Tuesday, July 20, 2010

Two Pinays killed in Kuwait

Are you an OFW, do you plan to work overseas, or do you plan to marry a foreigner?

In the Philippines, most Filipinos, if they want to achieve something, they do a novena asking for help from their favorite saints. If someone wants to go abroad, they petition that they be helped by God through the intercession of a particular saint. Sometimes the petition is granted, sometimes, not.

There may be reasons why God does not grant the petition, like the petitioner would encounter trouble in the foreign country, that they would find an inhuman employer or if they marry a guy in the foreign country, they would meet an untoward event.

When you marry someone from another country, remember that you have different customs and traditions. An action may be all right locally, but when you go to another country, it may be considered taboo.

If you want something, always discern what God wants for you. How? Petition through novena, or Bible cutting.

Two Pinays were killed in two separate incidents in Kuwait, one by her employer, and another one by her own Egyptian husband.

For the news on the two Pinays, go to


In whatever we do, always ask God’s help. He likes it when we acknowledge Him and rely not on our strength, but His!