Saturday, September 24, 2011

The Unloved Russia

God will resurrect Russia, the unloved.

"O Russia! mere creature of flesh! evil coiled in your very womb, creature of mere dust and ashes, I, the Most High, shall resurrect you, for I am the Resurrection; I shall nurse you back to Life and I shall, with My Finger upon you, transfigure you into a glorious nation as I was transfigured; you shall be majestically dressed in dazzling white robes and all Heaven shall thrust away Its mourning garments and Heaven's bitter Tears shall turn into joyful tears; all Heaven will celebrate your Resurrection and all the martyr-saints who prayed without ceasing by the Feet of your Holy Mother for Her intercession, shall in this day too, together with My Mother and Her innumerable holy angels, all descend in your children's homes and make their home together with them; I then shall feed them My Body and offer them My Blood to drink;"

GO to tlig for more