Monday, September 26, 2011

Forever Young in Heaven

Once in Heaven, infirmities are lost, becomes youthful, full of vigor, no more pain or sorrow. Rev Elwood Scott's testimony:

Some that I had known in the earth as old men now seemed young and the very picture of health and enjoyment.  The angels also were clothed with youthful appearance and vigor.  I said to one of them: "How is it that lapse of years does not make its mark upon you here?" "Oh," said the angel, "one day here is as a thousand years of an earthly existence.  No one ever grows older in appearance or feelings in this world.  We are undying and un-decaying.  We are clothed only with immortality.  No one ever feels a pain or knows a sorrow here."

Go to Chap 8, Just Outside the City Walls for more