Friday, January 24, 2014

Indicator of High LDL, High Triglyceride, Oxidized Cholesterol

This is an opener for what we have long been misled.

  • High triglyceride is dangerous, It is an indication of too much glucose (from consumption of sugar and carbohydrate) and it is stored in the body as fat.Too much glucose damages the artery.

  •  High LDL is life saving, it tells us of  inflammation in the body. It patches the holes/inflammation that causes internal bleeding in the artery.
       We will not have cholesterol in our arteries if you do not 
        have pre existing inflammation.

  • Cholesterol is good but it turns into bad when damaged or oxidized by heat or light, or by oxygen. Processing food and frying under intense heat also damage cholesterol.

  • If you use statin drug, the liver will stop producing cholesterol. In addition, if the body has inflammation, and there is internal bleeding, the body will source cholesterol from the brain. Side effect of statin drug is cognitive impairment, or memory loss that will lead to dementia.

From  the video of  Lindsay Zywiciel.
 Go to the video here.