must take into consideration that My heart is pure gold, pure love,
pure good. I abhor judgment. I hate having to mete out judgment. You
have no way to reckon the pain I suffer at judgment. The murder of
innocent children, pregnant women, young children... you have no idea
what it costs me to mete out judgment.
it shouldn't surprise you that I am anxious to answer prayers for
mercy. Have I not been telling you to pray? Have you not been praying
for the unsaved and your families?
"So, I ask you to
pray, you pray and I ignore you??? Is that the kind of God you
suppose I am?
"What did Jonah do
when the people were not slain in My anger? Are you not just like
him? You prophesied judgment and I relented because they
repented...now you want to lay down and die? Are you not all just
like Jonah??
"I chide you, My
Bride. I am not condemning you, I am drawing your attention to what
is lacking before the saints in Heaven. They see this lack and they
pray for mercy for you.
"And by the way, this
knee-jerk reaction you have to anyone in Heaven praying for you comes
from the enemy...it is pure nonsense. Literally. Shall not those in
union with Me weep when I weep, rejoice when I rejoice, pray when I
pray??? You ask your friends to pray for you, but the cloud watching
your every move...they can't? As I said - this is senseless.
CHURCH ABUSED THIS UNDERSTANDING, does that make it invalid? They
abused baptism and marriage as well, charging money for it. So, do
you abandon baptism and marriage too? I do not wish to go any deeper
with this. Seek Me and I will show you the truth.
In the meantime, those in Heaven and Earth and all creation are
groaning on your behalf.
He quickened this Scripture to me
from Romans 8: For we know that the whole creation groans and
suffers the pains of childbirth together until now. And not only
this, but also we ourselves, having the first fruits of the Spirit,
even we ourselves groan within ourselves, waiting eagerly for our
adoption as sons, the redemption of our body....Romans 8:22-23
Jesus continued, "Yes,
creation groans, just as you groan. Weary of the corruption of this
"Now, you ask Me
when, and I cannot tell you that until the Father reveals it to Me. I
have chosen to stand behind the Scriptures. I can tell you other
things that will happen on that day, but I cannot name the day. It is
being kept from Me. I did tell you that a date had been set, but then
I was given more time to gather and I told you time was being
extended in very tiny increments. Then I clarified that and said the
tiny increments were minute-to-minute. So, time is being extended
"Do you know what
I'd do....if I were living on Earth? I would say, 'Do you know what I
do first thing in the morning? I thank the Father for yet another
minute to redeem souls. One more minute. I thank Him and I set My
sights on those who are beginning to respond. That's what I do.'
"So, how do I feel
about those who are eager for the Rapture? I am happy they are eager
to see Me and be relieved of their suffering, which is only natural.
"And those who are
about My business, pressing in? They make Me cry for joy. Why, you
say? Because their hearts are one with Mine, and they comfort Me with
their love for their brother.
"Which brings me to
this: they are the Early Church at Philadelphia. Yes, they are the
ones I have promised redemption and deliverance from the evil days
that are to befall this Earth. My people, either you are for Me or
against Me. Either you are listening and responding to My pain and
ignoring yours, or you are complaining of the very things that will
bring you the most merit and glory in Heaven. And joy to Me.
"My children, I hear
every voice - do you understand?? I hear the voice of the unborn
child in the womb. I hear the voice of the aged afflicted with
Alzheimer's. Yes. They, too, have a voice. And I hear every voice in
between. How, then, do I justify crushing the needy in their anguish?
Shall I not long for Mercy from My Father for these? I say these
things just to acquaint you with My dilemma, not to condemn you. I
want your hearts to correspond with Mine.
"Do you know this
world should have been thrown into confusion, chaos and war a long
time ago?? Yes, a LONG time ago. Do you know many of you weren't as
yet saved? Oh, shudder where you stand, you were Hell bound. And now
am I to abandon those just like you to the Abyss??
"I will not. And I
want you on MY side, on My Father's side. Yes, listen up My people,
GET MY HEART for the lost and stop tempting your God with judgment on
these. Prove to Me that you are My true spouse, that all that matters
to you is what matters to Me. Do you know all of Heaven is united to
Me in desire and prayer? Well, it is.
"So, this is what I am
doing. For all of you. And this even benefits the lukewarm, and gives
them a little time to wake up. I am giving you joyous things to do
for Me. Things you were born to do, I am giving you. I am bringing
out your talents so that you won't grow bored and weary but will
press in and blossom. You may very well get picked from this earthly
garden before you blossom. Such is the nature of timing. However, you
will be in the process of blossoming. You will not be sitting beside
the road steeped in self-pity and bemoaning your sufferings here. No,
you will be rising up to take the Kingdom by storm, with the
particular attributes I have endowed you with.
"Yes! You will be
productive, IF you obey Me. I want you to forget earthly time,
because I still do not know the day or the hour and I don't want to
look down on a dour bride bemoaning My delay. It is not in My hands.
Do you understand? It is in the Father's hands, and in the meantime,
I must appease My Bride and get her to focus on the good yet to be
done. So you see (I hope you see) I am bending over backwards to
bring joy to your lives in these circumstances. Yes, I am pouring it
on. Ask and you shall receive. Some of you still have not pressed in
far enough to know what it is you can or should be doing. Until that
is revealed to you, do whatever your hand finds to do to bring Me to
"I will lead you by
necessity. I will bring needs to your attention. Be sensitive and
respond. You do not know how I will write straight with crooked
lines. Just be obedient and do whatever your hand finds to do to make
me real to others. By your obedience, I will lead you.
"Alright, now we come
to the crux of the situation. And for this I want you to listen very
And He quoted 2Peter 3:10"But
the day of the Lord will come like a thief."
"Now. Have you ever
been robbed? Were you expecting it??
"Right. You were not,
it was a surprise. This is just a microscopic scenario of what will
"Suzanne is busy at
the nursing home. She works there, but also volunteers. She has just
organized a musical presentation about Heaven for the senior citizens
and is in the middle of getting props together with other volunteers.
All of a sudden, she hears the sound of the trumpet and the Earth
begins to shake. Immediately, she knows what it is, and she looks up
at me and says, "Now? I was just......" but before the word
of complaint can escape her mouth, she is taken up into My waiting
"Across town, Alex has
just begun a bible study in the park. This is his third week. He
hesitated to do this for so long, but because He heard that I wanted
him to press in, he went forward with it. So, here he is with a group
of homeless men who are really beginning to enjoy the simple
teachings and gracious meals he's been bringing to them. They are
seeing the gospel in action. All of a sudden, they hear a roar in the
skies and hear trumpets blazing!! Alex looks up at Me and says, "But
Lord, I'm just beginning!"
"Two towns away, Lisa
has just been abandoned by her husband because of her faith. She has
three little ones to take care of on her own now. She's being put up
by some friends from the church and at long last polishing up some
songs she wrote and learning how to play them and sing. This coming
Sunday will be her debut - she's been invited to sing one of her
songs to Me, in church. A deafening roar penetrates the house. The
children who were napping are all waking up. 'Mom, what's happening?'
She puts her guitar down, runs to the window and there I am 'Now,
Lord? I just mastered this song....' she begins. But before she could
finish, she's taken up with Me and her children.
"Ethel is organizing a
bazaar to help with the medical expenses of a child with cancer. The
church is packed with donations and she's just organizing and
labeling them with her two volunteers. All of a sudden, she hears the
roar and trumpets blazing as well. Her mouth drops open as she's
taken up to meet Me in the clouds.
"Now, for all of you
naysayers. Don't write in to this channel, talking about how Miami
has to happen first. I've established that. I'm speaking to you here
about principles, not details."
Then the Lord quoted another
Scripture, Luke 12:40. "The Son of Man is coming at an hour
you do not expect"
He continued, "Do
you all get the point? Have I made Myself clear? Whatever you see
before you that needs to be done, do it! For Love of Me and your
brother and you will be joyously surprised in the midst of it. You
won't be expecting Me. Just as the Scripture says, you will be taken
by surprise!
"Why do you suppose I
put it that way?"
And then He brought to mind: "...make
every effort to be found spotless, blameless and at peace with him.
Bear in mind that our Lord's patience means salvation, just as our
dear brother Paul also wrote you with the wisdom that God gave him. 2
Peter 1:5
"And for My final word
to you, I knew this was going to happen. I knew it, I wrote it, and
it's been passed onto you."
"The bridegroom was
delayed a long time, they all became drowsy and fell asleep."
Matt 25:5
"He was delayed a long
time because He was on a search and rescue mission and just when He
thought the last one was found, more started coming up out of the
crevices of the mountain, running towards Him. What was He to do?
Keep on going or stop and pick up the tender lambs in His arms, and
bring them home.
"You see, the world
does not revolve around you. It revolves around the ones who still
have not been found. I am not in the position to call the question.
The Father IS. And when He sees fit, I will get the call to come get
you. Until then I am busy about My Father's business, and I am asking
you to be as well, My Bride.
"Eternity is assured
to you, but for many there is no hope. Remember, the Shepherd left
the 99 and went after the one, and you must do likewise. As you are
lifting this precious one in your arms, the trumpet will sound, and
you, too, will look up into the skies and ask, 'Now Lord? but..'
"Know for a certainty,
that every time I am teaching you, I am imparting the graces to move
on that teaching. To correspond and set your hand to the plow. Even
now, I am showering you with the graces to turn your hearts around
and wrap them around Mine. I love you, My Bride. We are going to do
this together. And on that day you will look at Me and declare,
'Lord, I'm so happy you delayed your coming. Look at these I have
brought you for a wedding present.'"